Knit to This: Snow Day Replay

Dear everyone,
A holiday weekend means we relish the chance to slow down and spend time with a movie or three. There’s just something so great about getting lost in a good story. We get out all the handknit blankets and burrow into the coziness of it all.
We point you to our solid-gold list of Best Snow Movies. If you’re snowless this holiday, these movies will take you to a very wintry place.

In addition, our eternally growing list of Knit to This ideas is really rich at this point. Have a spin through dozens of fantastic movies, music, audiobooks, and podcasts. There’s so much good stuff in here. When we’re casting about for our next entertainment, we go here.
From Cristina, two perfect recommendations: the complete A Christmas Carol starring Alastair Sim free on YouTube linked above. And the Snow episode of HBO’s A World of Calm narrated by Cillian Murphy.
From DG Strong: his take on The Long Day Closes, the 1992 film set in the 1950s. Dreamy, impressionistic, one of his favorites.

And DG makes the case for The Holly and the Ivy, one of the great, moody home-for-the-holidays films.

Peace to you on this day.
Ann and Kay
Biggest of happy holiday wishes to all at MDK!! You guys are the best, enjoy your well deserved rest this week!
Sorry! My favorite Christmas Carol is the Muppets. Less dark, more optimistic. We need optimism.
This and the Alastair Simm version are my favorites. I love how they convince the silliness of the Muppets with the serious message of Christmas. “Wherever you find love it feels like Christmas”. An expert on historical costuming says these are the most accurate costumes of any movie.
My sister, who is here for the holidays, would love a list of movies with happy endings. Anyone?
The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, one of my favorites!
One of my favorites
The secret to Muppet Christmas Carol is that Michael Caine plays it absolutely straight, not a single wink or nudge that he’s in scenes with animal puppets.
Agreed, DG. While I love Alistair Sim as Scrooge, I also love Michael Caine in the role. Both films are on my must watch list, along with Christmas in Connecticut (1945) and Kelsey Grammer’s A Christmas Carol, the Musical.
Two snowy mystery movies on my list…Smila’s Sense of Snow and Gorky Park. But, hard to knit except garter stitch while watching them!
We watch Remember the Night with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred McMurray. Stanwyck plays a thief, McMurray the DA who plans to convict her but doesn’t want her to spend Christmas in jail. Solution? They both go his family’s farm in Indiana! Happy Holidays!!
I’m a huge fan of Remember the Night; the Indiana section of the movie is so sweet and tender.
Happy Holidays to all the MDKers.
Thanks for teaching me, making me laugh & putting joy in my year, MDK. Wishing you all a safe, happy & healthy new year.
Merry Christmas and joy, laughter, happiness, peace to all in the coming year. Thank you for each day’s enjoyable reading first thing in the morning. On to a new year with great ideas, stories, comments, and learning. Thank you for your joy in each day which you pass on to all of your readers and knitters.
Going out on a limb here. This year has been hell for many of us. I am having “mayhem and murder merry!” (Yeah really bad year) three Agatha Christie murder mysteries on dvd, die hard dvd, empire strikes back, it has snow in it, miss fisher Christmas murder mystery, brokenwood Xmas mystery, thin man series, LOTR, old lost in space, maybe voyager, space is very cold right? Making a pot roast because it is Texas, and we are in a cold snap. Take care one and all.
Same here, and some good scary fun in that list. Here’s to a year from hell, not a helluva year.
Thank you for all the great suggestions! As soon as my current project is washed and blocking, I am going to cast on plain socks so I can watch and knit. Happy All-The-Holidays to all the MDK folk, everywhere!
Happiest of holidays to everyone at MDK!!! My wish is that you all receive as much joy as you put out into the world for others.