Make Your Bracket Your Shopping List

Dear Kay,
I’ve been carrying around my busted MDK March Mayhem bracket since March 21, when it was a lot less busted than it is now. I think of it as my shopping list. It has 64 patterns that I’m planning to make. I haven’t exactly calculated how long that’s going to take me, but I am proud to announce that I’m on my way.
One down, 63 to go:

Camilla Vad, your Magnolia Hat was my travel knitting on my recent trip to Edinburgh. I love this thing like a baby!
I’ll admit, I’m a little behind on my plan to knit all of the MDK March Mayhem patterns from last year—in that photo you can see one of the three projects from Mayhem 2018 that I finished: Melanie Berg’s True Colors Wrap, knitted in our Canon Hand Dyes Mini Skein Sets.
(You can also see my fresh-baked Norah Gaughan pullover. This photo makes me realize that wearing three handknits at the same time communicates something along the lines of GURL YOU KNIT EVRY DAY.) (I DON’T SEE THE PROBLEM HERE.)
Headgear as Statement
A few thoughts on that Magnolia Hat.
Getting ready for Edinburgh, I packed the Magnolia Hat pattern along with my leftover yoke yarn from my Petula Pullover, the Isabell Kraemer sweater from MDK Field Guide No. 10: Downtown. My fondness for the icy shade of Mohonk called Bering cannot be overstated. It is magnificent. It is greeny blue or bluegreen depending on the light.

I cast on during a lull at the yarn festival, when I was seated next to these women during a rare moment of al fresco knitting in a city that loves a cloud:

Agneta Byers and Kicki Strandqvist, the Swedish proprietors of Z Garn. (That’s “Zed Garn” to you philistines who see “Zee Garn.” Z Garn is spun with a Z twist, not the more familiar S twist. This gives fabric a fluffiness that is different from what you get with S-twist yarns. I was trying really hard to keep up with this without saying anything about the KNITTED CHICKENS STREWN AMONGST THE BLEACHERS.)
(Get the chicken pattern here. Where you can also see the video of a chicken rap. Don’t worry; it’s in the universal language of Chicken.)
With the Wrong Tools, You Can’t Do Anything
ANYway. My point here, and I may have one, is that I began this top-down hat using the Magic Loop technique, with a long circular needle. Agneta and Kicki could testify to my lack of success with this.
To be clear: you cast on 8 stitches and end up with a hat. I couldn’t get past Stitch 16 without gumming up the magic loop or otherwise pfaffing it.
Soon after asking Agneta and Kicki for the Swedish word for crap, I realized, ten yards away, there was a magical marketplace filled with yarn, knitters, and knitting notions out the wazoo.
I rallied, wedged my way into the madness, and emerged with a set of double-pointed needles that broke new ground for me.
With the Right Tool, You Can Do Anything
They were 8 inches long.
An inch longer or more than the DPNs I typically use.
This was a game changer. That extra inch gave me a good handle on the DPNs as I worked those early increases. It all instantly felt easier. It was counterintuitive to use a longer DPN while working the tiniest number of stitches, but there you go.

I now have a matchy beautiful hat to go with my Petula Pullover from MDK Field Guide No. 10: Downtown. Here you can see it alongside the Isabell Kraemer design that was the champion of MDK Mayhem 2018: the Humulus Sweater.
I’m about to cast on Project No. 2 from the bracket. What are you planning to knit from the bracket? All 64?
I love all of your beautiful FO’S. The hat is so cozy and damn, your projects appear to fly off the needles! Good tip on the 8 inch dble points. I hope Jill has a lot of Bering because the orders are gonna start rolling in…it’s gorgeous!
Elton is at the top of my list but I am going to have to order yarn. I’m a bit concerned about matching up colors since it requires fingering and a mohair silk. Working on Bottom Line right now.
My plan exactly – Elton. I love that cardigan. I am not sure about the yarn to use though. And I too have Bottom Line on my needles right now, nearing the end of the body. Love it!
I’ve made three lace/cable swatches for the Clamber Cardigan. I couldn’t resist buying the kit the minute I saw it in the bracket. My bracket was busted the very first day.
