MDK March Mayhem: Your Own Bracket

Dear friends,
Thanks so much for jumping in on the fun of MDK March Mayhem. We hope you’re having a good time exploring these 64 gorgeous patterns of 2017. (Here is the online bracket.)
Here’s some fun: a downloadable bracket that you can print at home and fill out with your own predictions.
Download your print-at-home bracket here.
Maybe you have a yarn shop, and you’d like to give your customers the fun of picking their own brackets—please be our guest and print out a stack.
Maybe your knitting group likes a little friendly competition.
Maybe you’d like the chance to claim bragging rights if you happen to pick the winner.
Our own brackets are being kept in a mayonnaise jar on the front porch of Funk and Wagnalls. Under the tightest possible security, which is Olive. Nobody’s getting near that mayonnaise jar.
Who’s the champion going to be? Let us know.
Kay and Ann
I fondly remember growing up with the two volume Funk and Wagnalls dictionary. I think we somehow got it at the Acme supermarket – did my parents buy a certain amount of groceries? Or am I confusing this with the time we got my dad to buy 3 boxes of Rice Krispies (even though none of us liked to eat them, unless in the form of a Rice Krispie Treat of course) so me, my sister and brother each got the glow in the dark yo-yo inside the box.
Are you kidding?
I can’t even predict who I’m voting for! These nominations are so amazing!
I have spent more time pondering the bracket this week than I have knitting!!
You guys are so amazing to make all this happen.
Sorry if I am late to the party but do we only vote for one in each category?
Thank you!
I may have to print out two blank brackets. One to reflect my own taste in knits and the other for guessing which patterns will be the popular favorites. Twice the fun!
Love love love MDK MM. So much planning, creating (the process! the brackets!), the analyzing and voting…lots of minds at work. Someone should be getting an MFA out of this! It’s brilliant
Oh Olive!
I vote for Twigs