Victoria (Season 3)

Dear Ann,
When you watch as many costume dramas as I do, the dark winter nights fly by. It’s a whirl of centuries and reigns and hairstyles, so dizzying that a person might nearly miss a major event like the debut of Season 3 of Victoria on her local PBS channel.
True story: this just happened to me. I was walking on the elliptical trainer, and the gym TV was silently playing a scene from Victoria that I’d never seen before. I realized, it’s late January! This is Season 3! And here I am, rewatching random episodes of Versailles on Netflix and missing out!
Thank goodness for my Thirteen Passport subscription, which lets me stream episodes after they’ve aired. I’m catching up this weekend, notwithstanding Vogue Knitting Live. I have my priorities.
One thing I’m looking forward to is that Lord Palmerston (whoever that is) is played by Detective Sergeant Hathaway, I mean Laurence Fox. My fellow Brit-mystery-heads will understand, and rejoice.
Surely there will be more turmoil, more history I never knew, more childbearing, more fits of pique from the Queen and more mumbling from Prince Albert. I can’t wait.
I agree, Laurence Fox is dreamy. Happy watching.
Or as the medical examiner referred to him, “the very dishy Sergeant Hathaway”!
I was thrilled to see Sgt Hathaway. One of my favorite (who am I kidding, there are a lot of people in this group) British actors. It started long ago with Brideshead — which is always worth re-watching!
Brideshead! Definitely the beginning for me too. Maybe I need to rewatch that now…
I adored Brideshead and it became a family affair
And here I thought I was the only one who thought Sgt. Hathaway was fabulous. Why don’t they give the guy his own series, for heaven’s sake?
They’ve got to wait for Lewis to retire first (Kevin Whately’s Lewis was the Detective Sergeant to John Thaw’s Inspector Morse for several series, until Morse died and it was decided to continue the series, with Lewis as the lead character and re-naming the series).
Ah, yes! Sergeant Hathaway with the dreamy voice…
Thanks for the heads up! I have been binge watching the series on Amazon. Personally I am ensnared with Rufus Sewell (Lord M). I first saw him in the Pillars of the Earth series. He is the formidable package of great actor with a great face. I have to watch the last couple of episodes from Season 2 today to get ready and look very much forward to watching tonight.
Rufus Sewell also makes an appearance in an episode of this season’s Mrs. Maisel. *swoon*
Wait. He was in Maisel? Who?When?
The show is “The Amazing Mrs Maisel” on Amazon Prime, definetly on my winter watchlist.
He’s also the guy my husband and I love to hate in A Knight’s Tale (even if I am secretly attracted to him…well, maybe not so secretly ).
You need to watch him in “ZEN”!
oh yes! Rufus Sewell in Zen is ah-mazing!! Swoon!
Enamored. Stupid autocorrect!!
Isn’t ensnared also a good word? I love Sgt Hathaway/Laurence Fox too and feel ensnared/enamored. 🙂
Oh, but, Kay, Lord Palmerston is really creepy, even kind of creepy looking. This makes me reflect on the craft of ‘acting. ‘ For another example George Warleggan in ‘Poldark’ snivels and schemes and sulks so much that I NEVER notice how handsome he is. Then I saw him in an interview and realized that all that despicableness is ACTING!
But otherwise I agree. I love Victoria and my PBS Passport!
He looks exactly like Roger Daltrey, which keeps me rooting for him!
Is that George Warleggan in the latest adaptation, or from the 1970s? Ralph Bates as George Warleggan in the earlier one was particularly odious.
My eyes lit up when I saw Laurence Fox, but I lurrrve Rufus Sewell.
Have you seen Rufus Sewell in Zen (playing the title role of Aurelio Zen in the TV adaptation of the novels by Michael Dibdin)? If not, worth a look (I was very disappointed when the BBC didn’t make a second series).
Absolutely loved it. I went for Rufus and I stayed for Rome. Such a gorgeous rendering of the city.
Rufus S was masterful but alas like Queen Vic we must move on.
Are seasons 1 and 2 available for streaming anywhere? I feel a binge coming on.
Amazon Video
I think that if you have the PBS Passport, you can see the first two seasons as well.
PBS Passport is wonderful, costs $10 per month in Minneapolis/St Paul thru our PBS station.
Laurence Fox is a wonderful actor. So glad he’s on Victoria! If you haven’t seen Poldark, I highly recommend it. Aiden Turner and Elinor Tomlinson are gorgeous, Cornwall is beautiful, and there are some lovely knitted items to boot!
Thank you for posting this! I completely forgot! I think I only have to watch episode 1 elsewhere and have everything else available on my pbs station. I can’t believe I spaced on it!
I’m with you. Loving this series. Knitting to this one of my favorites. Of couse erudite DCI Hathaway makes it more delicious.
My first thought when you wrote that you hadn’t seen it yet was “ooh, ooh, and be sure to look for Laurence Fox!” But of course you caught sight of him. I love his scheming, insolent, rakish Lord Palmerston, so different from Hathaway. I had heard of Palmerston, but just barely. Apparently he was quite the figure in mid-nineteenth century British politics! Oh, and speaking of being late to the costume drama party, The Favourite has finally come to our little town. I can’t wait!
I just love Hathaway in this … swoon! Enjoy the Victoria new season, I’ve been there since season 1…but so nice to know other like minded i.e. Knitters out there too. Knit Knit away!
In my mind (and when discussing Lewis with my husband), Fox plays “the delectable Sergeant Hathaway”. I legit thought that someone in the show referred to him that way at some point, but maybe it was just me?
I think it was Lewis’s wife, the medical examiner, who called him “the dishy Sergeant Hathaway?”
Thanks for the comment on Albert mumbling! I thought it was my 72 yr old daily ears. I am renewed.
Am I the last person to find out that Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes (Albert) are a couple? They are very quiet about it.
The info was published in TV Guide about in one of the most recent additions. I didn’t know it until then either. They are a great match for each other.