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Dear friends,

It’s all coming together. Cats are being herded. Ducks lining up. Print is printing. Signs are signing. We’re even on the radio, y’all!

The very first Nash Yarn Fest begins TOMORROW, at the Fairgrounds in Nashville, MDK’s beloved home town.

Read on to get your NYF game plan together. 

Grab a Seat at the NYF Lounge

Right in the middle of Nash Yarn Fest will be the NYF Lounge, generously sponsored by knitCompanion. It’s where knitters can take a load off their feet, knit or wind yarn, hang out with friends old and new, and see some of our favorite yarn-world people in action.

See the full schedule of talks here. Lots to see: talks, demos and a fashion show sponsored by the great folks at Madelinetosh and dellaQ. Plus, raffles every hour!—sponsored by our friends at GoSadi.

These are some of the friends we will be welcoming on Saturday:

Dana Williams-Johnson of Yards of Happiness

Sally Holt of knitCompanion

Laura Zander of Madelinetosh and Jimmy Beans Wool 

Kim McBrien Evans of Indigo Dragonfly

Natalie Chanin of The School of Making

The Nash Yarn Fest Vendor Map

Look what just arrived from our printer in Canada: a pallet of souvenir programs, hot off the press!

Everyone who attends Nash Yarn Fest will receive their own copy of the Nash Yarn Fest Bulletin—a tabloid-sized souvenir program full of fun.

For all you digital citizens, we’ve turned the vendor map into a PDF: download it here to figure out your game plan! Snake your way through the aisles, visit your favorite booths first, or head straight to the coffee cart—choices to be made!

More than 90 vendors will be here, coming from more than 25 states, Canada, and the UK. Meet them all here.  

Bonus: the PDF includes Insider Favorites: the MDK Team’s Guide to Nashville, to add local flavor to your real—or imaginary— visit. Organized by neighborhood, every suggestion on the list is a bona fide Nashvillian’s favorite hangout. 

Tickets Still Available

 Tickets will be available at the door, but you can speed your way inside by getting tickets online here.

The Opening Night Party: Friday, March 14, 6-9 pm. $75.

The festivities begin! Enjoy first look at the vendors, hang with your fellow fiber lovers, and enjoy a special talk by the legendary designers Arne and Carlos. Includes admission, a special talk by Arne and Carlos, two beverages, and the NYF Opening Night Party swag bag. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Generously sponsored by GoSadi 

The Big Day! General Admission: Saturday, March 15, 10 am-5 pm, $25.

It’ll be a full day with 90+ vendors and time with fellow fiber lovers, with space to sit, knit, and watch all the goings-on—plus the opportunity for quality time with fiber animals from the Greater Cumberland Fibershed! There will be a busy main stage filled with talks and demonstrations. Food and coffee will be there for purchase throughout the day. 

Start the Party Right Now

Stickers, pins, totes and more! Our NYF merch shop has been updated with new items to start the celebration early.

We’ll be bringing a few surprises to the festival, including this beauty, the official Nash Yarn Fest poster by Nashville’s famed Hatch Show Print.  

(With this, Kay’s bucket list gets shorter by one item.)

If we have any left after the show, we’ll put them on sale online.

One Last Thing: Thank You

We’ve always believed that knitters, vendors, farmers, teachers, and designers are a big tent, and the tent has warmly embraced a new festival in Nashville. We’ve been blown away by the trust and encouragement we’ve received from the knitting world.

We are especially grateful to the sponsors who took the leap to make this inaugural Nash Yarn Fest happen:





The School of Making

Thistle Farms 

Loose Ends Project 

That’s all for now! If you have questions, just email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We are so excited. See you soon!


Ann and Kay


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  • Cannot wait – see y’all soon!

  • I am so excited for you all! What a big undertaking! I will be knitting in your honor from NJ this weekend and cheering you on! Go NYF and MDK!

  • I cannot wait to see you all soon, soon, soon! x

  • Yay! I knit in awe of what MDK can do in furtherance of our beloved craft!

  • I’ll be packed and on my way to the airport in a bit!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

  • I’m curious — what’s the “pin swap” listed in the program?

    • Ann said, “ lol this will be the loosest thing at the whole NYF—I just love enamel pins and buttons and would love swapping some with likeminded pinfolk. Just bring pins you’d like to trade, or whatever!”

      I’m bringing a small handful of pins. Fun!

  • Leaving for the airport in 44 minutes!

  • Wish I could be there. Hoping for next year!

  • So excited! My sister and I are meeting up for a blissful yarnaway!

    *The Hatch Show Print poster made me shed a happy tear

  • Sooo wish I could be at this most auspicious Event with y’all. I’ll be thinkin of ya from Carolina FiberFest in Raleigh, NC!

  • You’ve certainly worked very hard over the last several months ……now enjoy the experience…..and I hope everyone has a wonderful time there! It would be lovely to see a post on the experience……once you recover!

    • I agree…looking forward to hearing all about NYF in future MDK posts. Congratulations, and I hope everyone has a wonderful time…we’ll be sending good vibes from Texas!

  • Can’t attend this year, but wishing everyone at MDK a successful festival and all the attendees lots of yarny fun!

  • DH and I are sitting in DIA right now, waiting for the plane to arrive to take us to Nashville. I’m excited to meet all the amazing MDK people soon!

  • I can’t wait! Boarding the plane today.

    FYI I’m still banging out my sweater!!!

  • So excited! Picking up my daughter from college and then my mom— we all can’t wait!

  • Y’all are amazing – this will be an event of a lifetime. I wish I could be there to meet all y’all and enjoy all the incredible fun and learning experiences and yarn petting and sheep petting! Will be with you in spirit

  • So wish I was there with you. I’m fiber-ing and celebrating alongside all of you, but from the other side of the country.

  • With you in spirit, my favourite yarnies of all ! Bises, –KAF

  • YEA! A Hatch Print shop print!!!! See you Saturday & thanks for having the show in “my” town! Two weekends in a row & two fiber shows—heaven!

  • I’m so looking forward to this I be driving in tomorrow I’m so excited.

  • All packed and heading there with a friend tomorrow. Driving from Atlanta,Georgia. I’m so excited! This will be my very first fiber festival!

  • …..wishing I could be there……
    Have fun!!

  • I’m so excited! On my way to Nashville now!

  • FINALLY sewed the buttons on my Boldin tonite (really pretty grayed green porcelain 1 inch buttons from (no affiliation, just a great site for US made goods) and will be driving up from Huntsville tomorrow. I’m really excited for this event.

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