Knit to This
Prime Suspect

It’s so good. So, so good. Watch Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison fight crime and sexism. The crimes are grisly. Jane is not a paragon of anything, except tenacity. The show comprises seven series that start in 1992 and end in 2006. Jane ages in real time, and the law enforcement workplace also changes, in realistic ways. I was transfixed by the first series back in 1992, when I was working in law enforcement, and occasionally crying in the bathroom, myself.

Jane Tennison wears a lot of un-fun clothing, and she wears it well. She is compelling, magnificent. I can watch the show over and over, because I keep forgetting who done it, and I don’t care, anyway.
And the wonderful Helen Mirren (aka Jane Tennison) has continued to age in real time and is an inspiration to us all!
Don’t know Freaks and Geeks, so off to see if on the diet size Australian Netflix.
Enjoy your Fall, well into spring for some of us and enjoying the lengthening days and extra daylight knitting hours.
I loved Prime Suspect but hadn’t thought to look for them again. Queen Helen is all that and a bag of chips. I also love anything Sherlock Holmes so love the BBC series or Elementary. Female Watson anyone?
I didn’t know Prime Suspect, but love Helen Mirren. I will check this out. Now don’t forget, with Halloween looming, the annual watching of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
that Helen Mirren though. That was a great series. May be worth the hulu subscription. I just finished watching Jane the Virgin and need an antidote.
and glasses up for the McSweeney Gourd love. “avian bird ass.” Chuckle. Head swirls around like a Linda Blair doll.
I loved Prime Suspect, but some of the crimes were so dreadful that I couldn’t bear to watch again.
That said, Helen Mirren and the rest of the cast were great. I also love how actors in British productions are allowed to look normal or even homely. Not so in US television, where everyone has to have perfectly groomed and made-up Hollywood looks even in supposedly “gritty” cop shows.
Halloween seasonal programming: for me, that’s Young Frankenstein. Have to watch it, every year. Beetlejuice is a good choice, too.
Happy lazy Sunday and happy knitting. I am off to wash the dishes and pretend I don’t have to fold three loads of laundry….
I loved prime suspect. I don’t have Hulu or Netflix, but may see if I can find it somehow.
Yay, you’re back! Best wishes to you both and your families.
So happy to see new posts here. I’m below the Modern Daily line. (Heck, I’m even south of Nashville.) Fun to read what people do above it!
Loved Prime Suspect! And I liked HM’s clothes. They were so realistic and unglamorous.
SO love Freaks and Geeks – though I’ll admit that the Prime Suspect series got too gritty for me. And thank you for the Rev suggestion – Broadchurch made me a fan of Olivia Coleman.
Yay Fall!
Oops – that’s Colman – no “e”
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Oh, we’re huge Prime Suspect fans in our house! We own at least the first season, if not more. Couldn’t agree with you more on this: “I can watch the show over and over, because I keep forgetting who done it, and I don’t care, anyway.”
Feel this way about most British dramas, actually.
So glad to see you back again!
3rd way….follow blog on bloglovin which is what i do.
I have drooled over Noro in the stores but I haven’t had that kind of cash to grab a few balls yet. I love it. All the colors, the texture, … I just have to pet it whenever I see it. I want to make a cowl for my mom. She used to crochet and knit before diabetes took most of her eyesight. She’s big into texture due to that.
I love Noro – cowls, hats, mitts. The books are beautiful and the patterns are fabulous, if a bit daunting at times with construction. But I love a good challenge and Noro has a beautiful product and amazing patterns that showcase their yarns! I want to try all their new yarns but it’s hard to keep up with them all! Love the color and the texture…who doesn’t love Noro!
this was my introduction to Helen Mirren – I loved them. Makes me want to start watching them all over.