How To
Little Lessons: Changing Colors for Marls

How are we all doing in our comfy marling rabbit hole? Well, I hope!
Today’s video tutorial is an exercise in tempting a few more of you lovely people to come down and join us. There is yarn, tea, and so much fun to be had playing with all the possible color combinations!
I figure that once you have seen just how easy it is to play with color in marled knitting, there will be nothing to stop you. We will all be down here together having a ball! (Oh boy! I wasn’t even trying to make a pun there, and it just happened …)
Jump in, the marling’s fine
Here I have to hold up my hands and say that there are some techniques that I too feel hesitant about. I know I’m here as some sort of expert, but that doesn’t mean that I can do everything. I also make a lot of mistakes in my knitting. More on that another day…
In particular, I’m not very confident at putting colors together, and for a long time I thought that intarsia was too hard for me. I wrote quite a bit last year about how I overcame my intarsi-worries (don’t worry—I shan’t fall too far down that intarsi-hole!). I still haven’t tried entrelac or any of those beautiful fine stranded colorwork projects with three colors per round.
So if you aren’t sure whether you can jump in and try marled knitting, then I want you to know that I recognize that feeling, and I’m here to hold your hand. We can jump together (that’s so much nicer a metaphor than me just pushing you over the edge!).
If you can knit and purl, you have the skills you need to marl up your knitting. Last month’s video showed you how to cast on. Today’s video to show you how to change color. It is so simple! You can definitely do it.
Video notes: If you are watching on YouTube, you can hover over the time bar to see the different sections of the video, which is handy if there’s a particular thing you want to re-watch. The video also has subtitles which you can display by clicking on the CC button.
In the video I’m not only showing you how to change from one color combination to the next, but I’ve also included a bonus tip on weaving in your ends. This is totally optional—the beauty of the colour change process is that you can just trim and go—but if you want the extra security, I’ve included weaving in the ends in the video for you.
Is there anything else standing in the way of you joining us down the marling rabbit hole? Do let me know in the comments and I’ll see if I can help. Unless it’s time that is standing in your way … If anyone knows the secret of more knitting time, I’m all ears (just like a rabbit)!
Somehow watching MDK videos always leads to a half hour of watching Olive and Mabel.
Olive and Mabel always make me happy!
I spit splice the yarn (Rowan Felted Tweed) together when changing colors. I love not having to deal with weaving in ends.
I am knitting the colour explosion throw. I t really is reversible, but if I leave those little bits of yarn after trimming, there will be a definite ‘wrong side”. I am using the felted tweed (leftovers from my kites throw!) so it is definitely “woolly”. I’ve knitted 8 stitches with the three strands at the colour change instead if the 6 in the pattern…I thought this was a belt and braces kind of precaution, but after watching Jenn’s video, I am thinking I should probably weave in the ends so that they are less likely to “pop out”. What do you think? I would like to keep it totally reversible if I can….