My Wish for You Today

Back in October, at the Indie Untangled Trunk Show, I made one of those fourth-quarter, last-possible-minute acquisitions.
The countdown clock was literally ticking on the screen above the show floor. It was do or die. With the instinctual madness that comes when you see a yarn and a design that you cannot possibly live without, I scraped up a pile of Emily Foden’s Viola Yarns, along with her new book from Pom Pom Press, Knits about Winter.
I’d never seen her yarns before, and her book was new to me, too. Hello Emily Foden! What a discovery for me. Emily’s up there in Mooresburg, Ontario, a couple of hours northwest of Toronto. Winter is for real in those parts, and Emily’s book captures the stunning beauty of that frozen world. It is truly a mood, this book.
The ridiculous thoughts that accompanied this purchase are probably familiar to anybody who has gone bananas at a knitting event. I ignored the fact that MDK provides me with a large supply of yarn available at all times. Never mind the fact that I had at least three sweaters queued up, ready to go. Never mind anything—Viola, you’re Nashville bound!

The pattern that got me is the one shown on the cover, the Eastwind Jacket. It had a drapey, droopy look to it that seemed wildly cozy. The toggle buttons were horn. All great.
I told myself that there would come some wintry moment when this would be the thing I could cast on and hibernate my way through during the darkest days of the season. Or something.
And I promptly deposited my bag of treasure by my desk and left it to marinate.
It turns out, I never let go of this dreamy plan. On December 21, the first day of winter—the solstice, the shortest day of the year—I started making this Eastwind Jacket. A little more than a week later, I’m three quarters done.
The pattern calls for two yarns to be held at once: we’re marling! Carrying this Romney Merino with silk/lace creates a color that is neither of the two shades.

The Mohair Lace wins the day, with its silvery haze. But the Persephone is in there warming it all up. This is one of the most amazing yarns I’ve worked with—the color shifts from minute to minute. I can’t take two pictures in a row that show the same colors. Emily! Way to go! (I’m going to need another skein of Cosmic Mohair Lace, so please cook one up for me! I now know that your shop updates require varsity-level click-through skills. The next one is scheduled for January 14, for those who are interested.)

There will be pockets lined in a contrasting color, though in Emily’s world, contrasting means not all that contrasting.

All the edges are selvedge stitches that will become seams on the outside of the jacket. I am not as good at remembering to slip that first stitch of every row as I would like to think I am. But I’ve got the hang now.

Two rows of contrasting color at the hem and collar. I can’t wait to block this thing.

