The Making of Harris Tweed

Dear Kay,
Years ago, my sister-in-law Mary Neal spent time in Scotland.

She travelled to the Isle of Lewis, one of the Hebrides, in the north Atlantic.
She brought me a scarf made of Harris Tweed.

It is one of my most treasured textiles, a true souvenir—a piece of a place.
This fabric, made in a very small part of the world, has such rough beauty. Look how many colors there are. It really looks like this. The orange is that bright.

Mary Neal just shared a short film—less than five minutes long—that I think is pretty spectacular. Quick! We’re going to the Outer Hebrides, to see the makers of Harris Tweed.
Of course, looking at my Harris Tweed scarf has ginned up a massive craving for more Harris Tweed.
Thanks to the Harris Tweed Authority, the organization that ensures the protection of the Harris Tweed name and quality, there’s a list of mills and small producers who are creating Harris Tweed in the age-old way—in their homes.
Christina Macleod’s vibrant colors will surprise you.
Rebecca Hutton (featured in the film) creates beautiful, subtle tweeds.
How nice to see the names of these makers, unlike the weavers of yore who didn’t have the internet to connect them with the whole world. Rebecca talks about the interrelated nature of what goes on in her work. It’s wonderful to sit here in Nashville and get the chance to hear her talking about her Harris Tweeds.
Love Harris tweeds. Thanks for sharing the video
Thanks always for all you bring to us! Lovely video to start the day with. Xoxox
Very soothing to hear these sounds.
Why did I get tearful watching this? Thank you for sharing… just beautiful!
I did too!
Thanks for this mini vacay to Scotland! Love love love the colors of Harris Tweed. Their sport coats are unmistakable
Lovely and inspiring. Long may they weave.
Great post and lovely video. Such an interesting subject, too. I now want a stack of Harris Tweed scarves in all of the luscious colors and interesting patterns! Thanks for this sharing, Ann.
Goosebumps on a Sunday morning in March! Thanks for sharing this stunning clip – I loved it. Now I know I want to go to Scotland and the Outer Hebrides, and bring home a pile of Harris Tweed!
How fascinating. What a beautiful island. The best part was hearing over and over that the mills are busy because of demand. Now we’re can Iget a Harris tweed scarf?
That just looks and feels like a community I would love to live in. Thank you
I love Harris tweed. I have two Harris tweed blazers. Thank you for showing us how tweed is a part of the island communities.
Lovely video! Thank you.
I have never seen a loom with pedals attached. (!) Like every other commenter, I would love a half yard of so of Harris Tweed to make a new knitting bag.
Every piece of Harris Tweed has or will have a story. I love that!
Thank you for that lovely video. Makes me want to go and see the islands and, of course, buy fabric.
What a great little film about a wonderful small community that touches so many others in the world. Thanks
In my home, Harris Tweed, was the ne plus ultra of fabric. My mother used to say they laid it out on the moors to dry, so it always smelt of heather.
I was just thinking about knitting and tweed yesterday, and then you post this lovely thing! Thank you! The video brought tears to my eyes, plus I just wanted to roll around in those big baskets of colored fiber.
Thanks for another tale of the survival of a precious traditional art form. Lifts my spirits.
love the video! My partner has 2 Harris tweed jackets decades old they wear like iron!
My half Scottish husband,and I, loved the film. Our next trip….
If there were some sort of knitting machine that was powered by bicycle pedals, how healthy we would all be. Inventors, get to work!
Wonderful – thank you!
That was really lovely…I could almost smell the sea air. Thank you
Love the video! Thank you for sharing! Now I need a bridie.
I am going to thank you for sharing this before I have even watched it, because I am THAT SURE it will be wonderful! Watching it this evening will be my reward for combing goats today – the big snowstorm threw everything off, and most of the herd is suddenly starting to lose cashmere at the same time. Gulp. So thanks!!!
This made my day!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE…reminds me of my dear mama who recently died…she LOVED Harris Tweed too!!!!! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video. The sights and sounds are simply mesmerizing. Keep up the lovely tradition!
Fascinating, thank you for posting
thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful movie