Knittings, Friends!

Dear knitting friends, both far and near
It’s Modern Daily Knitting here.
Your frabjous galpals, Ann and Kay
Are hollering, “Calloo! Callay!”
Once again, inspired by that elegant codger,
The New Yorker’s arch Angell, Roger
We don’t expect to do him justice
Roger wins at rhyming — trust us.

’Tis seasonish to say hello
And wonder, where’d this damn year go?
2016 has been great fun*
*Unless fun is something you’ve actually done.
It’s been busy here at MDK
We’ve hardly rested a single day
Back in January, after New Year’s
We first broke bread with Orbiteers
“Fix This Old House!” we begged those guys
Whose ways of web design are wise
In our handknit pockets we did scrounge
To come up with dosh to build The Lounge
With this modicum of backing
A brand-new place for knitters yakking
We wanted room to play and dally
And mention knitting (occasionally)

We typed out emails, spring and summer
Recruiting writers as our fingers got number
For Clara Parkes we held our breath
Dear Franklin scared us half to death
We crossed our needles (it came out fine)
When we got Meg Swansen on the line
Wendy, Bristol, and Melanie–stars so rare
They only need one name, like Cher
We wish for all our contributories
A never-ending font of stories
To Alice Beltran, many comics, so graphic!
And for life coach Max Daniels, we wish yooge traffic.
Juliana, who illo’d our coloring book:
Cheers for giving Knitstrips a whole new look.
And much as we adore a weenie dog,
None can out-cute our sweet Martini-dog
Darling Mucklestone, may we drop over?
We’ll take, perchance, a cup of Stopover?
To Ann Weaver, we send all the feels
And sets of shiny color wheels
J. Farwell-Clay, we toast the brain
That conjured Cardigan Redmayne
To Mary Neal, whose Mittenquest
Adorned our shop, we send our best.
We send Mystery Red Spice in a box
To crock-pot hot shot Carrington Fox
Let hosannas ring over hill and dale,
To Shankland (Antonia), and Zucker (Gale).

What is that we hear you say?
This year was not just about MDK?
We lift our heads up from our labors
To send congrats to our fab neighbors.
Let’s whistle, stomp and clap all claps
For Kate and Jen’s brave Book of Haps
And dance a tender, waddling waltz
With the penguins of dear Anna Maltz
And when speaking of our Sweaterspotter,
Let’s give three bags full for the Shepherd’s Daughter
Only the loudest huzzahs will do
For The Shepherd’s Life and The Shepherd’s View.
We saved our most nutcrackerish twirls
For the lovely Pompom girls.
And Scotland gets a blue-faced shriek
For EYF and Shetland Wool Week!
Over here, across the lagoon
We have our own geniuses, late and soon.
Norah made the cables clatter and
Herzog helped us us Knit to Flatter.
Drop-Dead Easy Knits brought the thunder
And WestKnits still reigns as crazy-shawl wonder.