It’s been such a quiet week for me, since we closed up MDK for the holidays. The two lads have been home, from New York and Boston, so it’s been a vacation where my primary goal was talking. Catching up. Trying to suss out what’s up, juicy conversations about life, love, the past, the future. You know, if you sit long enough with somebody, stuff starts to get pretty interesting.
So, as this year ends and a new one approaches, I guess I’d wish the same for you: that a bit of knitting worms its way into your mind and distracts and focuses your attention at the same time. That you have a great conversation with somebody you love. And that we can all finish this year doing the things we love to do.
Thank you Anne. What a lovely post to end the year.
I am itching to make a new sweater to love since the Savidge Heart. I cannot wait to see this
Pretty amazing how those two colors combine into a totally different color. It’s no wonder you are knitting this so fast; who could stop looking at how a wholly new color is being created with every stitch! Thanks for these pictures and for your wishes; right back at you!
Yes and amen to all of it.
Thank you. Happy New Year!
Happy new year MDK!
Your description of the jacket has me hanging on the edge to hear more! Looking forward to seeing the pictures when it’s completed. Also wonderful is hearing that you’ve had this time with your two boys to enjoy and reconnect.
Such a hypnotic book cover and blog post, Ann. I love marled yarns, both bought that way and created out of my own stash. They seem to have so much personality. Can’t wait to see your finished sweater!
Ann, have a happy new year. I loved this post. You hit the nail on the head regarding silly conversations that I have with myself about buying new yarn and starting new projects. Additionally, the photographs of your project were enchanting. Keep knitting and, by all means, keep writing.
I’m excited to see that someone I actually sort of know is knitting this jacket! Please keep us posted. It is so gorgeous that I may have to break down and buy the yarn.
I love every single thing about this post. Thank you, Ann, for this and for all your writing and photographing and sharing in 2018 🙂
Thank you, Ann! May the New Year be good to you and your family and to MDK.
Peace, love, and Happy New Year Ann, to you and yours.
Oh wow, what a lovely knit!!!
Thank you for all of the joy, happiness, and knitting wisdom you have brought to us all this past year. I wish you all the best and more in 2019.
I’m working on an Audrey coat (Elisabeth McCarten), and getting ready to cast on a Fissure using my Freia Yarn Bombs (autocorrect capitalized all that!). Both lovely, easy, not boring knits. And my sister is staying an extra day, so more good food (she’s a chef) and talk. Perfect holiday wind up!
Happy New Year to all at MDK!!
Thanks for your e-mail this 2018. Muy wish for your is the better. Greatings from Chile.
That was a really nice post. Thank you. And I too love the cover sweater.
Anne, a very happy and prosperous New Year to you and Kay and the rest of the crew as well!
That sweater looks sooo cozy!! The colors, the fabric, yummy:))
Happy New Year to you all at MDK
These are truly beautiful handknitted sweaters. I live in a cold winter climate, in California, if you can believe that and like really warm sweaters that also look hand knit.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
“if you sit long enough with somebody, stuff starts to get pretty interesting.”
So true and something I’ve just realized. Thank you for the uplifting post – looking forward to more.
Thank you thank you!! Best wishes for the New Year too.
“Finish this year doing the things we love to do.” That’s it. I’m not going on a hike with my husband today (like, but not love.) (Hiking, not my husband.) Instead I will stay home and write the end-of-year-letter that used to go out at Halloween and hasn’t gone at all for several years, thus hopefully maintaining at least a thread of connection with people I love. And maybe spending 15 minutes putting away all the yarn and needles I’ve recklessly thrown into my office for the past month. And knitting.
I’m stuffing the letters into their envelopes today, and hoping to get back to some knitting later, after making end of year charitable contributions. (I work best to deadline). Enjoy your last day of 2018 and best wishes for a wonderful, knitterly 2019.
Thank you, MDK, for all the inspiration this year. I knitted the Humulus for my daughter for Christmas, and it made both of us happy! Looking forward to 2019!
Marinating a yarnie project; how imaginative, Anne! @@ I finished my Dr. Who scarf and it came out ‘not bad’ without marinating too much as I worked it; LOL!! I found some 2018 charms and ‘tied one on’ in the process of ‘tying one on’! Many, actually…..not just one. Yup. A ‘Don’t step on my scarf’ pin-back pin, also…..and I’m cackling over that addition! ((:
Happy New Year to you and yours, to all readers here and am wishing peace and love for the whole world……tough wish, no doubt. I’ll wish it, anyhow.
If you all are out on the road today/tonight, travel safely, slowly and by all means sober…..get back home to your yarnie project/s.
I’ll watch the ball come down at Times Square as I contemplate why my ‘corner to corner’ crochet project isn’t making an equilateral triangle……hoping it’s just poor measuring on my part…..or maybe it just doesn’t make an equilateral triangle. Google that, maybe.
That yarn is just stunning – and your pictures show the subtle color shifts so dreamily. you’ve convinced me that I need this book. and yarn. 🙂 And I love those all-too-rare opportunities to sit with someone you love for extended time and see what kinds of talk happens. Thank you, MDK, for a year full of knitting bliss!
Thank you for this post! Happy New Year. MDK has been a wonderful light in my world; keep up all the good work you do.
Thanks so much for all your inspiration this year. Whatever I’m knitting it feels as though you and Kay are both with me, making encouraging noises. 2019 will no doubt bring change into our lives but knitting is our constant and will help us through xx
I do not need more yarn. I do not need more yarn. I do not need more yarn.
But I just may need THAT yarn!
Thanks, Ann.
Beautiful sweater. Love the two yarns together. Can’t wait to see you in it.
Happy New Year to MDK.
Keep doing what you’re doing.
Beautiful sweater, beautiful writing. It’s a comfort to know you fall to temptation despite a wealth of yarn options at home. Another things we have in common. Thanks for the New Year’s good wishes and the same to you!
Thoroughly enjoy your posts. Good health and happiness in the new year. Cheers.
That is a nice pattern. However, at this point in my life I’d have to love every single pattern to even consider buying a book. I’ll look it up and see if the other patterns are similarly nice.
I bought a copy to knit some things for my 16-year-old daughter, who loves a slouchy, oversized sweater. She has a few hand-me-downs from my husband that look like someone bought them from the set of The Cosby Show. There’s some seriously bad intarsia there. I’m looking forward to providing her with some more attractive alternatives!!! 🙂
I’m kind of surprised to tell you that I’m a serious knitter who lives in the heart of Toronto – and who buys in Toronto – and I’ve never heard of this yarn. But truth be told, I’ve lived here for 40 years and I’ve never heard of Mooresburg Ontario. I had to look it up on the map (and I do realize that this makes me an urban stereotype).
Anne, you are a gem- highest compliment of my first born- I love to read you. I love MDK. Keep on knitting, writing and MDKing into 2019 and beyond! Kay is a gem too. Thanks ladies!
Your blogs make me very happy
I can relate to your madness about Emily Foden’s book and yarn. The book is absolutely mesmerizing…I keep picking it up and admiring its contents. But….how frustrating not to be able to obtain the yarn! I did sign up for her newsletters, hoping to get some scraps of info about when and where it might become available but to date, I’ve heard nothing. Sigh. I love the project you are doing!
I love the color combo! I must try this design as I am a fellow Canadian.
“You know, if you sit long enough with somebody, stuff starts to get pretty interesting.” I may stitch this on a needlepoint pillow. Or perhaps paint it on my living room wall. Tattoo it on my forearm? This is wisdom indeed. <3