Knit to This
Knit to This: The Marvelous Mrs Maisel

When the pandemic first revved up back in 1874 (or whenever it was) and we all had to sit in our houses and stare malevolently at the people we had unwisely decided to get locked down with, the person in my life I was jealous of the most was the one who told me that she had never seen any episodes of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel and that’s how she was going to pass the time until it was safe to go do stuff again: binge the whole thing.
I couldn’t get over how lucky she was, that she had three whole seasons of Mrs Maisel to luxuriate in and then ta-da, this thing would be over and she could hit the virus-free streets expressing herself with all the new capes and pillbox hats she’d been inspired to purchase via Etsy.
Well. It didn’t quite work out that way, and I regret to inform you that while she did inhale every glorious episode of TMM, she followed it up with Tiger King, which of course wiped her brain pan clean. Doesn’t that seem like forever ago, Tiger King? Can you believe that the last time Mrs Maisel had a new episode, we were all frolicking and gamboling about, insouciantly displaying the lower halves of our faces willy-nilly to the entire world?
Anyway, things have changed, sigh. But I was thrilled to tell my friend that Mrs Maisel is back with Season Four—two episodes every Friday on Amazon Prime. I mean … she has to start at the beginning again of course, because, uh, see the Tiger King thing I just said.
I’m excited about this new season because I thiiiiink the show has figured out that Midge isn’t quite the hero of the story—I think it’s really Susie—and I like that the latter part of Season Three really leaned into making Midge borderline unlikeable. I’m hoping the show has the nerve and will to follow through on that—but even if it doesn’t, it’s still a tremendous pleasure to watch, and there ain’t much else like it on television right now.
Hard agree on this excellent analysis. Let’s build up Susie and get real about Midge. Of course this will require Susie to make Midge fabulously successful, so there’s that. I can’t wait to tune in.
Hi DG, as always another fun column. Unfortunately, we don’t have Amazon Prime.I hear so much good about this program, and others on viewing platforms we don’t have. Sigh. But at least I can experience them vicariously through you!
I still have this on my list. I also haven’t seen any episodes. Maybe it is time for me to try!
Love Miss Maisel. And your columns! Keep ’em comin’!
Excellent use of “insouciantly.”
I agree to all the above!
Hmm….my binge watching has been Barefoot Contessa and Beat Bobby Flay, and of course Bridgerton. I guess I should at least try to expand my horizons
I binged watched it when I had covid and was so excited season 4 is finally here!
If I ever wondered if DG was a kindred spirit (OK, I never doubted it for a moment), I wonder no longer. One can wait for weeks to find the perfect use for “gambol,” never mind “insouciant.” But in the SAME SENTENCE? You are the master, Mr. Strong. And of course, we’ve been on tenterhooks for Maisel 4 over here in Chicago. Thanks for the incomparable introduction. PS Agreed on Susie.
Agreeing all the way!
Ya’ gotta love the show!
I no-kidding luv Susie and agree. Abe is such a joy to watch as he is pulled along!
Everything about life sounds so much better and funnier when DG Strong writes about it.
Susie. Is. The. Protagonist!
I have been waiting for season 4. I can’t decide whether to watch it each week or wait until they have all dropped and binge watch it!
Anyone else wondering what role Milo Ventimiglia’s character will play?
You’re my hero. I finished Season 3 of Succession (toxic masculinity) and did the first (and only so far) season of Yellowjackets (toxic femininity) and was dying for something a bit, how would you say, lighter. I thought Midge and Susie were coming back next weekend so you can imagine my surprise when I read your post. I’m getting out a vintage evening bag and a pair of gloves (perhaps a hankie) to jump right back into the days of Cherries in the Snow lipstick tomorrow morning. I might even make a brisket.
My chuckle for the day. THANKS!
Love Susie. Midge’s mother is a riot, I love it when she had her meltdown on the street in the prior season. Yes, Susie is more interesting and wish that her character is made the protagonist.
By the way, I credit the success of Tiger King on it being the only thing that was crazier the what was going on in the world when it came out. Call it schadenfreude but when I was locked in my house and singing happy birthday for hours while I washed my hands down to the bones, the thought that kept me from going bat sh&t crazy was, “Hey, at least I’m not Carole Baskin.”