My bracket is a boulevard of broken dreams. I wonder if anybody has a perfect bracket out there!
i was so close, like a lot are, i’m sure. i’m 3 out of 4. that darn Head and Hands bracket. one pattern i voted for at first, but not the last round, so boo.
this has been fun and i have so many patterns to buy. i already had around ten of these pullover/cardis plus several of the shawls in my faves because i’ve been spending hours looking for patterns for my next fun knit. i had never of this March Mayhem. you can imagine how easy first round voting was for me. i’d already spent so much time with each pattern.
Years ago I read Cat Bordhi’s book ‘Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles’. Since then, that’s the method I always use for knitting small circumferences. I did try magic loop when I first heard of it and managed it well enough, but went back to my tried and tested two circulars as I found it more comfortable. I’ll definitely make myself a Magnolia Hat using my two circs as usual. Yours is gorgeous.
And by the way, I’m British, so Z is always zed to me.
I learned to knit socks using Cat’s book–such a game changer! I love the ease of those two circs for socks especially.
You will enjoy the nupps in the Magnolia Hat. Thrilling lil moments.
Well, unlike what I think was the point of this (knit the bracket!), I have just decided that the next item on my knitting list is a couple of those chickens!
Next year: an all-poultry bracket.
Yes, please! And maybe a Merle Hazard cover of “Ghost Chickens in the Sky”? (the cold medicine made me say that)
The hat and the icy blue color are perfect!
The one out of all 64 I’d most like to cast on is Smilla. Right now I’m in that happy, daydreamy stage of looking at yarns and pondering which would be exactly right.
Yes! I’ve got piles of yarn all over the place, scheming up the next 63 projects . . .
I’m going to start to swatch for the Savage Heart cardigan. A knitting friend is going to join me for our own little knit all along!
I’m knitting the Savage Heart and it’s my first sideways knit. So fun!
Magnolia was the first pattern I bought! I appreciate your DP needle tip as I was going to do magic loop. Love your hat!
Your mileage may vary on using Magic Loop–I just kept getting the loop all tangled up when fooling with those first tiny stitches. I think I’d have had better luck if it had been a cuff-up hat.
I’m so pleased with myself. My savage heart was already being worn, a lot, before the bracket came out!!!! Tee hee!
Gurl, I wear 3 handknits every day in the winter, if not 4. Everyone I know knows that I knit every day. Nothing wrong with that!
So true! I do wonder if I’m a fire hazard at certain moments.
wool is self extinguishing so you are good.
wool is flame retardant. you’re safer than anyone wearing polyester
I can’t say what all I will end up knitting, but some favorites got left behind already and I know I’ll be revisiting them. I’m already down to only one of my favorites in the Elite Eight. *sigh*
Great pattern, great work. The hat looks beautifulon you, too, Ann.
I may have to knit the chickens first.
The chickens will get you all warmed up for the main event.
Chicken appetizer.
So many! I think I have six MMayhem patterns on my list now. But the chickens got me thinking… I knit a chicken a while back. Where is it? Not on my desk like it was until I moved. Squawk! It must be here somewhere…
Put out a little dish of birdseed.
bird seed
so much of this makes me smile 🙂
Anne, there is nothing like the three hand knit items at once look. I hope your socks and even your undies were hand knit. Your very serious expression may have derived from your hand knit undies.
The chicken rap video made one of my dogs whine – or was it the way it made me laugh?
The hat, the wrap and the jumper are all great, but what made me really smile was seeing the pile of wool and/or UFOs stuffed inbetween books and folders halfway up a bookcase.
The situation at the bottom of that photo can hardly be described. OK how’s this: many many bags of yarn, willynilly, just a drift of yarns.
Mistigri didn’t make it far in the bracket, but it captured me upon sight. It’s up next on my list. I bought Spud & Chloe for it, in appreciation for this fabulous annual event.
Yes! Those subtle squirgly cables look like such fun to work.
I’m a newbie. What’s a bracket, please?
Over here! https://www.moderndailyknitting.com/march-mayhem/
The “tournament” is almost over, but there’s no deadline on appreciating beautiful patterns 🙂
Oh those chickens. Oh My oh my oh my. You made my day
I have purchased Clamber and am swatching now. There are several other patterns in my list of things to knit. I had six of my original picks left in the bracket, but many of my favorites went also. No problem wearing many knits. I have been known to leave with socks, hat, scarf, sweater, and skirt at times. Yes, I knit every day, but everyone has something they do every day and mine is productive.
