Yarns to Love
MDK Gems: That Gifty, Leafy Washcloth

Dear knitters in search of small-scale big fun,
This month: we are thinking ahead (sort of) (it’s already October) to that prime season of gift knitting. What better way to show your deep affection than to knit your favorite people little washcloths shaped like leaves?
Welcome to the arrival of our latest fun little special offer, the MDK Gems, where we shine the MDK spotlight on a favorite yarn and MDK Field Guide—and give the ebook to you for free when you order the yarn for it.
The Bodhi Washcloth has been a perennial favorite ever since it appeared in Field Guide No. 7: Ease. Julia Farwell-Clay hit the sweet spot of easy and artful with this bit of design wizardry. Pair these with a special soap and you’re all of a sudden some kind of gift genius.

What’s the Deal? You Ask
The yarn? Two options! We’ve made Bodhi Leaf Washcloths with both. Order any quantity of either of these beauties, and we’ll give you the free ebook of Field Guide No. 7: Ease (a $9.95 value, with 4 patterns by Julia Farwell-Clay).
Option 1: Rowan Creative Linen. It’s one of Kay’s absolute favorite yarns, a blend of cotton and linen, in one of those Rowan palettes that we get all swoony about.

Option 2: Rowan Handknit Cotton. It was Kay’s favorite before Creative Linen came along, so I guess that means she has two favorites. Whatever! It’s 100% cotton, in another of those excellent Rowan palettes. Part of the fun here is picking your favorites so that your batch of Bodhi Leaf Washcloths is a perfect representation of your superb aesthetic sense.

Offer ends October 14, so don’t tarry!
Wish the pattern
Ann, how much yarn does one Bodhi Leaf Washcloth require?
I just made one from Creative Linen. About 2 hours and 25 yards. It weighed 11 grams.
I now have a cloth to match my Shakerag skirt.
Do I add the ebook for the field guide to my order, or is it automatically added to my order after checking out?
Kind of hoping you’ll make an edging on your skirt out of Bodhi Leaf Cloths. KEEP GOING! : )
270 yards (247 m)
How about more patterns using up all the leftover yarns in the yarn stash? I have yarns the cry out to be knit, but is hard to imagine what.
Edited to add, apologies pattern says this is yardage of suggested yarn skein, could make approx 5 leaves.
Thank you, Jane! That makes more sense to me. :0)
These make an amazing baby gift too. Because they are small enough to squeeze one handed, the other hand is free to hold on to little Miss or Mister squirmy while removing peas, milk or who knows what from various crevices.
This is such a fabulous pattern. Once I even found hand made soap at our French Market shaped like a frog. Together they were a perfect gift.
Do you get the entire field guide or just this washcloth’s pattern with the yarn purchase?
The letter says, in 2 places, that you get the ebook version of Field Guide 7. So I think you get the whole Field Guide, not only this pattern.
Thank you, @Beth J. I’m usually better at reading carefully but I’m sleep deprived.
No problem! Totally understandable. 🙂
This is a classic pattern! I have knit it in the original yarn and needles, and then in several other yarn weights/needles. Adaptable and beautiful, actually!
So do I just order either or both of these yarns and the field guide is automatically included? No code necessary?
The leaves also make great coasters. They are one of my go-to quick knits. So satisfying.
Thanks for your wonderful idea
What is the cost of each yarn? I am considering a variety of colors. Thank you.
This looks like a fun project and i am ready to get started!
Thanks for the beautiful crocheted leaf. I look forward to getting the pattern etc!