On the Eve of the Big Vote

Dear glorious knitters of the world,
A few announcements.
First up, MDK March Mayhem.
We are on the cusp of the final round of voting, which opens on Friday, March 30.
We have witnessed extraordinary acts of kindness among the 64 designers whose patterns are featured. Countless knitters tell us that they’re having fun spending time with these patterns. We know that a lot of patterns have been purchased.
It is a thrilling thing to see so much love and sunshine cast upon all these worthy, interesting designers. The voting has been tight all around, and we expect the final round to be every bit as close.
On Friday, we’ll spotlight the four designers whose patterns have made it to the final round.
Free U.S. Shipping Ahead!
On Friday, we’ll mark the grand finale of voting with one of our favorite things: free U.S. shipping. For Friday and Saturday only, use the coupon code 2018mayhem at checkout.
It’s our Shop that funds the mighty engine of MDK, pays our writers, hires the brainiac Eric Olson who created the interactive MDK March Mayhem bracket, and generally makes us a going enterprise.
So if you’re feeling like casting on—we’ve cast on three projects in the past two days—then we hope you’ll order up some yarn from MDK.
Every time you order from us, we are so delighted. It means the world to us.
If you’re the type who’s up on Saturday morning craving the latest knitting news, we are here to help.
Our weekly newsletter, Snippets, arrives right when you’ve got your coffee brewing. In this breathtaking piece of literature, we recap all the week’s features on MDK. And increasingly, we announce new arrivals and special offers in Snippets. So please sign up at the bottom of this page if you’re looking to subscribe.
Bookmark It!
If you’re still glorying in yesterday’s brilliant piece by Kate Atherley, “Techniques in Depth: How to Pick Up Stitches,” use the handy bookmark feature. When you’re a registered user of MDK, you can save all the articles you’d like to refer to later.
To register with MDK, click on the little head & shoulders icon at the top right of the home page. Fill out the form, and you’ll be set to start bookmarking articles.

Hoping everybody gets some rest tonight: we’ve got a big vote this weekend.
Kay and Ann
PS It can’t be a post without pictures of knitting. Up top is the soon-to-be-blocked Colorwash Scarf that was my constant companion on my ramble through the UK. I’ve made two of these now—Kirsten Kapur’s design featured in Modern Daily Knitting Field Guide No. 3: Wild Yarns, with two shades of Megan Ingman’s Lichen and Lace fingering merino. We have a few kits left in Rosewood and Beach Glass.
I am going to block my first Colorwash Scarf today. Kismet! I used Madeline Tosh. Waiting patiently to do some shopping tomorrow. Who can resist free shipping? Thank you.
Thanks for the book marking tip!
You have provided me with much inspiration with your blogs, and everyone must remember you cannot do it free of charge and continue to eat and live indoors. Through using up old yarn for my kingbed sized log cabin project I will have room to purchase from you!
Is that midnight eastern for free shipping? Because I’ve finally broken down and put yarn for Colorwash in my cart…..
It’s midnight Central time on Saturday—late Saturday night. Sorry to be confusing! You are going to love Lichen and Lace! The dreamiest! ; )