I hope that the rapper in the chicken video isn’t too old to enter the Miss Sweden contest. That’s a sure winner!
Omg. RAPPING CHICKEN. She sounds exactly like the ones I had once upon a time. Made me want to go outside and watch them scratch and cluck, except they’re not there any more. And you look so damn serious, woman! Go look at a rapping chicken or something!
I actually found the Tulip sweater (Ririko) a day or 2 before I saw it in this competition and I bought it immediately. Even though I’m not into top down, lace work, raglans or A-line knits, something about it was so compelling, I cast on immediately. That’s not generally how I plan! Have to say, it’s a beautiful knit and I think it will be extremely appealing to many who knit it. I’m pretty sure I’m going to appreciate the final result (and I always fool with sizing, that is how I roll, so nothing is ever as easy for me as it could be – but fit generally works out well!) I still don’t like knitting top down, doing lace work or raglan construction 🙂 but sometimes you go on the journey just to get to the beach! BTW, if you love raglans, lace work and top down construction – this is the pattern for you.
“something about it was so compelling” describes exactly how I felt about the Iqaluit shawl!! I have never had a desire to knit a shawl, or anything with teeny tiny yarn or teeny tiny needles;) But that shawl just said “take me home with you”!!!
I say, when the mood strikes – you’ve just gotta go with it!
This is my first year participating in MDK March Mayhem and the original 64 in the bracket introduced me to a lot of designers I never would have otherwise seen!! I’ve bought 2 patterns…so far 🙂 CardiZen and Iqaluit. The yarn for the Cardi is on it’s way to me, can’t wait to start swatching!!
I love both of those patterns. I’m still mulling what to use from my stash for CardiZen, but all my yarn was begging to be Iqaluit. I’m kind of hoping that Iqaluit comes out on top for a knit-along, so that’s the only reason I haven’t cast on yet.
Looks like we’ll have to start our own KAL for Iqaluit as it’s out of the running in the Final Four :((
I just ordered my Chicken Hat pattern, I think. It was all in Swedish, except for the item name, so I hope I ordered it. It looks like I paid $5.58 for it via pay pal. My only problem is- Where is it? I guess they will mail the pattern. I didn’t see a download link. Does anyone know?
Me too. Help! My grand-chickens need playmates.
I love that hat!!! (And everything else you are wearing with it, of course.) I’m going to London at the end of the month – is it weird that for my first trip to London I am most excited about visiting Loop, and deciding what to knit on the 6 hr flights? (Rhetorical question. NOT weird.) I’m thinking a hat is kind of perfect for flight knitting. Though I’ve never had trouble with knitting needles in my carry-on, I still fear some agent deciding to snatch my project away from me during safety check. Whenever I travel, once I decide what I’m bringing with me on the flight, I put in a lifeline. If they need to confiscate my needles, I can whip it out but keep the project going once I get to my destination!
I am casting on the Sheffield Cardigan and using the Periwinkle Sheep Merino in – you guessed it – Periwinkle! I love your Petula Pullover – I am excited about the KAL! I have charred coal and morning dove in Jill Draper’s Mohonk.
Your selfie in the mirror made me laugh so hard that IF I had had food in my mouth I would have spit it out. You have the universal look of “I don’t feel good.” Get well soon dear GURL who knits every day.
Loving the bracket. I still have 5 contenders, at least 1 in each category. Love seeing all the designers and their beautiful designs. So frustrating not to be able cast on all the things! I’ll be going nuts when my shoulder is healed enough for knitting!
I want to knit so many of this year’s patterns, but I’m having trouble deciding which to do first! It doesn’t help that I am also doing Boost Your Knitting this year, either…But I just puchased enough Mohonk to make Capture the Moment and I have several skeins in my stash perfect fo Ephemeris.
So many others though…Can I squeeze in Elton before summer? I loved knitting Cetus Knits’ Starry Night wrap so I’m sure Dark River would also be a pleasure. And so many projects that will be perfect once it cools back down for fall…why am I not a faster knitter????
I am at 50% in the April 2nd bracket. I live in a warm climate so I plan to knit the Tabouli or Boxed & Cabled cardigan. Sipila is already a wip for me. I would also like to cast on a Magnolia and I just happen to have some gorgeous sport weight in my stash. The brackets are so much fun.
