LeVar Burton Reads

Dear Ann,
Did you know it’s Fiberuary? That’s an instagram hashtag started by @creativececi. (Check it out at #fiberuarychallenge.)
For every day of the month of February, there’s a prompt for fiber enthusiasts to use as a theme for a photo and caption that share something about themselves.
Well. Day 5 was “one podcast I love.”
Always on the hunt for a good Knit to This, I sat up and paid attention.
Day 5 did not disappoint. Thanks to Jen Geigley’s response to this prompt, I now have a new favorite podcast with more than 18 months of back episodes to entertain me.
It’s LeVar Burton Reads. Every week, LeVar Burton reads a short story. Right in your ears. Scrolling through the list, I realized that most of the authors, and virtually all of the stories, are completely new to me. Many of them are science fiction, a genre that LeVar Burton apparently loves a lot.
It’s just amazing. The episodes are fairly short, around 30-50 minutes or so, great for a knitting break.
I dived in and picked my first story: Episode 36: “Morning Child” by Gardner Dozois. It was fantastic.
Up top is Episode 6. “Graham Greene” by Percival Everett.
With the help of LeVar Burton, I am going to get this sweater done by the 28th.
LaVar read for Reading Rainbow, a PBS program I watched with my kids. As a Sci Fi fan myself, I look forward to hearing these stories from a familiar voice. Thanks for sharing!
I just went and subscribed and listened to Episode 1. I was able to rip out a tedious row of colorwork and begin the row again. Thank you for this stellar recommendation. I look forward to listening to LeVar Burton Reads again and again.
This sounds like a wonderful podcast. I have a category to fall asleep to, others too interesting and they keep me awake. Where will this fall….
I think there was a segment on Studio 360? or something on WNYC about Burton and his love of reading, and promoting reading …his enthusiasm was wonderful. I loved watching “Reading Rainbow” with my kids (though Bill Nye the Science Giuy and Ms. Frizzle were bigger draws, my Eldest is a constant reader).
I’m not an audiobook person, however; though I do keep trying. I prefer to hear the voices ‘in my head’ as I read. But Youngest is … I will forward this to him! Thanks.
I loved the story. I am going to look up the author for more stories. Thank you once again
It’s bright and early in the morning. Between the sound of Scott Simon’s voice, knitting while still in my pajamas and now being reminded of how I enjoyed listening to Reading Rainbow , it’s going to be a great day! Thanks for the suggestion
Wow! He’s one of those handsome men who achieves full glory when he turns gray, isn’t he? … What, that wasn’t the point of the post? Sorry. signed, Shallow
Exactly my guest reaction. He’s gorgeous!
Damnit. FIRST!
Today is Levar Burton’s birthday. My daughter introduced me to Levar Burton Reads and I love it!
His voice is amazing and the choices he makes are so interesting and inspiring. Last year someone told us about his podcast as we were looking after our mom in home hospice. She loved his voice and asked us to play his stories, some of them prompted great discussions. I’m very thankful.
That’s lovely.
Of course he loves sci fi! Every Trekkie knows him as Lt. Cmdr. La Forge. Thanks for the recommendation. Will enjoy listening.
Yes please.
This is one of my go to podcasts for knitting in bed. It’s like knitting and a bedtime story all rolled into one!
OHHHHHHH , I’ve been looking for something new to listen while knitting in bed. I usually do audible books but I can’t wait to try this podcast.