Make Your Journal Home—With Felix Ford

Hello everybody,
How are your ducks doing these days? Are they in a row? Are you all organized for the last month of the year? How about 2024?
We’ve been preaching the lifechanging benefits of bullet journaling here for years. But from your questions over the years, we gather that we all could use some help getting the most out of our journals.
This Changes Everything
Today I want to share a resource that changed my journaling practice, and my daily life, vastly for the better: Felicity Ford’s self-paced KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling course. MDK is proud to be Felix’s affiliate in sharing the good news of bullet journaling through this wonderful course.

Deep in the stay-at-home days of 2020, I signed up for the course and dived right in. To my delight, Felix’s course was a direct path to what I’d been searching for: a way to use my bullet journaling practice more fully, to make life actually better and more fun. To make my journal more than a book of lists, and to avoid making “keep a journal” a chore.
As an artist, designer, and teacher, Felix had transformed her own journaling practice into a celebration of “everyday life as a source of inspiration and joy,” and her course shares how to do that yourself.
The course is superbly organized and presented. You can watch (and re-watch) the videos at your own pace, and without the pressure of taking notes—because there are PDF downloads that recap the learning from every unit.
More than 3 years later, while re-watching the course before writing this post, I fell in love all over again. And I took stock of how far Felix has brought me. Thanks to Felix, today my journal really does feel like home. It’s mine all mine: easy, fun, and supremely useful.
A Special Offer for MDK Readers
Felix has a generous offer for MDK Readers. When you sign up using our affiliate link, and enter the code MODERNDAILYKNITSONIK at checkout, you’ll get 10 percent off the price. This offer is good through January 31, 2024, but there’s no time like the present. Start watching right away, or start at the beginning of January—or do both!
MDK receives a commission for purchases through our affilate link.
Meet Felix! Join Us on January 11, 2024 on Zoom
You’re cordially invited to a free Zoom event on January 11, 2024, at noon eastern time. Our special guest will be Felix Ford. We’ll chat with Felix about All Things Journaling, and the main event will be Felix leading us through a fun exercise.
Mark your calendar! Join us here.
What do you need to bring? A sheet of paper, a writing implement, and any extras that would add to your fun: stickers, colored pencils, rubber stamps, or tape are just a few good ideas. Heck, get out the watercolors—whatever gets you excited.
We can’t wait to see you on January 11. In the meantime, if bullet journaling has been on your mind, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the most joyful journaler we know, Felix Ford.
Terrific class! I took the class a couple of years ago and loved all of the creativity tips, PDF downloads, inspirational examples and Felix’s supportive and calming voice! I’m starting my third year of journaling and it is still intensely satisfying.
I love bullet journaling. I have always used a form of it without realizing, because short and simple helps me remember things. Ryder Carroll’s book was so helpful for me. I do enjoy the artistic side of journaling, but I typically don’t have time for it. I prefer to use my free time knitting.
I’m the same about the artistic side, but now I do own a THANK YOU stamp and I use it with great joy. And with Felix for inspiration, I’ve developed a practice of my own: sticking mementos in the pages, ticket stubs, post-its, etc. It’s so fun, in addition to helping me keep track of all the to-dos and to-don’ts.
I also took this class. I had tried many different ways of bullet journaling, calendars and planners and nothing ever lasted for long. I made lists or took notes, but would misplace them. I was always disorganized and frustrated. The class was so wonderful and I learned a creative way to keep everything organized in a way that works for me. I still use it every day and look forward to opening it up and planning my day and my projects. Everything is in one place and easy to find and I can go back now for 3 years and find the information I need or am curious about. My DH calls it my magic book! Loved the class, can’t recommend it enough.
Felix’s website https://www.knitsonik.com/ is also worth a visit as she is doing the daily companion piece to the Colour Compass Advent calendar by Kate Davies. If you have never really thought about colour begin here (especially if you have the Milarrochy tweed wool. It on the Everyday colour thread.
I have loved this course, too, and thank you for reminding me that I can do a rewatch!
Taking Felicity’s class made all the difference for my journal practice. She brings the freedom with the form. She’s a great teacher.
I was a skeptic, but a recommendation for Felix’s class on this site sent me there and it is really worth it!! A good reminder that I can re-watch. And stencils! That’s tempting!
I took Felicity’s course a few years ago and really enjoyed it. My journal is where I keep all my important lists, recipes, sketches and ideas. It’s really freed up so much of my time. No more searching around for something, it’s right there in my journal.
I took this course last year. I have my own style of Bullet Journaling, and Felix fed right into that with lots of great ideas and inspiration. For example, I never thought I’d use stamps, but now I just love them. And that perfection is counter-productive. Well worth the time and investment, discounted or not. Also, I’d like to shout out a big THANK YOU to the person who commented on a previous article about this course with their suggestion of a Tah-Dah list vs. To-Do (listing what I’ve managed to get done rather than what waits). It changed my life, in addition to my BuJo. I hope you read this and know you’ve made a huge positive impact on someone’s life. <3
Thank you for the email format change this morning! I clicked right on it!
Journaling for 2 1/2 years, time flys and such fun. I enjoy looking at past pages and my collection of wonderful quotes. Inspiring and thought provoking.
Great class with Felicity!
I also took Felix’s class in 2020 – transformational! Fun, joyful, nourishing, all these things. Highly recommended.