Not ‘The Crown,’ but It’ll Have to Do

Dear Kay,
Desperate times, I tell you, desperate times.
This drought between seasons of The Crown is very rough on me. Only the arrival of the adorable baby Prince Louis has kept my royal-watching going.
It’s down to the point that I’ve resorted to watching actual documentaries about the British royal family. If you’re in the mood for a six-parter that follows the Windsors through the past 100 years of Winsdoriness, jump in on The Royal House of Windsor.
You’ll find plenty of questionable reenactment and blurry edges, but whatever! The archival footage is great, and you know—Queen Elizabeth II does a great Claire Foy imitation, amazing.
Here’s all the skinny on Season 3 of The Crown, which isn’t due to premiere until 2019. Huge changes afoot: Elizabeth will be played by one of my superfave actors, Olivia Colman. If you do not know who this is, then here’s some dry-season work you can do: watch all three seasons of Broadchurch, where she plays Detective Ellie Miller alongside Detective Alec Hardy—the most amazing performance by David Tennant.
She is going to be a heck of a QEII.
Of course, royal watching will be most excellent on May 19, when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry marry. (Details here because I know you want to keep up with this.) The noon wedding means an early start for me, but I did it in 1981 for Diana and Charles and I’ll do it again.
If anybody has other royal movies to fill this trough of time, this desert, this gaping maw of Windsorlessness, please share. It’s a damn long time until 2019!
Have you watched “Elizabeth at 90: A Family Tribute”? It is amazing—you forget that the royal family is really a family until you watch it. There are Harry & William watching home movies of their mother, and the Queen & Charles watching other famous family members. I have watched it twice so far, and plan to watch it again.
Yes, I loved Elizabeth at 90! Found it at my local library.
I read recently that the Queen’s last corgi just died, she’d been breeding them for 80 years, since getting a puppy from her father when she was ten. But she said she didn’t want her survivors to have to deal with her dogs. That seemed so human to me, and also makes you realize they are just regular people under all the pomp.
Wait….The Crown isn’t returning until 2019?????
*sobs fade into distance*
Olivia Coleman is amazing. Another series to see her in is Rev-very funny.
I adore Rev! Even when it goes kind of dark.
If you haven’t watched the new Victoria that was on PBS the last couple of seasons, check it out. We fell in love with Victoria, the actress was wonderful. A bit lighter than the Crown.
I was going to suggest this! I borrowed first season from local library— 3 discs, 415 minutes, released 2016 with Jenna Coleman, Rufus Sewell, Tom Hughes. Gorgeous costumes and sets.
Olivia Coleman was excellent in ”The Night Manager’. Also has the added bonus of Tom Hiddleston 🙂
I read somewhere recently that they’re thinking of making another series of the ‘Night Manager’….crossing fingers and toes for that.
And a chilling Hugh Laurie as the bad guy.
But first! Who’s that woman on the balcony behind the young Princess Elizabeth? A hairline worthy of Snow White’s Wicked Queen, and a little of the same contemplating-evil expression…!
A little googling and I found her. That is Lady Ursula d’Abo (nee Manners), who was a Maid of Honor to Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) at the coronation.
Of course you have seen The King’s Speech.
Oh May 19. Can’t wait. Have been up in the middle of the night or all Royal events and can’t wait for this wedding. Oh yes obsessed in a good way!
Young Victoria and Mrs Brown (also about Victoria)
Edward and Mrs Simpson – an oldie but a goodie. Available on Amazon streaming I think.
The Queen with Helen Mirren is excellent. A Royal night out – which I haven’t seen
A Royal Night Out is fabulous. Watched it twice lol. Princess Margaret steals the show.
Navigating Netflix or Amazon is not easy. But once you select a show go to “Similar or Customers Also Watched” and many more come up:
hear! hear! Broadchurch is phenomenal and well worth our time. David Tennant is spectacular and Olivia Coleman matches him scene for scene.
I loved Victoria and Abdul. Then Googled to learn more about this true story.
I will watch anything with Olivia Colman. Have loved her since Peep Show and it’s been exciting to watch her career develop. Got up on a chair, shouting and waving my cane around, several times when folks raved about only the other two excellent actors in The Night Manager. So glad she will be playing this role. Or any good role! Thanks to Julibeth for mentioning The Rev, which I have not seen and will now try to find 🙂
I love all the British Royal shows you have all mentioned.
I am also a fan of Broadchurch- if you like that show- I would suggest:
Amazing acting.
That moment when you realize you’re launching a new collection the day of the royal wedding… oops!
I am at a conference in Atlanta on the day of the wedding, with a committee meeting beginning at 8:00 am (we librarians take our conferences very seriously!). I’m guessing there will be quite a big of streaming going on on phones during the meeting!
Try “Million Dollar American Princesses” on the Smithsonian Channel
Description: Join Elizabeth McGovern as she takes an in-depth look at the young American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed TV drama “Downton Abbey.” This series takes you from the late 1800s, when daughters of America’s new industrial millionaires marry into the money-strapped British aristocracy, to the 20th century, when a new kind of American Princess wields power not through wealth, but through character, style, and wit. Through the decades, these women bring dramatic change to the European aristocracy and eventually the world.
I’m late to the game, so I’m currently enjoying The Crown, season 1.
Whoops, premature send! Anyway, if you want to go back further, I really enjoyed The Tudors. At least the early parts.
For a different slant on the Royals (but may not be for everyone): The Windsors on Netflix. Even Prince William enjoys it!
The Kettering Incident on Amazon prime is AWESOME. Supposed to be a 2nd season, but apparently there’s a delay. Elizabeth Debicki is just great.
The king’s speech was great – but of course you will have seen that 🙂 I’m way behind and still enjoying season I of the crown