The Night Manager

Dear Ann,
I blame you. Time was, out of pure stubbornness and laziness, I couldn’t be bothered to watch a popular cable/Internet series, no matter how much people talked them up. (And by people, I mean, mainly, you. Mad Men this! Breaking Bad that!) I stuck to my PBS stations’ British imports and my trusty DVR, which allowed me to accumulate episodes and binge-watch like the cool kids instead of acting like my grandma and turning on “my program” at the same time every week. (I was watching Rosemary and Thyme, yes, but on my own terms.)
But you wore me down. I am now reduced to this: over the New Year’s weekend, I paid cash money to watch Season 4 of The Americans before it gets released to Netflix. I simply COULD NOT WAIT. Hey. Cheaper than going to the movies. And I had much better light for knitting than at the movies. Totally worth it.
Yesterday, I got word that The Night Manager is now available on Amazon Prime and iTunes. The Night Manager sounds like the title of one of those modern plays that I enjoy snoozing through most of the first act of. But no: it’s a John le Carré thriller. I would want to see it based on the cast alone—no, wait—I’d want to see it based on a fraction of this cast, based on any one of these actors, let alone the whole bunch of them together. And: Hugh Laurie is the bad guy. I would want to see that, under any circumstances.
Late yesterday afternoon found me, niece, nephew, and assorted canines camped on the big bed, knitting and winding yarn and enjoying the heck out of the first two episodes. Totally worth it.
(This episode of Lazy Sunday was brought to you by Lisa Downstairs, who told me of The Night Manager’s availability for streaming.)
I loved it!
And isn’t it great that Hugh’s leg is all healed and he doesn’t limp anymore………
Loved it! That might be just the thing for another snowed-in day.
Ah, The Night Manager. Tom Hiddleston’s smile. Good choice.
Loved that show!
This one’s totally not my style, but HOLY COW the cast!!!
We have one of those TVs with a jack so you can hook it up to your computer and stream anything right up on your biggest screen. Perfect for Just binged the entire series of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell and oh, the knitting I got done!
Loved The Night Manager, the scenery and clothes would have made it worthwhile even if it hadn’t been a fantastic storyline. An excellent yarn of the other kind.
Oh my gosh…you’ve convinced me. What a cast! I read this probably 20 years ago and loved it. I have it on my Amazon watchlist, and I’m spending my Sunday with it making Pussyhats!
Still no Netflix here. Will check out prime I guess and iTunes.
I don’t know how it is even possible that I saw The Night Manager before you did…unless there’s a second season? Anyway, I’ll say one thing about this: Olivia Colman was phenomenal. I’d hate to think Laurie (and you know I’ve loved Hugh Laurie for decades; he’s one of my two favorite Hughs) and Hiddleston were inevitably going to get 99.9% of the accolades just because Big Shiny Boys. But in my critical opinion which no one has asked for yet many have heard, Olivia Colman’s performance shone like a diamond.
I love everything about your comment!
She’s so so good.
Have you had a chance to see Broadchurch? Olivia Colman and David Tennant are the lead actors in that (there were two series).
I watched this a few months back when it was released on DVD. I thought it was great.
I stumbled across The Night Manager by pure accident and binge watched the entire season over a weekend because it was SO good I could not stop watching. Got a lot of knitting done that weekend too :). Amazon Prime and Netflix keep me sane while knitting. But I have to admit that I haven’t watched The Americans yet.
OMG I loved that show. Couldn’t wait for each episode. Hugh Laurie is the best evil person!!
I am a shameless bingewatcher. The most recent was “This Is Us” on NBC.
Well, now you’ve done it! I think I MUST watch. Now that The Great British Baking Show is finished and knowing only a few Sherlock episodes are forthcoming, I was wondering what to do with my Sunday evenings! Thanks!
I mean I will sit through some true drivel for dashing Tom…but by episode 3 I was just in it to finish. Not the best. But Tom! Dashing Tom. Sigh. Might rewatch parts someday for no reason.
I am devoting myself to milking out Netflix first. I finally saw Gilmore Girls-6 seasons-22 episodes each-not like the skimpy 10 HBO tries to pacify you with:)
Now I am watching all 6 seasons of Parenthood. Love it!
Make me wonder where was I when these were on???
Just saw this on creaky old Netflix dvds, and had to binge all the episodes because it was so addictive. Now have to find something else to accompany obsessive pussyhat knitting.
Anyone have some advice on the best way to sew the side seams on pussyhats? I spent far too much time yesterday stomping around snarling while trying to solve this. Finally managed mattress stitch, which is normally easy with two straight sides, but left me all fumblefingers working up to the folded-over top part. Got it done, but sure there must be a better way. Thanks.
I think that it’s going to be a long 4 years, so I have been knitting mine in the round and finishing them as carefully as any other item I make! (Plus, I like cats!)
Knit it in the round, and when it’s long enough, turn it inside out and do a three-needle bindoff.
I’m knitting it in the round. But, since this is not likely to be a frequent-wear item, why not just whip stitch it and be done?
Oh, I did enjoy this series when it aired on AMC!
Hugh Laurie in anything is worth watching.
The Night Manager has been on my to watch list for a while. Thanks for the tip!
Just reserved Season 1 from our library! Whoohoo!
Thank you! That was an amazing way to spend my Sunday. It did mess with my color work tension though!
Totally old-school here but I’m waiting on a hold list for a nice public library DVD of same. Hugh Laurie is a dreamboat, even as a villain. Have you caught him on Season 4 of Veep? It’s tough to remember that he’s really, really not an American.