Knit to This
We’ll Meet Again

Dear Ann,
Mr. Rogers famously said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
I would be remiss if I did not pause to remember once again that the lady who said these wonderfully strengthening words to Mr. Rogers also knit all of Mr. Rogers’ iconic (and beautifully finished, with zippers!) cardigans.
In scary, confusing times, it is uplifting and also somehow crushing to think of the ordinary people who find the guts to help someone else. Journalist Ann Curry hosts a series on PBS called We’ll Meet Again. It tells the stories of people who helped each other in times of peril, and then lost touch, in some cases for decades.
Watching it is an experience that can cause dampening of the knitting with cathartic tears. I’ve watched the episode about two sets of helpers and helpees on 9/11, one in New York and one at the Pentagon. Except for wanting to tell them to try finding the lost helpers on social media (which eventually did help, but it seemed kind of contrived to first try more meandering methods), I found it compelling.
I will gladly watch all the episodes. They are currently airing Tuesday evening on PBS stations, or you can stream them on PBS Passport.
Knit something absorbent, or keep a pack of Kleenex nearby, and be cheered by the grace and beauty of Ann Curry.
I love PBS. I have watched one episode, Lost Children of Vietnam. The story touched me. Ann Curry is excellent at telling of the loss of the innocence and connection of the children, their mothers and their fathers, our soldiers. I have been saving the other episodes for quiet knitting days to come.
This is an excellent show. I recommend it to everyone.
There’s an episode with children from WW2, also fantastic.
I just watched one episode on my telephone. I would like to be able to figure out how to get it onto my television but I’m new to Smart TV and not very techy. Anyway, the episode I just saw was about two people from the at Nam each looking for someone in America. It didn’t matter that I was admitting a baby bib from Kitchen cotton yarn when I cried tears just streamed!
That was supposed to be Vietnam.
Yes! I have been watching We’ll Meet Again since the first episode. I also find the detective work to be a bit contrived. I sometimes yell at the TV “you just need to (visit the local newspaper/library, find the chamber of commerce, etc.) Stop wasting our time!” But overall, I love the show.
Goodmorning, thankyou for such a lovely article, and video about mr. Rogers, and his wonderful sweaters that his loving mother knitted. I always loved mr. Rogers, I never met him, but I along with my 3 children watched daily! His gentelness, and loving manner were always so welcome, and refreshing! And those sweaters knitted by his dear mother was always inspiring to me! Yes it says love knitting for those you love (and even like, when they annoy you at times LOL) thanks again Dorian
the ‘detective bit’ tells a story, sometimes even interesting history.
Ann Curry, as always, has a soothing gentle way. I’ve watched this series from the start,and have enjoyed each episode. These days, it is wonderful to watch tales emphasizing the best of mankind.