Dear Ann,
Yesterday I washed and blocked a new Honey Cowl (MadTosh Sport, 300 stitches, in a color called Whisker that really is reminiscent of a 5 o’clock shadow). (Do people still say “5 o’clock shadow” in this bearded age? Is it still a thing? As one gets older does this kind of uncertainty plague one’s entire vocabulary?)

Today I cast on another Honey Cowl (MadTosh DK, 260 stitches, in a steely pale blue whose label I tossed too quickly).
My Ravelry notebook records that I cast on my fifth Honey Cowl in February 2012. I have not kept track as the numbers mounted. Doing some rough projections, I think I’ve knit at least 30 of them.

I know it looks like a failure of imagination, knitting so many repeats of the same pattern, but hear me out. The Honey Cowl is perfect for subway knitting, which I do a lot of. I can even knit a Honey Cowl in the movies, although sometimes I have to wait for a brightly lit scene to check where I am in the slip one, purl one sequence. So there’s ease of knitting. And the finished object is a wonderful accessory. It’s chic and warm when double-looped around the neck, and it drapes beautifully when you let it hang down. It’s practical, because it won’t slip off your neck when you un-double it when you go into a warm shop or packed train. People not only act delighted to receive one, but I see them wearing them often. So. I keep knitting them. Although I always have other projects on the go, rarely are they as supremely portable or giftable as the Honey Cowl.

But, Ann, I think it’s time. When my current Honey Cowl is finished, I’d like to pause the parade of Honey Cowls, if only for a while. On Thursday I’m flying to San Diego, where you and I will meet up and go to TNNA together. (Just like we did 10 years ago!) While I’m out there, I’d like to get the fixings for a new cowl to knit on the plane ride home. I’ve been looking around, but I can’t decide.
So, obviously, it’s time for a little contest.
The Goal: Find Me a New Cowl
To Enter: Go on Instagram, post a picture of a cowl that you think I should knit. (It can be your own picture, or you can “regram” someone else’s Instagram picture, just give them credit. Easiest way to regram is to take a screen shot of the picture, and post it to your feed.)
In the caption to that photo:
- tag me (@kaygardiner)
- tag a friend who knits and
- add the hashtag #KayCowl. (The hashtag is really important because it’s the only way I can be sure to see all the entries.)
On Friday, January 8, at 5 p.m. California time, I’ll choose a winner and notify them via their Instagram account.
The Prize: a kit to make the winning cowl, including the pattern and the yarn that the pattern calls for.
(Note: if more than one person suggests the cowl that wins, I’ll do a drawing from among those who suggested that cowl.)
Also: one entry per person, to keep things manageable.
May the best cowl win!
Since your visit at the Arkansas Fiber Arts Festival a few years ago, I’ve whipped up dozens of Honey Cowls. We all have. This is going to be a tough one to replace.
This made me smile, to think I had a hand in the Honey Cowlification of Arkansas! You’re right, it’s a tough one to replace.
I have made this cowl twice – I think it will pass the subway knitting test. I will try to find it in Instagram for the competition
How do you block a Honey Cowl? I have never felt I did that right.
I wash it and squeeze the water out, then lay it out all pretty to dry. It’s mostly the wash that’s nice.
Another plus: unlike some other handknit gifts, a Honey Cowl ALWAYS fits
This may push my ibstagram skills past their limit, but even if it doesn’t get me an entry, ill at least post some ideas here! Not like I really NEED any more yarn, even if I’d love it!
Second that, especially the Instagram part.
Does it count as a cowl if you knit a scarf and join the ends together?
I think the Adama cowl would be a nice change of pace. A little more design but one that is easy to remember. That Honey cowl looks interesting. Might have to try it.
Are you kidding? I don’t even know how to find Instagram, which is probably why I’m still in blog-land.
I feel a tutorial coming on! Instagram is so fun for knitters. It’s just a stream of lovely pictures and a sweet community. None of the clutter of Facebook or the arguments of Twitter. It’s super simple to do and then you will never read a knitting blog again and WAIT WHY AM I DOING THIS? (But seriously, it’s fun.)
You’re sweet, Kay, but if I get sucked into Instagram, that’s more time spent online in the virtual world and less time actually doing something creative in the real world. Ravelry is enough of a rabbit hole for me!
I up you one, no twitter skills, with a I don’t know how to text. Furthermore, I have flip phone. When I and if I ever get mugged, I will be handing over my flip phone.
twitter and instagram are not the same thing are they… sound of crickets
I agree completely!
