The Queen and the Crown
Dear Kay,
Here’s some fun.
The Brooklyn Museum has created a virtual exhibition of the costumes from the two new Netflix series that have kept me bolted to my sofa: The Queen’s Gambit and The Crown, Season 4.
Have a stroll through the Brooklyn Museum’s Beaux Arts courtyard (virtually, of course), where we can click and drag and get up close with the clothes worn by chess prodigy Beth Harmon and various characters from The Crown.
This virtual exhibition comes complete with echoing sounds, footsteps on the marble floors, and bright sunshine that would never be allowed on the actual garments if this were a literal exhibition. The only thing missing is a gift shop where we can get our own copy of Beth Harmon’s amazing black-and-white shift that she wore for her biggest match.
Gabriele Binder is the costume designer for The Queen’s Gambit. Here’s an interview with her, really fun to hear this German designer’s thoughts on the process of arriving at Beth Harmon’s look.
Amy Roberts is the Emmy-winning costume designer for The Crown. This is a great conversation with her about how she approached the design work when so many iconic garments were in the mix.
Hats off to these women who create magic under tight deadlines and pressure.
At recommendation of MDK, I watched The Queen’s Gambit. I loved it and immediately noticed the great clothes worn by so many of the female lead characters. Great story with great costumes! Will have to check out this virtual exhibit! Thank you!
Ann, I would totally love wearing that dress (on the occasion some day when I imagine wearing a dress again). I love it.
The costumes were fabulous. The home decor, equally so. We need a wallpaper room, too!
Thank you for the detailed read.
Thank you for this info about the virtual tour! It’s amazing! We just finished the The Crown episode last night of the Australian tour and saw the gorgeous red silk dress Diana wore. So fun to read more about it in this museum piece. BTW, both The Crown and the The Queen’s Gambit have been quite entertaining!
Loved seeing The Gambit costumes, Ann! Haven’t watched it yet but looking at the clothes was like seeing them just yesterday (the 60’s – I presume here – were my decade). I still miss those fashions.
The virtual exhibit is fabulous. I loved the stories behind many of the costumes. I need to rewatch The Queen’s Gambit. Just finished watching The Crown.
It is an amazing website … and a good look at the details. Especially nice when we can’t travel there to see it in person!
That being said –these are costumes — designers interpretations to character, not artifacts. I find it so interesting that Brooklyn Museum is doing this … as they no longer have a costume department (they gave it all to the Met). But normally, these type of exhibits bring in people, and with them, money.
But so much fun!