Lazy Sunday: Big Dreams, Small Spaces

Dear Ann,
When I hear a television series compared to “The Great British Bake Off” as cozy comfort TV, I sit up on my cushions and take notice.
Several readers have commended unto me the BBC gardening series “Big Dreams, Small Spaces.” The Mary Berry of this show is an engaging gardener called Monty Don, who goes around trying to help average-Joe Britons transform shaggy outdoor spaces into their personal visions of paradise.
I was intrigued, and then this New Yorker piece by Charlotte Mendelson sealed the deal. “Mildly gripping, deeply soothing?” “Monty in his indigo sailor’s trousers?”—this is absolutely what I am looking for in my knitting entertainment lineup. As with the baking show, the appeal is that you really are rooting for these folks to succeed.
I just started Episode 2 (now on Netflix and Amazon Prime) and I’m already thinking I might need a potted palm tree in my life.
Monty Don should run for something there. His constituency goes weak at the knees at the sight of him. He’d get my vote!
It’s 5:16am on a Sunday Morning in The Mountains of Western North Carolina. Tule Fog slips in and out amongst the trees of the Blue Ridge on one side and the Smokies on the other! There’s a bit of a nip in the air and when the sun makes her show, the light is just a bit softer than it was a few weeks ago. Fall will slide in a tad early this year. These are the perfect days for a good sit in! What’s a sit in?! Well here, it’s a day that little else is needed doing! The proverbial Day of Rest!
The first thing I do, need you really ask… it’s
Modern Daily in the Morning! OK, most sane people are in bed, I completely agree! I remember long ago and far far away, before Our 4 kids made me a forced, mandatory early riser, I could sleep till noon. As the munchkins grew( I have to be truthful here, they were never really “Munchkins. Outside of Our Toy Poodle, Tula, I’m the shortest one in the Family at 5’2”…my Hubby is a whooping 6’7”. Amazingly enough, the kids all come in at great heights! The 2 girls stand a 5’10” the oldest boy at a nice 6’ and the youngest who is in college, 6’8”! If you think that’s bad Hubby and youngest son have a shoe size of 17 and 18 respectively. I use to worry about tripping over small boats and end up in traction, while a wicked nurse comes at me with a horse needle.) I would dream them grown, and I would once again, be sleeping in! Sorry about the major detour!
It would seem as we age, we need less sleep! I admit here, I will be having a chat with the good Lord, about the setup and timing of this whole Family thing! So, now I’m lucky, if I get to sleep a full 4 hours, bringing us back to where We started.
Opening Modern Daily this morning, and there it was! Another perfect show for knitting! I thought between Kay and myself, we had found all the gems to knit by!! Something Splendid and new, “Big Dreams in Small Spaces”!!! Who could ask for a better way to spend the day! A cuppa and a Slab of Fresh Blueberry/Cream Cheese Coffee Cake, the remote and my knitting! Believe it or not, it gets better….the 6’7” Yeti I married, Knit’s also! It will be a Hot time in the Mountain Home today! May all your knitting dreams come true!
Oh, Kay…Thanks for making this glorious find!
LOVED YOUR POST!!!! I too look so forward to Snippets on Saturday mornings and love all the recommendations for cozying up with my knitting. I always trust another knitter for recommendations on what to knit by:))))
Loved your post, Kirsten. Tell us more about your knitting husband!
Thanks for this post, Kirsten – loved it!
My husband and I watched Monty Don’s Japanese Gardens a few months ago, and loved it. (He doesn’t garden and I’m very much a beginner, but we met while living in Japan so it was hugely nostalgic.) I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed it!
Monty Don also hosts a weekly Friday evening gardening programme on the BBC called Gardener’s World which is a must for all UK gardeners. He is hugely popular here.
Before gardening, Monty Don made earrings. I know, impossible! I have.several pair. I recommend them.
Ah, Monty Don, one of the great sex symbols of British TV! The good news is that he has had many series on Netflix, so keep watching. Last May I happened to be in the UK during the week of the Chelsea Flower Show and discovered he was on British TV for an hour every day–giving us a tour of the show and interviews with gardeners. All the while, in the background, there were mobs of people whispering, “It’s Monty Don!” I love the guy–he’s right up there with the actor from Granchester.
Glad that the entire world seems to be attuned to the Mighty Majesty of Monty; once he was a minor bit-part player, while all those Flash Harrys went through their slick routines…..then the BBC awoke!
A gentle gentleman — quite open about his struggle with SAD — & when he suffered a stroke, every-
one was willing him to recover; inexplicable that such good humour should be cut short!
I’m happy that so many are enjoying the series: thank you for this post
Monty Don also does a beautiful series on Gardens of Europe. Lucious Sunday afternoon knitting partner.
Monty is fun and the gardens are inspirational! Did you know there is a pottery version of the Great British Bake-off? It’s called the Great Pottery Throw Down. Same format but with clay, pottery skills, and snippets about the history of the British ceramics industries.
And have you watched Blown Away on Netflix? Another fabulous show/competition.
Really?! Netflix needs to be informed!
It’s on utube
I love this show! I have knit through this and his French and Italian Gardens.i so wish Prime or Netflix would offer all the seasons.
I’ll admit that I’ve contemplated re-watching Big Dreams, Small Spaces. I’d love to be able to watch the other seasons. I can also recommend his series on French and Italian gardens.
I hope you all realize, the joy and hope you bring each day.
I’ve long been a fan of Monty Don!!!!!
We have been loving Monty Don for a long while here at 300. He’s the king of all things garden. We live by his instructions for things to do this weekend on Gardener’s World every Friday night. He tells us when and what to trim this weekend, what to plant and when to just let it go. He’s got a team on GW that includes the lovely Carole who is always showing us some great garden somewhere. We may be in Kentucky but we can live the British garden dream in our hearts.
And in the high Sierras of California. Watching Gardener’s World keeps me from getting too depressed when the deer eat my garden
Amen! As do we, in Texas!
I love Monty Don! You can watch his BBC shows on YouTube!
Oh I am so glad I finally am catching up with you all – this sounds like a perfect show for me. I spent all day harvesting veggies, making eggplant, pepper and squash-related dishes to freeze. Like money in the bank. Now to put my feet up, knit, and check this out.
I watched the first one yesterday as it was too wet here to do any actual gardening. Such fun! Thank you as always.
Dear Kay, if you love BBC programmes like this you really must check out the Repair Shop if you haven’t already. It is a simple premise, people with a broken or old heirloom take it to a group of experts who lovingly restore it. There is always a lovely story and I am usually in tears at least once during the show. I’ve a feeling you will love it.
Oooh!!! Thank you! I need this in my life. The GBBS got me through early knee replacement surgery recovery in late 2018 and this show ought to do the trick in Nov 2019. With such a surgery and the requisite recovery period (including necessary but mind altering painkillers), Byzantine plots, strange camera angles, flashing lights, car chases, aliens, stalkers, serial killers, war, murder, crazy fast music, epic heartbreak and sorrow, and large casts are out of the question – they lead to nausea, confusion and tears. So, anything that is along the lines of gentle albeit a bit sophisticated TV is welcome. This’ll be great!
Unfortunately, this was removed from Netflix in March of this year. In order to get it on Amazon, one must subscribe to a channel called “Inside Outside House and Garden” for $6.00/month. Just fyi.