I do not have an Instagram account so I will leave my suggestion here. No worries if it doesn’t get in the contest. It was fun to search for the pattern. There are so many styles of cowl to choose from some more difficult than others. I am assuming you want a relatively easy pattern that will work up effortlessly in meetings, the subway, etc. so cables and charted patterns were cast aside although Plucky Knitter has some beautiful patterns – “Freeze Warning” as an example. I vote for Jared Flood’s Convoy cowl from Brooklyn Tweed. The link is below:
Oh I like that one! Just faved it on Ravelry – thanks!
I am with the prior commenter but still have a non-Instagram suggestion. I was in a knit store in my rural neck of the woods an they had Jen Geigley’s Gaptastic cowl made up in a three-color gradient of Classic Elite’s Chalet yarn. Chalet is a super bulky, soft chainette construction and this cowl was beautiful. The Gaptastic cowl looks a lot like, well, the cowls you get at Gap, but this version was stunning and soft.
So now I need to figure out how to use Instagram. lol
I’m instagramless, but enjoyed the knitting of Casu cowl. It’s a freebie and is a nice combination of texture and lace. It does require kitchener to finish which is why mine is decorating my coffee table.
I don’t do Instagram (didn’t even know it was something that people did). But then, I don’t Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest either.
Consider Quinsnicket:
It was the name that caught my attention first.
Now, there is a cable, so unless you can cable without a cable needle, this probably isn’t true subway fare. But it is beautiful, reversible, and the slipped stitches make the edge roll so NICELY, so Tamely and Effectively, so Neatly. Anyway, I love this cowl, even though I haven’t made one yet, although I did swatch, and do intend to make (at least) one. (When I swatched, it was standing up like a little tin soldier when it was 8 inches high. Not felicitous.) Definitely use something with drape, maybe a yarn with a little rayon or silk, so you don’t end up with a circular board. I will swatch again, and I will prevail!!
Please show the rest of us the winning cowl entry!
I knit at least five Honey Cowls just for Christmas this year – (sons’ girlfriends, daughter’s ro0mmate, neighbor’s daughter, etc.), and I would love to find a new cowl that is as much an auto pilot knit and is so well received.
EXACTLY. It will be hard to replace but I do think I may have reached the end of even my ability to repeat.
I like The Hoxey Cowl and only one letter off from the Honey. I like the fact it is sturdy enough to stick up as a single loop and not doubled. You can whip off dozens!
I so love that you are back posting on your blog. The perfect way to start my morning.
I seriously doubt the honey cowl will ever disappear from our knitting for the reasons we love it—but I agree finding an equally interesting replacement will be a fun task. Off to check my cowl favorites in Ravelry.
Happy Knitting
I don’t have a knitter friend on instagram, unless I pretend one of the Knitterati are a personal friend. Here’s an idea anyway: The gradient part is fun. I did use the Norwegian purl technique with the constant seed stitch. I wanted something with less bulk around my neck. Not absolutely perfect for the subway because you’d have multiple strands going but at the small size of a ball of Silk Cloud or similar, it isn’t bad.
one main color the rest scraps or hand-dyed multicolor yarn.
Phooey! I may have to cave and check out Instagram. Feedly and Twitter (and dear heavens, Ravelry) already eat into my ‘have a life’ time. Still, can’t wait to see what the contenders are. And then the crowning of “The New Honey Cowl” shouldn’t be missed. Off to contemplate Instagram.
Kay- I posted a comment and tagged you and a friend, and added the hashtag, but it does not show up with the other hash tagged photos– in fact it appears the first three photos are not showing– as the number of posts and the number of photos keep differing by three. Did I do something wrong??
Oh never mind. User error!! Unless you changed the contest rules since I posted a comment on the original post.
You’re not going crazy. In the first couple of hours of the contest, I realized that you need to post the photo yourself or it won’t show up in the hashtag, so I changed the rules. I did capture all the entries that were made before that!
Oy geez I cain’t believe this! Kay steps off the Honeycowl Train. But seriously, before you move on I need to pick your brain a bit: I’ve knit a measly two Honeys, and I was just about to start a third for niece who has decamped from the typically temperate NW to livelier neck of the un-woods NYC. The fact that it’s colder here in Oregon than in NYC, well, let’s not argue with El Nino. She needs and wants a cowl!