We’re older now than in these shots
But we still love you, lots and lots.
2016 was so callous and mean
That no stars can die until 2019.
2017: you are doing us a fright
But we will not go gentle into that good night.
We’ll knit on, with hope, tho’ crises befall us
If nothing else, this new year will pi-shawl us.
With much love,
Kay and Ann
P.S. In case you’re new here, the photos that accompany this post are out-takes from our 2008 video, Pardon Me (I Didn’t Knit That For You), aka the most fun thing we have ever done.
Ann and Kay, you are nd we not amazing me.
Silly phone! *NEVER NOT! Never not amazing.
I adore the wigs, by the way.
They’re not real hair? Oh, man! ;-p
Props for working Dylan Thomas into that amazing poem!
Bravo! You nailed this one! ( and with shout-out to Hamilton, too)
Happy New Knitting!
Just too much fun!!!
I loved the video! Hilarious
May 2017 be kind to everyone. Knit bravely on, sisters and brothers!
Great way to finish a year & segway into the next. Now this silly song is stuck in my head. .. thx for keeping knitting fun!
Oh, ladies! A Euroflax vermilion log-cabin-ed blanket-load of thanks. Wonderful!
That video was my favorite thing you all did. To this day, when I see one of the sweaters I knit for my husband ages ago, I start humming your song. I can’t even recall the lyrics to the original song; that’s how much they have been supplanted by yours! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2017. Happy New Year to you and Ann and lots of X’s and O’s! Judy
Dear Judy,
It’s an original song so if you hear it on the radio, let us know so we can sue. (We keep hoping Taylor Swift picks it up.)
Thanks for all you bring to our art–
Laughter, knitting, lotsa heart!
Happy New Year!!!
I see what you did there!
Roger Angell’s ninety-six, he’d sure be proud of you two chicks. (Sorry, it’s early…)
Love it!
You two are the best! Happy New Year dearies, and keep on keeping on.
Brilliant. I’d have loved to have been at that filming/photoshoot. Love you all xo.
I’ve found my tribe. The poem– funny and link filled–and the video–perf. Thank you and Happy New Year.
You and Ann are among my first computer stops every day, right after the news and weather, and you always make me feel good. The work you have done this year on MDK is amazing, and I love the new look. Have a Happy New Year!
That video is just tooooo funny. Loved it. You need to do more. lol
I am so glad I found MDK! You make me smile and inspire me so much. Wishing everyone the best in 2017!
I can’t help but see a distinct Britney Spears lookalike in Ann.That is if Britney had a better stylist!
“Pardon me, I didn’t knit that for you…”
I loved you then, Ann & Kay,
I still do-o-o-o!
If the year ahead is fun,
It’s because of what you’ve done
With MDK. Happy New Year to yoooooooou!
Love you, love you, love you. All good wishes for 2017!
If there is one positive thing
to be gleaned from 2016,
it’s a new appreciation
for fun and libation.
Hadn’t seen that video. It is fabulous!!!! Love you two ladies and all those to whom you pay tribute. Onward and (hopefully, some form of) upward!
[[Virtually clinking libations]]
[[smiling bravely]]
Love it! You made my day!
I just love y’all. Really. Happy New Year. May all our crises be small ones that can be solved with wool.
That video still makes me laugh out loud! I’m surprised that you haven’t received your Grand Old Opry invite yet. Thanks for being part of my knitting world & best wishes for a happy new year!
Already, you’ve cheered me up! I almost swooned when a man asked me if I was knitting basketweave. I was!
How can I apply to citizenship
To Modern Daily Knit-public?
2016 broke my heart
Visible mending must make it right
Bonne année, mes chères amies
Your site is my fave WIP!
Kudos to those who came up with a poem
We’ll all hope–a better new year for ’em.
MDK brings us cheer
Maybe we’ve got nothing to fear but fear?
I loved the video. Love the rhymes. Thanks for a great 2016, and such good times. Wishing you both the best of health, lots of knitting and much happiness in 2017. (My rhyming when uncaffeinated only extends so far lol).
2016 was a difficult year, but MDK was such a bright spot in the middle of all of it. Thanks for all your hard work and for bringing new contributors and great writing to the new site. Happiest of New Years to you!!
You have no idea how this delighted Roger!
Dear Kay and Ann, you two and all your happenings have been a bright star for many to follow in the murkiness of 2016. Not only for your own adventures, but also for all the wonderful links to other people, creations, books, TVs shows and music that I would never come across otherwise.
All the best for 2017 and here’s hoping it pleasantly surprises us all.
Wonderful! Wishing all of you a plethora of knitting and a very Happy new Year! love you both dearly and the joy, learning and love this MDK blog sends everyday!
I love you guys. I love your creativity, your humor, your compassion, your talents and the load of really cool friends you guys have. My daily dose of MDK is back and I very much appreciate it. Very best wishes to you both in 2017!
🙂 brilliant! cheers! happy new year!
WOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Fan girl shriek)
Thanks to all the MDK team and in particular Ann and Kay for this work of art, and also for all the fun.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! what a wonderful way to start… yall are SO creative and inspiring!
You have made me chortle in my joy. And not for the first time.
Happy New Year (so to speak) and all the veriest of best to you, Ann and Kay, in the year that may be ahead.
Thank you for handing out free tickets to the MDK fun-ride! I never get tired of this thing.
Oh, good heavens, the persistence of the holidays and the refusal of children’s schools to resume prior to New Year has meant that I missed this great hilarity. I DID NOT KNIT THAT FOR YOU was the best thing ever. Thank you for the reminder. Happy New Year, you nutty knitters! ❤️,