Knitting Getaway 2025: Sign Up Now!

Dear knitters,
We’re already dreaming of next summer, and hope you will join us for the 2025 Knitting Getaway at Shakerag Workshops in Sewanee, Tennessee, to be held on June 4–7, 2025.
Pre-registration opens today, and will remain open through August 22.
In other words, now is the time to head over to the pre-registration page right here. You’ll find a complete description of the weekend, and a form to fill out. Payment isn’t due at this point.
If we have more registrants than places, there will be a lottery for the 100 or so places available. We’re expecting a lottery this year, as we’ve had for the past six years. (Fear not, the wait list is active, because life sometimes foils plans. In 2024, everyone who stayed on the wait list eventually was offered a place at the getaway!)
What Is This Knitting Getaway?
If you’ve never attended the Knitting Getaway, we really hope you’ll come—it’s a ton of fun.

Folks often come solo from 30 or more states, and the vibe is best described as extremely, massively, joyfully welcoming.

The food is legendary: fresh from local gardens and beloved recipes, always delicious. Yes, we do talk about lunch at breakfast, and then at lunch we talk about supper. Someone feeding us, and feeding us so well, is true luxury.
The classes feel like summer camp: quick, fun, with brilliant teachers and the kind of laughter that comes with a-ha moments and beginner goofs.
There’s hiking, yoga, hangout time, fresh air, and swimming in a clear, cool lake. Do it all, or do a little—the schedule is totally flexible.
To learn more, here’s a writeup on this year’s joyfest.
As in years past, on-campus housing for 2025 will be in dormitory rooms at St. Andrews-Sewanee School, a progressive boarding school 85 miles south of Nashville. Rooms are clean, bright, and basic, with shared bathrooms, showers, and cozy common areas.
Only double rooms will be available, so either grab a friend or know that you’ll be making a new friend. (Fun fact: amazing friendships have been born because of a shared room at the Knitting Getaway!) You can request a specific roommate or let fate have its way.
Also, please note that if you name a roommate on your registration form, and that roommate has also registered, then if either one of you gets in, you both get in. Double your odds!
Those selected in the lottery and completing their registration and deposit before September 15 will be guaranteed a place in a double room on campus for the Knitting Getaway. Alternatively, registrants may choose to stay off campus, in housing of their choice.
If you have questions, the Shakerag team is ready to help: just contact them via this link.

The Teachers
Our 2025 teacher lineup is still in formation, but it’s exciting! For a sense of the amazing faculty to expect in 2025, here are the teachers we welcomed to Sewanee this year.

Bookended by the two of us, from left: Samantha Brunson, Nell Ziroli, Lorilee Beltman, and Fatimah Hinds. These four set a high standard, and we are doing our best to live up to that standard for 2025.
Wow, we’re already pre-nostalgic, looking forward to seeing everybody next June. Ann’s going to be insisting on a caftan night next year, so get your loose and flowy game on.
One more time, here’s that registration link.
Ann and Kay
It’s the best day of the year!
It looks absolutely wonderful and I was contacted one year from the wait list and had to decline. June is full of birthdays and anniversaries for us here. I wish you all the best Shakerag ever!
No, not everyone on the waitlist was offered a spot—I was never offered one. I would have accepted had it been offered!
Well, I just pre-registered for the class next year (!) and since I’m unfamiliar with all of the Southern States, this would be SO FUN. And for the first time in years, I have the funds to do this !!!
I hope, I hope
I cleared the waitlist last year but couldn’t go – next year!!
This was really as fun as it sounds. I made up my mind that I would not be intimidated by going alone and having a roomate that I didn’t know before, just go for it. Of course, being a knitter, she was lovely and we both enjoyed the 3 days so much.
Surprisingly I ended up running into 3 other knitters that I knew, none of us had any idea we would all be there at the same time, such a fun coincidence. All in all it was great, from the morning yoga to the reservoir swim, to the evening shenanigans, to the amazing food and of course the classes.
I highly recommend giving this gettaway a go!
So excited to put my name in the hat again! And I will bring a caftan, I’ll go full Mrs Roper (is she the one who always had a string of beads to match? I hope?)
Where’s the pricing? I can’t find anything about what this shindig costs so it must be super expensive (as most everything you’ve offered is). Not saying it wouldn’t be worth the indulgence but when the price isn’t forthcoming, it’s usually high.
When you click on “Tuition and Fees” it will take you right there.
Janet – Go to this Shakerag Workshops website page to find out more about the Shakerag Workshops/MDK Knitting Getaway:
One of these years, the dates will work. 🙁