MDK March Mayhem, Round 1: Vote

Greetings, knitters!
Voting has now closed for Round 1 of MDK March Mayhem. Please come back on Monday, March 20, when Round 2 will open, featuring the top 8 vote-getters from each of the four categories.
While waiting for Round 2, we encourage you to explore the 64 patterns from Round 1. So much to love here.
The Patterns
Here is the official bracket in PDF form.
Kay V. just did us all a solid by sending along her easy-to-see Ravelry bundles for each category. Thank you, Kay!
Head, Feet, Hands
Home, Baby, Toy
For Pinteresters, here are boards for each category.
Home, Baby, Toy
Head, Feet, Hands
The Voting Schedule
Round 1: Voting ended at 3:00 am EST, Friday, March 17, 2017.
Round 2: March 20-21. Vote for 4 in each category.
Round 3: March 24-25. Vote for 2 in each category.
Round 4: March 27-28. Vote for 1 in each category.
Round 5: Championship. March 30-31, 2017.
MDK March Madness Champion will be announced on Monday, April 3, 2017.
Thanks to all the designers who make this delicious smorgasbord of patterns possible. Show the love, y’all! Vote your hearts out.
This was fun! And hopefully drives some business to the designers. I have already purchased Stonehaven, the Manning Park hat (and cowl and mittens), and the ridiculously adorable Rustic Ralph pattern. And there are several more patterns flagged for my “buy when you will actually have time to knit them” list as well 🙂
Sorry for the confusion! The ballot has been corrected to Horizon, so your vote will count for Horizon.
I’m having trouble getting several of the links to open. Many open the item below, never the one I click on – and this is using the iPad pencil ☹️
It happened a bit to me when I was clicking on the pdf page that I opened. But going back and re-clicking usually opened the correct page for me.
I am having trouble opening many of the links too.
Voting was fun, looking forward to Monday to see how many of my choices go through to the next round!
This was fun and interesting. I found consistently that I had picked 5 in each bracket of things I truly liked. Then, I rounded out the eight. Not that any of them are bad, just some more to my liking. Look forward to the results. Time to pop the popcorn.
How? I can’t find where you actually vote.:)
Hi Lis – hope you and your girl are well!
Perfect snow day activity with my morning coffee. Thanks for putting this together.
This is so fun! And congrats to all the designers!
Great fun! I’m about to own several new patterns thanks to this. That fox is too cute and how had I missed Visser and Granito? Thanks.
As I am a self-confessed March Madness addict, this was right up my alley. Loved making my picks and look forward to seeing which patterns move on to the next round.
So much fun! Can’t wait to see how it all shakes out!
…that was so fun! Thank you! xoA
What a great way to discover excellent new patterns. Thanks, ladies, for taking the time to pull it all together.
So much fun. And a chance to revisit all the patterns, as I had written down my choices yesterday using some ‘code’ shorthand that might have made sense yesterday, but was indecipherable this morning. So yay, more reveling in the ravelry.
PDF pattern apps won’t open so I can’t vote.
Oh, my queue has grown so! Fun to look at new patterns, especially ones that I’d really8 never find.
Voted! I already had several patterns on my list. Thanks for discovering me the others!
I am enjoying this, but it would be a lot easier if there could have just been a simple Ravelry link for each pattern directly from your web site.
Oh, never mind. I think I now see how the bundles work. Yesterday, I was having trouble with them on my iPad, but they are working fine on a desktop computer.
What fun! Thanks for this.
That was really, really fun! I love the inspiration and I noticed a definite trend in my taste of knitting. Very cool idea! Lots of new patterns to get my needles around. 🙂 Heading to knit, so I can knit some more. xo
So fun! Not mad at all 😉
So much fun. Added bonus: as I poked about on my tablet while husband finished dinner, he asked what I was doing. “Doing my brackets for March Madness” was not what he was expecting…
Ha! He thought he knew you.
Love this idea. The form isn’t recognizing my votes from an ipad. I check boxes and clicked “done” and it still tells me I needed to select boxes in each category.
oh what fun!!!!!!! plus I get to ‘favorite’ lots and lots and lots and lots of sweaters, et al for my ravelry account! thanks!!!!!
How to make sure my votes registered? Went through and checked the boxes of my votes and then signed off your website. Does that set my vote? see no. Place where I click to “register” my vote.
At the bottom of the questions, there’s a “Done” button. Click that to register your votes. To see if your votes registered, just refresh your browser. If your ballot was counted, you won’t be able to vote again. If you see the ballot in the window, then your previous votes were not counted, so you should vote again.
Apologies if this is confusing! Technology = cruel mistress.
Hi there, osrry, I’ve read through your two posts on your site, looked at the site map and still can’t figure out how to vote, scroll through what window???
Hi Donna! So sorry for the confusion. Directly under where it says “Scroll through this window,” there’s a window with a blue headline “MDK March Mayhem.” That’s where the ballot is. When you scroll through that text, the four categories of patterns show up, and that’s where you make your votes. Be sure to choose 8 patterns in each of the 4 categories, then click “Done” to register your votes. Thanks for being a part of this!
I’m getting an error message when I submit my vote. It reads: “!This question requires an answer” on each section, even when boxes have been checked.
Please make sure you’ve chosen 8 patterns for each of the 4 categories. Your ballot will be accepted by the system only if 8 patterns are chosen for every category. It’s so LITERAL! ; )
None of the links are working. I wish I could place my votes one category at a time as it takes a lot of time to look them all up on Ravelry-I dont think there’s one I recognize.
I’m feeling soooo daft. I’m not seeing the blue header. I can click through to the bundles on Rav, so that’s a start. All I’m seeing under the scroll through this window message is an ad to take me off to make my own survey. I’d love to vote though!
I am having same issue…
Same here. I go into the survey and there is no survey.
I don’t see a window in which to vote!!!!!
Ahhh, think I found it ladies, it closed at 3:00 am EST today. poopty, ah well, here’s hoping my faves have got through to the next round.
This looks so fun, but I missed seeing anything about it till todays(Saturday) snippets. So I missed voting! Will join in on March 20 for round 2!
Ahhh ,I see now it was covered in FUN last Saturday. Learning curves!
I’m not sure how to cast my vote?
Am I the only one who has no link to vote for Round 2?
I have no links to vote, no way to vote and no way to see the results of the vote. When I click on the PDF it is just the original PDF with no results. I have missed the first two rounds but would like to vote in this next one! help?
I am so sorry, but I was unable to vote in round 2 – I kept getting a “this question needs an answer” message and was unable to submit my four votes for each category.