Yarns to Love
MDK Gems: The Amazing Freia Sock Yarn

Hello all!
We bring happy summer tidings and news of our brand-new MDK Gems.
(What is this thing called MDK Gems? It’s a quick special deal that comes and goes like the blink of a firefly.)
Here’s the summer mood we’re craving: slow down, work with one of the most beautiful yarns we’ve ever seen, and end up with a pair of socks that will make us smile every time we wear them. That’s what this MDK Gems is all about.
The yarn? Solemates. A bit of pure magic created by our friend Tina Whitmore of Freia Yarns.

Tina’s exquisite color sense + her supersecret style of hand dyeing + 100% US superwash Merino wool = the sock yarn of our dreams.

The yarn arrives at your home in two cakes, which mean you will have the delectable experience of knitting a pair of gorgeous, color-shifting socks that match perfectly.
What’s the Special Deal?
Order any quantity of Solemates, and we’ll include a free ebook download of Field Guide No. 11: Wanderlust, a $9.95 value. This is the classic book we use over and over for socks—toe up, cuff down, with 12 stitch patterns to add as you like. Endless socks come from this slim volume.
The color options are wonderful—and limited in quantity—so hop over now to find your color.
When Does This Magical Offer End?
Monday, July 24, end of day.
For Your Scrolling Amusement
Here are all 12 colors currently in stock. There’s a colorway for every possible mood, from sssshhhhh to HEYTHERE.

See what we mean? Order your Solemates right here.
So many choices! Hard to choose just one to start with.
Is this enough for big feet? That’s always my problem. I wear 11.5 wide womens shoes and most sock yarn isn’t enough for more than footies or short anklets.
Karen, I used the soulmates to knit a pair of crew-length sock for myself (Sockodile by Ursa Major Knits). I have small feet, but I only used about 60% of each skein, so I think you could knit a decent-sized pair of socks!
I think I’ve used Wanderlust more than any other field guide. —Used different sock patterns, and come back to these.
I really like the sock pattern in the photo – but it is not in the socks field guide. I can see the transitions in pattern but can’t quite figure out from the photo if it is all twisted stitches, or a regular knit stitch. Or a hint as to where the pattern can be found would also be really appreciated 🙂
That pattern comes printed and packaged with Solemates; it’s not an MDK design.
cool! Thanks for the tip.
Raising my morning mug to you, scrolling the colors is a great start to the week!
O my heavens! Virtually irresistible!
Without nylon would the socks wear out quickly?
In my experience the heels wear out the most quickly so I try to remember to add some wooly nylon to the heels. (It’s thin serger thread).