The Knitgirllls

Dear Ann,
Recently we got a comment asking us to direct readers toward Knit To This offerings that actually are about knitting. What a great idea! There are loads of knitting podcasts. Ones we’ve already shared include Kristy Glass Knits, a frequently updated interview series on YouTube that is always better than a double espresso for waking me up and making me smile, and Fruity Knitting, an impeccably-produced program from Andrea Doig, a master of technique who knits one Lifetime Achievement Sweater after another. But there’s SO MUCH MORE out there in the world of knitting podcasts.
The Knitgirllls podcast is wildly popular. Having started, once upon a time, as a two-headed blog (an idea we love), Leslie and Laura then took up video podcasting, and they are currently up to Episode 357. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SEVEN. That’s a lot of yapping about knitting. Between the two of them, there is so much knowledge of yarns, knitting, spinning, patterns and designers, freely shared.
This weekend, if anybody has the vague feeling that everybody is hanging out without you, I know why. It’s because another Leslie-and-Laura brainchild, the Super Summer Knitogether (SSK), is happening this very weekend in Nashville. Ann, I know you dropped by briefly to say hi and witness the opening day madness at the Scarritt Bennett Center. It’s no wonder this thing needs a lottery every year to register. It’s in a beautiful place. The raffle alone is epic. Don’t get me started on the market. It’s a barrel of fun.
In honor of our mutual Fear of Missing Out, we present for your listening pleasure episode 345 of the Knitgirllls podcast, linked up top. It’s no coincidence that in this episode, Leslie and Laura kindly review our beloved Modern Daily Knitting Field Guide No. 3: Wild Yarns. But there’s so much more. These two cover a lot of ground in 50 minutes.
Just in time! I’m running out of things to watch on Acorn tv.
Wish you were here at the retreat. So much fun. Best instructors. Best small market. And new best friends.
I’ve been listening and knitting with these two for quite a while, they never fail to entertain! I love their book selections as well! (I’m into sci-fi and fantasy too)
thanks to you I now have Knit Girllls, but The Grocery Girls, too!