A Visit with Nikki McClure

Dear Kay,
It’s so inspiring to listen to a creative soul talking about her work.
Settle in with Nikki McClure, the pride of Olympia, Washington, as she talks with Melanie Falick as part of Melanie’s video series, Making a Life: The Conversation.
Click up top for the whole conversation.
There’s so much to chew on. Nikki is, among many things, a cut-paper artist, and she shares so much of herself as she explains how she creates her astonishing cut-paper works. Her calendars are legendary—she has created a new one each year for the past 20 years.
For 2021, the calendar is titled Expand. It’s a series of paper cuts that explore liminal spaces—air and water and the surface in between. What could be more appropriate for us to think about for 2021? Thinking about our fear but also our curiosity.
Another highlight: Nikki’s reading of What Will These Hands Make? her exquisite book for all ages, published in February, just before the pandemic dug in.
Her works are available to order online right here. So much beauty and wisdom coming from Nikki McClure.
So happy to be ‘reunited’ with Nikki McClure’s work- I bought a calendar and children’s books years ago- sometimes things you love, that speak to you, disappear for no apparent reason and to find them again (or have MDK find them for you) is wonder-full!
This was a wonderful interview, so interesting for me to learn about Nikki’s art and background. I happily bought some of her notecards. I love the whole series that Melanie Falick has put together and look forward to the next one!
This was a wonderful joy, and mind expanding on a quiet Sunday morning. Thank you for pointing us in this direction! The calendars will be wonderful gifts at Christmas but listening to her conversation is an even better gift.
I watched the interview earlier and it was amazing. So, so, so much talent. I was so pumped up after looking at the video that I bought Melanie’s book and it’s awesome as well. Wonderful interviews, great photography, It was money well spent.