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Basketball fans have their TV-meets-knitting situation all sorted out for the next few weeks. The rest of us, however, might be interested in a more fiber-forward bracket.

Michelle Jaworski over at Knit(ting) Flicks has done some heavy lifting to assemble the competition all knitters need in March. Meet Knit Madness.

Rather than dividing the teams up by region, Jaworski’s four quadrants are each a type of sweater (Cabled, Colorwork, Cardigan, and Texture). Each garment comes from a movie or television show. Like, say, the blue sweater from The Devil Wears Prada or the chunky aran from Love Story as seen above.

Seeds were determined by Rotten Tomato score (mostly) with some other data points (is there a published pattern, etc?) factored in.

Readers can vote on each pairing. By the end of March, we will know who our 2025 champion will be. Will the winner be a Christmas Jumper from Bridget Jones’s Diary or the star-studded intarsia number from Coraline? Or a dark (knitted) horse from Poker Face or The Big Lebowski?

If you’re of a mind, you could totally knit to any one (or two or twelve) of these sweater-heavy flicks and shows. Or take on all 64!

And while we don’t condone wagers, who do you think will win the whole enchilada?

About The Author

Adrienne Martini, the author of Somebody’s Gotta Do It, would love to talk with you about the importance of running for elected office or about all of the drama of holding a seat on the Board of Representatives in Otsego County, New York. Adrienne has a newsletter, too.

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  • I remember when MDK did this every March for patterns from the past year. Bring it back!! I miss it!!

    • What about all the beautiful sweaters on Dark Winds. The women wear beautiful handknit sweaters

    • I’m guessing it was set aside for the busy-ness of Nash Yarn Fest (or maybe it had just run its course), but I miss it. It was silly fun. And even though I’m two or three plane rides away from Nashville, I could always participate.

    • Oh how I miss that too. It was so much fun!

      • I loved the pattern March Madness!!!!

    • I’m sure that was a lot of work, but it was SO MUCH FUN, and I miss it, too!!! MDK, please consider bringing back the pattern brackets for next year’s March Madness fun. Please?!?

      • i second, bring back the MDK March Madness, please!

  • What a hoot! This is fun!

  • I am new to this whole Knit Madness thing and I love it! I was not a sports person growing up so I think this is hilarious.

  • You just sent me down the deepest rabbit hole I’ve been for a while- but no regrets! Thank you!

  • I missed the first few days but played along. What fun, although I chose the less popular sweater in several of the matchups. Looking forward to following along!

  • This is fantastic, thank you! I just went down this rabbit hole for an hour and I don’t regret a second of it:)

  • Brilliant

  • How fun! I will have to vote.

  • Thanks for this—Mystery/detective
    shows set in Scotland are rich in beautiful knitwear—perhaps the brackets will be extended to TV in the future. I miss the MDK March Madness brackets, too. Also the April 1 nonsense posts that last appeared years ago. Ah me, it’s hard sometimes to move forward….

  • I love this so much!! I’m already working on (translation: bought yarn for) a When Harry Met Sally sweater for my future son-in-law.

    But where is Don’t Look Up? I can only assume Adrienne has not seen it. Every knit Jennifer Lawrence wears is better than the last. And they were all thrifted!!!

  • Oh, yeah—bring back the brackets!

  • Are we talking patterns from movies? (It is early.) But if yes, I want the pattern of the white cable sweater worn by Cameron Diaz in The Holiday. It is devine!

  • Fun! But I was surprised Jennifer Lawrence’s colorwork sweater from Don’t Look Up wasn’t included.

  • Love this! My friend and I would clink glasses when I would yell “Knitwear Alert!” during Gilmore Girls. I wonder if there is a guide to knitwear in that show.

    • It’s not exactly a guide to the knitwear in the show, but there is a book, Gilmore Girls: The Official Knitting Book, by Tanis Gray. (I was the copyeditor!)

  • So clever and fun! Thanks!
    Btw, this has nothing to do with knitting, but the short series titled Adolescence is brilliant. It’s intense, though. But brilliant writing, amazing acting (especially for the kid protagonist!!), and the camera work is inspirational. If you like screen stuff as art, this is for you.

  • I also miss the MDK March Madness, even though I realize how much work that was. It was such a great introduction to designers and patterns each year.
    And, while not on the big screen, I am currently enjoying spotting all of the knitwear in “All Creatures Great and Small” — the new series.
    By the way, someone commented in another post a few weeks ago about the Knitathon for Food ( which is taking place on April 5th. I’m so glad I spotted that comment and have signed up with my LYS. I’m not sure I can knit for half a day, but it will certainly move me along on my Welcome Blanket project (

  • I’m with everyone else. Loved that MDK March Madness. Miss it. Ann and Kay, know you girls are busy but please…..

  • There are beautiful hand knits on almost every episode of PBS and Masterpiece’s “All Creatures Great and Small.”

  • What a clever and creative use of the brackets!

  • This is fun! For my money, the movie Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman has the best sweaters ever, and there are a lot of them.

  • Speaking of Coraline! This article talks about Althea Crome who knit the teeny clothes and there’s even a video showing how she did it!'s%20Althea%20Crome%2C%20a%20fiber,Creator%E2%80%9D%20in%20the%20film's%20credits.

  • Don’t leave out the sweaters worn on The Equalizer and Will Trent. Gorgeous. I wonder who is making them.

  • The screen colors make it impossible to read the text. If this continues I will take my name off.

  • I was just coming over to see the bracket competition this year. So sad not to find it. I know they were tons of work looking at the patterns from the past year and checking the nominations but I always found gems that I otherwise wouldn’t have seen. It’s so easy to miss new releases with so many patterns out there. The hard work of narrowing them down was always much appreciated. I deliberately followed several designers because I saw their designs in the March brackets here, and didn’t want to miss whatever else they create

  • Yes, yes, yes!! Please bring back MDK March Madness!!

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