She’s about your daughter’s size and I think she’d prefer a snugglier wrap. Your previous recommendations for adequate wrappage were to make it 12 inches wide– ok, can do. But mine still hangs a bit loose (I just found my notes and I had CO 219. So what do you recommend for cast on stitch count?
The Honey Cowl pattern itself suggests different options for different lengths and widths. For a short cowl, they suggest 110 stitches. For an in between length, they suggest 160. I also find looking at others’ projects on Ravelry to be a big help in situations like this. I generally look up the projects and click on “all helpful projects.” For this cowl, if you then further limit your search to “short” or “in between” you’ll get lots of good examples and advice.
I (humbly) offer up one of my own cowl recipes, which I have posted on Instagram as well. Easy enough for a beginner, and yet not boring for the more experienced knitter (especially one that might be watching a movie or riding the subway. ;-)). And, with a yummy yarn, it is guaranteed to drape or hang beautifully.
I have made several versions, two of which are on Ravelry:
P.S. For those of you skeptical of Instagram, it really is easy and fun for all the reasons Kay mentioned. There is a light mood, with lots of talent and love of making. And glimpses of RL moments. My son is traveling, and this morning I woke up to an instance in his journey I would not have been privy to, otherwise.
I finally entered the smartphone world in 2014, but have yet to set up an Instagram account. Like others, I feel that Ravelry (and in my case, Facebook) already lure me into the virtual world way too much.
I will see what I can do to become Instagram-ready, but in the meantime, may I suggest Annabella’s Cowl from Churchmouse yarns? I’ve knit it multiple times in multiple yarns and needle sizes, though not as yet in the Alchemy yarns suggested, which are apparently “a dream to knit with!” In any case, I love the simple pattern and the versatile accessory it makes. Also, for practice, #KayCowl.
Well, I’m thrilled to see I’m not the only Luddite among your readers. I recently joined Pinterest by mistake and now get emails from them every few minutes. Maybe Instagram is less aggressive…
Anyway, before the holidays, I took a step back from Honey Cowl addiction to make something with an entirely different look, but with such a simple pattern that it can easily be done on the subway, watching TV, etc.—although perhaps not in very dark movie theaters if you have a hard time remembering where you are, as I often do (in all too many ways). It’s especially beautiful in watery colors:
How about a linen stitch cowl? It is mind numbingly boring, but uses up lots and lots of leftovers. Have made many scarves from linen stitch and assume you could convert it into a cowl. I have pictures, but darned if I know how to upload them! They were based off of this pattern
I think you should try Sweetness by Tin Can Knits. I haven’t tied it yet ad I am still kind of intimidated by intarsia and fair isle but it looks like it would be a fun but not too complicated “branching out” cowl
I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’ve never knit a cowl, and I’ve been knitting a LONG time. Now I’m finally inspired. Downloaded the pattern, but how to make it look like the one the woman on the bridge is wearing? Is length measured by the entire way around the loop or doubled? The bridge cowl is so long that the CO must have been 500+ sts in a dk weight. This newbie would appreciate some help! Thanks.
Never would have found the Honey Cowl without you! Just finished #10-15 (not sure, but somewhere in there) for son’s college counselor. Looking forward to the new Kay Cowl to cast on.
Until I get an Instagram account, this is one I’m waiting for the pattern (this week maybe), so simple, but so many possibilities:
Kay, I think you might give Wollman Rink another try. I decided to, even though I agreed with your assessment. Once I modified it to half-linen stitch, it came together nicely. It’s so easy to remember, MC rounds are knit and CC rounds are half linen. And the gradient makes it fun. And it is squishy. I will try to get a progress post on IG. But I don’t want a kit–too much yarn here.
I can’t stand it anymore. I WILL knit a honey cowl. Two hanks of M.Tosh DK in “Worn Denim” are on their way to me now. I hope you’re happy.
And though you’d have to cast on attentively, the Ceriantharian is quick, satisfying and dynamic knitting suitable to subways and cinemas (
Love your blog. I’m a Luddite, so no Twit/Instagram/Facebook etc. – as if I need even more distractions to keep me from cleaning, sleeping and working out (really, any excuse will do!).
I’ve been trying to get to Luise O’Neill’s “Double Lyre Moebius” for a couple of years now, and think it’s just gorgeous. I think I recall the cast on being a bit of a challenge, so previous attempts got scratched, but maybe with a little more knitting having passed over my needles, I could figure it out.
