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Later today, I’m going to the actual movies, to see The Light Between Oceans. The reviews by film critics are not exactly good. (Check out the trailer, and some entertainingly harsh reviews, at Rotten Tomatoes. External Link. Opens in new window..) I tried to read the book. External Link. Opens in new window. for book club, but flaked out in the first chapter. Not because it wasn’t good, but I had the same problem with it that I had with Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth: you know from the start that Things Are Not Going to Go Well.) (I did read House of Mirth. External Link. Opens in new window.though. Oh, Lily!)

But I’m going to see the movie of The Light Between Oceans, and I bet you know why.


The handknit reviews. External Link. Opens in new window. for this film are excellent, in all categories. (Don’t click that link unless you are prepared for some cardigan spoilers.)


The Light Between Oceans is a Brooklyn Tweed. External Link. Opens in new window. look book, but with talking people.

And not for nothing, but the New York Times didn’t absolutely hate it. External Link. Opens in new window.. “Mr. Fassbender. External Link. Opens in new window. and Ms. Vikander make one of the most compelling pairs of screen lovers in the grand David O. Selznick tradition that I’ve come across in many years,” says Stephen Holden. That, plus the promise of earth-toned knitwear, is enough to make me walk over to the theatre, with some absorbent garter stitch to absorb my tears.


  • Love the link to the knitwear review. It worries me, however, that Modern Daily seems to have become my main connection to popular culture. I have to get out more.

  • I had to crack up about your reading experiences with House of Mirth and Light Between Oceans. Exact same here! Off to read the knitwear review…

  • Gorgeous knits!! Hope the movie is not a bust. Though a bad movie you won’t mind concentrating on the knits, losing track of the movie goings ons!

  • If tears and good knitwear alone make you love this movie, you will need to move on to Testament of Youth, staring the same actress, again wearing beautiful knitwear (now showing on cable). Should you feel the need for even more knitwear and beautiful clothing to cry along with, try to find the movie Bright Star which features amazing crocheted shawls and other flimsy little things and made me go out and buy a dozen balls of lace weight alpaca (still languishing…the movies are dangerous that way). These movies can be dangerous!

  • That knitwear review is so good. I once told a friend to read House of Mirth and she still hasn’t forgiven me.

  • Love the knitwear review. I think I shall wait for cable for this one though! I’m still catching up on Downton Abbey (free on Amazon Prime if I’m not the only remaining human without Netflix).

  • My book club read The Light Between Oceans too. I struggled with it. I found it too dark. I didn’t plan on seeing the movie but now I case I should….for reasons other than the plot….LOL

  • Mr. Fassbender. sigh.

  • The knits alone make this a must see! It sounds like I will need a box of tissues at the ready!!!

  • You know what makes a good movie. I support your priorities.

  • Last night I was bingeing on season 4 of Nashville, and I swear I saw a Stopover-style sweater – it completely derailed my attention from the plot. The fabric looked like a similarly lightweight, open gauge to the fantastic KAL sweaters you and so many of your readers created. And the neckline even looked like the modification you made when you knit Lopis for your daughter and niece several years ago.
    I have seen a lot of interesting knitwear on Nashville, which kind of surprised me. I know it gets coldish there from time to time there and maybe even snows(!), but so many people wearing seriously warm cardis and pullovers indoors(!) surprised me.
    (P.S. Why do I have this degree of memory for stuff like other peoples’ sweaters I have never even seen, but can’t for the life of me remember where I put my level? And do you happen to know where I put my level?)

    • Your level is right where you left it. (I live with teenagers.)

      I don’t watch Nashville but somebody sent me a picture of that sweater!

  • I hope the knits are worth watching the film, Kay, and I’ll be interested in hearing your take. I just watched 2 short clips: one with 45 seconds worth of emotive drag that lasted for at least four minutes, and the second with a dense and lovely cardi I can imagine wearing but not while clambering up a shoreline slope while someone wobbles a camera in my direction for that contrived handheld artsy quality I hate so much in film.
    On the other hand, that knitwear review on vulture was a joy 🙂

  • I think I will pass on the book and the film, but loved the sweater review. I always notice the knitwear in movies and nobody else in my family does. It can be rather lonely, so thank goodness for MDK and other like-minded souls!

  • We must acknowledge that shawl appears to be crochet – not to nitpick, but to honor our hooking sisters. Bow down!

  • And furthermore, the lead actors became a couple in real life when the film shooting was over. See the New Yorker Review: External Link. Opens in new window.

    So there’s that…

  • If there hadn’t been a byline on the handknit review, I would’ve sworn it was written by you.

  • The pint-sized sweater appears to be a Debbie Bliss design, originally done in Rowan Denim, Moss Stitch Denim Jacket from Celtic Knits. I’ve knitted it in denim for numerous stylish tots, and the mums love it.

  • N.B.: the pint-sized sweater refers to the captions in the “knitwear review” link. Sorry about vagueness.

  • Yes, I demanded to know the outcome of The Martian from my son before I would even pick it up.

  • A movie knitwear review! My new favorite thing! Thanks!

  • I dragged my husband to see Rams just for the lopapeysas. He actually liked the movie, as did I, but sadly Gummi and Kiddi didn’t change their clothes very often—if at all.

  • I read it and quite enjoyed it, I will got to see the movie too. Did you like. it?

  • I had to click the link for the knitwear review. Couldn’t help myself. It was very entertaining, thank you!

  • The Light Between Oceans sounds right up my alley and not just for the knits. House of Mirth is my favorite book.

  • I call stories–either books or TV/movies–like that “cringeworthy.” You want to shout at the characters “NO! DON’T DO IT!” and cringe through the whole thing. I listened to The Light Between Oceans on audio and indeed, felt uncomfortable the entire time, but it was worth it.

  • How about a list of movies with memorable knitwear. I would start with La vie en Rose, Brooklyn, Coraline, and Masterpiece Theater’s Little Dorrit, which is not a movie but has that dreadful but compelling shawl.

  • I visited Cape Campbell (where most of the film was shot) a few years back – the views from there are just glorious.

    P.S – re your House of Mirth comment – I had the same feeling with “The Age of Innocence”, i.e. things are not going to end well for all. Still loved the book and film to bits though.

  • My mum and dad (!) saw Rams at their local film festival and loved it. That was a big surprise to me – didn’t think they’d go for a story of two old guys in Iceland who love sheep.

  • I applaud you, Kerri, for listening to it on audio. My dear SIL tried, and the aussie accent on her version was so thick we could barely understand it – and at that point I had already read the book!!

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