Roxane Gay’s Book Club

Dear Ann,
Here’s something new and interesting. Author Roxane Gay is hosting a book club on YouTube. From following her on Twitter, I know that Gay reads widely, thinks deeply, and speaks tartly. It will be fascinating to follow the books she chooses, and hear what she and her guest readers have to say about them.
The first installment, up top, is a discussion of The Nickel Boys, a new novel by Colson Whitehead.
If you want to add another level of Knit to This to the experience, listen to the audiobook while you knit!
Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions and for the MDK community that you have created. I always look forward to what’s next. I love listening to books while knitting and now look forward to this book club. Thanks again for all the effort you continue to put into everything.
Thanks for this! Roxanne Gay is new to me; I’ll be the one trolling the audiobooks for one of her titles. I got partway through Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad and had to stop but only because of my own bout of depression and grief. He’s an excellent writer and I’ll go back to it when things are a little rosier in my head.
MDK’s recommendations enrich my life. Thank you.
I really like Roxanne Gay, but the subject of the book, The Nickel Boys, is really difficult! Not sure I could knit to it.
It’s interesting to notice the white woman’s perplexity when the group (otherwise people of color, though maybe not the black-haired woman) is discussing the one-dimensionality of the black woman characters in the book. They get it how thinly portrayed many black women are in literature; whereas the white woman doesn’t see that. I wonder how much I (a straight white woman) miss in books because that’s not my lived experience.
Thanks much for this! I just started The Nickel Boys so will probably save this to watch when I’ve finished it. I have enjoyed Roxane Gay’s writing and look forward to this.
My computer is acting up but when you posted McQueen, my mind went immediately to Steve McQueen the actor. I was too young to appreciate what a hot item he was but I remember going to the movie with my dad and the motorcycle scene. Sunday is knit and watch movies day and after the horror of the shootings I need a lot of fantasy
Listening to The Nickel Boys right now!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this! I just got The Nickel Boys last week and will definitely move it up the to-be-read list! I’m also going to have to follow Gay’s book club!
What a delightful group! I would invite them to my book club. Have you ever been in a book club where people had nothing to comment on a new, fascinating, controversial book?