Good luck and happy new year all!
I’m sure I did it wrong (but I did try) on Instagram. I vote for the ghazal cowl on ravelry. Multi weight, multi size.
But I just started my honey cowl!
A month ago I pulled out some dishcloth cotton and knit a washrag using the 4 row honey cowl stitch pattern. It was all knits and slips since it was knit back and forth.
I cast on for a honey cowl, then fell apart when I thought about how many purls honey-cowling in the round requires. Decided I could honey cowl with no purling by working from both ends of my yarn. Remember Fleegle’s no purl garter stitch in the round? It works for a honey cowl, too.
Well, the Honey, she is a hard act to follow. Even me who rareley multiple knits, has knocked out a few. I am wearing one right now. (Nowhere near 30. really? 30?!).
As far as suggestions, I have always felt the Miss Gulch Cowl to be overlooked. That stitch has a lot of possibility-
Happy trails to San Diego TNNA! Wish I could say see ya there.
Have you thought about casting on, joining in the round and just going for it in a reversible stitch pattern?
I left an idea for you on Instagram, but OMG madtosh whiskers? I buy that whenever I see it. I am so weak in the face of that color wayy.
I’m totally hooked on the Walking Rib cowl from Churchmouse:–muffler . I’ve used Berroco Elements in some silvery color that puts a little glam (but not too much) into a work outfit. My mother liked it so much I gave her mine for Christmas and whipped up another for myself.
Also, in response to another post from a month (months?) ago re: lopi/fair isle seamed inside out. I saw a specimen at the Loft. Did anyone buy one, I wonder? I’ve not seen one out and about. Curious.
I don’t do Instagram, but want to recommend Blended as a great cowl knit. Pattern by Susan Barstein; check it out on Ravelry. I’ve done at least 4 (so many that I no longer document in my project list) and have the yarn for two more ready to go!
I don’t do Instagram either so I’ll just leave my suggestion here in the comments. How about Ann Norling #71. It’s knitted in the round (perfect for subway or movie knitting), enough pattern to make it interesting but not so much that a kick-a** multi-colored yarn turns muddy and there are several gauges listed if your yarn is a different weight.
A race for the cowl — so exciting! I signed up for Instagram to look at what the cool kids are knitting. Daren’t post anything there though. 😉
All this cowl-ing reminds me: years ago I saw a sweater that had the color and texture of a softly aged brick building. It was made using the ballband dishcloth stitch pattern knit in delicate fine gauge wool. A faded red-ochre yarn was used as the main color (for the bricks) with a neutralish putty-colored yarn for the quiet-contrast color (the mortar). It would be an amazing thing to see it done as a cowl. I would go for tawny bricks with soft grey mortar.
Note to self, that’s the MadTosh Brick Road Cowl!
I forced my husband to stop at an unfamiliar yarn store yesterday on the way home from a far-distant doctor’s appointment. There was a sample cowl that captivated me, so I asked for the pattern. Guess what it was. Yes, the Honey Cowl, but a short version, once around the neck. Apparently your Honey Cowl obsession has crossed half the US to lodge in my WI brain. Thanks!
I don’t Instagram either – I’ve got enough other distractions! How are you guys making all these Honey cowls? I got absolutely bored after the first few rounds & frogged my in favor of the Aphelion Cowl.
Now that was a fun knit. It was simple, but interesting enough to keep me happy. Highly recommend. I really have to upload mine to Rav.
Thanks to your nudge, dear Kay, I swallowed my pride and asked my 13-year-old daughter to set me up on Instagram. I anticipate much enjoyment and embarrassment (whether more for me or for my teens is unclear). Just in case it didn’t work, though, I recommend the Mind Boggle Cowl. You can find it on Ravelry, and if you look at the projects, you’ll find I knit maybe 10 of the 17 Mind Boggle cowls shown. It is my own personal Honey Cowl. It is a fabulous, two-day, mindless yet clever pattern, done on the bias, written for bulky but also fun in worsted. . .really, have a look!
Whoops–forgot to add the link!
Not really an entry, since it’s late etc etc etc – but I just had to tell SOMEONE that I saw this yesterday at the Yarnery:
Pictures don’t even do it justice. It was knit in unbelievably soft Woolfolk and I CANNOT get it out of my mind.
I saw this one: The Salcantay Scarf today in one of those interweave/knitting daily things and thought: mitered square. As a cowl! What could be better.