Elton is gorgeous! If it helps, Neighborhood Fiber Co’s Loft is an amazingyarn— I made an all-mohair Albers Wrap out of it last fall. Although MDK doesn’t stock it, they do also make a fingering single in the same colorways so you can match exactly.
So fun. Love your look. I also noticed the yarn shelf. Mine is in big Containter Store crates shoved under most of the beds in the house. I really need to knit everyday to get through it all. I bought Savage Heart. I am going to get Iqaluit and the Rhinebeck Hat (it reminds me of all the squares I did for Lizard Ridge). I am also very tempted by the Chicken.
Ann! I ordered the chicken pattern and paid with Paypal but can’t figure out how to download it. One link sends me back to their page and the other downloads a wing chart. Any tips?
I have embarked on Capture The Moment by Carol Sunday -what a doll! I got confused in the first section of the Back and emailed her. She was back to me in no time at all!!! Problem solved. Anyway, this design would have been my top pick but oh well…..
I put several of the cardigan patterns into my Ravelry cart immediately after the first bracket! Unfortunately it looks like none of them are in my size bracket. I haven’t figure out yet if any are easily mathemetized.
But at least mitts and shawls are always a go… I’m going to be wearing Dottie mitts with my Dark River shawl next winter. Toasty!
I had Mohonk for Tabouli before you ever posted the bracket. Now thinking of using it for Boxed & Cabled instead. I just love both of those patterns. Also dreaming about Capture the Moment, Pixham, Clamber, Tuileries and Mare. I wish I was a faster knitter! My Cardigan and Head & Hands brackets are solid, but Neck and Shoulders was blown in the first round and Pullovers fell apart in Round 4. I have bought six patterns so far, and favorited many more. Thanks for another great year of great designers and inspiring patterns.
Oh, the bracket! My own favorite, Mistigri, didn’t make it past Round 1. Never mind, though, because i’ll be making that beauty for sure. Elton is another strong candidate, too. Noten? Dottie? Iqaluit?
Sigh, I was out early as Natsu Cardigan didn’t make it about if the first round- I communicated with Kay re yarn and went ahead and for the Shibui Reed on sale and am now doing gauge swatches. I’ve also bought the patterns for Sheffield cardigan ….as a well as NO 10 Downtown….maybe I will have Santa being me 3 more sets of arms for Xmas! Sure would move the knitting along!
I’ve been wearing 3 handknits for morning and evening goat-related chores every day all Winter: my earwarmer made from Kristine Byrne’s 1898 Hat pattern https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/1898-hat and a pair of wool socks.
One day I misplaced the earwarmer for a few hours and thought I might have to sell the farm.
I just knit my husband the 1898 Hat. I love this pattern, so fast and fun! Now a couple of the women at my lys want the pattern so they can knit one :))
I made the hat a couple of times to donate, and one for myself, it’s a GREAT hat! But I get too hot doing chores in a hat. The earwarmer is perfect 🙂 I keep hoping friends will ask me to make them one.
If I can spell it right, my next sweater will be Tuileries and have the perfect yarn in my stash!
I bought Tabouli. So many other favorites, this is my first bracket. I loved it!Great opportunity to see so many gorgeous knives projects.
Now, the chickens.. how appropriate for me to see them the day after I visited a farm with Chickens!! I am going to volunteer at story hour. I must knit one.
I saw many sheep, too. All pregnant I didnt know sheep always have twins. They will be sharing them soon. I may get some wool, so excited. They also have an alpaca, a most beautiful chestnut color.
Thank you for the bracket!!
Ann and Kay, Thanks for all the work that goes into March Mayhem, what a chore picking 64 patterns out of all the possibles. It is such a fun event. I look forward to it every year. My LYS (The Craftivist in Atlanta) had a KAL for the winning pattern of 2018 and I am hoping they will do the same for the 2019 winner especially if Widow’s Kiss wins!
First off, your expression in the photo is great! Tuileries pullover keeps popping up in my imagination, so there’s that one. I also have the Rhinebeck hat pattern, so there’s that, but if I tried to say I was going to knit all 64, all those others “promises” would gang up on me and no knitting project would ever believe me again. For once in my life, I’m going to be a little conservative.
Your writing tickles me! Of course, knitting conversation is nourishing, but when it’s so wittily presented, it’s a feast! Thank you.