A Midsummer Festival of Max Daniels on Self-Care

Dear Ann,
Remember the endless, dreamy, pie-in-the-sky, pie-on-a-plate, every-kind-of-pie process of building this website? Early on, we got it stuck in our heads that this new phase of MDK would be an online magazine for knitters. Not a “knitting magazine.” A site for knitters, in all of their glorious depth and breadth, and their sometimes overlapping interests in truth, beauty and getting gauge on the first try. No silos in knitting! Don’t fence us in!
It seemed to us that one thing that cuts across all knitting demographics is caring for selves and others, and sometimes needing a bit of encouragement on the self-care part. We both are longtime subscribers to Max Daniels’s weekly email list, which yields up a short, sharp shot of something interesting, hilarious, or moving, every Tuesday. We love Max’s voice, and want others to get to know her.

So, from Day 1, Max has been appearing here regularly. So regularly that the Max Daniels Department is bursting with goodness. Wit, wisdom, and sometimes even a dash of provocation. Max wants us to dig deep and question some of our deeply held beliefs about what is required of us, what makes us good people, what is OK for us to want out of life.
(Of course, if someone is only here for the knitting, we’ve got plenty of that. We’re hip-deep in knitting, every day.)
For a late-summer deep dive into something not about knitting, a dip into our Max Daniels collection could be cool and refreshing.
Get off the diving board!
As a knitter whose obligations in life ofteb leave them with little energy (or time) to knit, I have been taking care of myself by reading the letters of Ann and Kay. Precious endeavors and words to remind me of how much I love knitting (and crafting, in general). I am so thankful to you guys for being there. <3 <3
I will never forget the time in my life when the letters of Ann and Kay were my only long cool drink of water. Never.
I think the emphasis on pie created a very strong framework for this endeavor of yours, and explains in part why it is growing so well. Who doesn’t like at least SOME kind of pie? And many – I am in this fortunate group – like ALL kinds of pie.
Max, I really enjoy your newsletters and contributions here. Your energy and attitude are uplifting and contagious. Thank you!