Sleep with Me

Dear Kay,
This is definitely not a podcast that you’ll want to knit to. It’s a podcast designed to make you fall asleep. It’s a bedtime story for grownups.
Hubbo came across “Sleep with Me” hosted by Drew Ackerman, and it was such a fascinating idea that we fired up an episode.
I yawned spontaneously, instantly.
Then I started laughing. The thing is, what is it that makes us sleepy? Drew has given a lot of thought to this issue, and what it is that keeps adults up at night.
His goal with Sleep with Me is to interrupt the gremlins in our heads that won’t shut up. And he does this by drawing on repetition, odd combinations of words, and stories that don’t ever really go anywhere.
It’s not meant to be funny, exactly. But I find his approach so great that I have to laugh. Example: a recent episode is “Memories of Sha Na Na.”
Imagine your trigonometry class that met at two o’clock in the afternoon. Repetition, odd combinations of words, and stories that don’t go anywhere. I’m getting sleepy even as I write this.
If you’re up at night swatting at the gremlins in your head, I highly recommend this podcast as an experiment. I’ve never had the experience of someone deliberately trying to talk me to sleep, but God bless Drew Ackerman for having the amazingly empathetic idea for a show so soporific that you can’t even stay awake.
It’s no wonder that he makes sure to promote his sponsors right at the start—it’s the perfect way to start us all on our way to snoozeville.
I’d also recommend listening to the BBC’s shipping forecast! No kidding. the shipping forecast and BBC programs. I listen to the dramas, series, comedies, and other recordings on BBC 4 and 4 Extra. I almost never make it to the end. Cumberbatch in the latest Rumpole episodes is excellent. I have to listen the next day to hear what happened!
Ditto! Also a great French mystery “Maigret’s Chritmas.”
I have been falling asleep to Nothing Much Happens – sweet quiet stories by a yoga teacher with a wonderfully soothing voice.
Love this! So relaxing and charming
I honestly couldn’t tell you what this podcast is about. I just know that it puts me to sleep. It highly recommend it.
The Calm app also has Bedtime Stories that really work.
Seconded! I don’t know what I’d do without Stephen Lyons’s Welsh accent. He’s helped me get to sleep on my worst nights.
On nights when I am lying in bed and my mind won’t stop spinning…I use this nonsense method in simpler form to fall asleep.
I imagine some non-sensical story in my mind: I imagine that I go for a walk down street…and see my high school teacher, but she’s dressed as a clown, juggling pinapples….I continue walking and see a new store opened … with a pony on the roof…etc!
It seems to relax your mind when you think about nonsense! You’ll be asleep before you reach the end of the block!
This idea reminds me of that Dr Seuss story ‘To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry St’…one bizarre thing after another.
Maybe Kermit could create a playlist of purrs. Cats have so much to teach us about relaxation!
I listen to this podcast nightly! Love Scooter ❤️
I’ve never heard the end of a single one of his podcasts.
Me neither. I barely get thru the intro. I go quietly into the deep dark night…Love. It.
Am I the only person who finds this podcast anxiety-producing? I’ve always had trouble sleeping and thought this might be the ticket. But despite several attempts,”Sleep With Me” made things worse. I AM glad I checked it out though.
I love Nothing Much Happens also, but I’ll definitely try “Sleep with me”, as well!
I wasn’t able to find the app Sleep With Me. Any suggestions?
It’s not an app–it’s a podcast. I use the app Overcast on my iPhone and then search from within the app! Good luck.
I’ve been putting on Welcome to Night Vale. Because it’s super amusing if I can’t fall asleep but so deadpan in presentation that it becomes background noise if I can. Not sure I would recommend this for everyone, but it works great for me, and sometimes I play the same episode on two or three nights before I have to move on to the next one! I tried Sleep With Me and Sleep Whispers, but they really didn’t work for me.
As I recuperate from this surgery, I look forward to your daily post.
Many Thanks
Why, o why, a zipper in a knitting bag? Maybe on a side pocket, but NOT on the top or main opening!!!! It will catch the yarn! There are many ways to close a bag and that’s the only one that would disqualify a bag for my use. Janet
What is this zipper of which you speak? Neither of our totes in the Shop has a zipper, for the very reason you say. The Brooklyn Haberdashery Notions Pouch has a zipper, but it’s a 7” long little bag for your bits n bobs, not knitting. No worrries—we’d never offer a knitting bag with a zipper! : )
Oh, those creaky dulcet tones. Love it.
Not quite sure what a creaky dulce tone sounds like but I always feel better when Scooter says it.