Dear everyone including Kay, Sock Agnostic,
The glorious day is upon us! Welcome to the One-Sock Knitalong.
We’re looking forward to a couple of weeks of heavy-duty sock knitting, sock thinking, and sock sharing.
Option 1: Poke around to find a bogged-down sock project, and dig it out. See? You’re already halfway home free.

Option 2: If you don’t have such a project, feel free to dive in with a fresh skein of sock yarn and go hunting for a sock pattern that will amuse you.

Option 3: First-time sock knitters, welcome! So many cool things about knitting a sock. We’ll help out however we can.
The One-Sock Knitalong will run May 16-31, 2016. At the conclusion, we’ll have door prizes to hand out, and awards for categories yet to be determined.
Post your progress using the hashtag #onesockKAL to share your photos on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
There’s already a hardy group of gun-jumping sockmakers over at the Ravelry thread for the One-Sock Knitalong. The ancient projects resurrected! The new sock knitters! It’s a hullabaloo!
Ann, were you the voices of those sock puppets? I couldn’t tell if your lips were moving, or not. They sounded great, too, each so distinctive.
I propose that you win the first prize for giving “voice” to this KAL.
I am so trying to resist this, but I have a single mostly-finished sock languishing in a closet. It is calling out to me! “Drop those two half-finished shawls!” it says. “I’m sure you’ll remember the pattern you used for me back in 2003!”
Brava! I love Sock Puppet Theatre! In grad school I proposed staging the Early Irish epic drama Táin Bó Cúailnge with sock puppets, and that was long before I became a sock-knitter.
I may have jumped the gun. Leg & heel on the red pepper sock were done last night. But the yellow pepper sock is still heel-less and the PacMan sock still needs a leg before I can begin to contemplate its heel. The PacMan sock has come to the office this morning and will get a few rounds done on breaks throughout the day.
Love your humor. Good way to start my day: with a smile and the urge to try my first “knit along”. Thanks
Inspiring video! Boy, I sure didn’t have to dig very deep to find a languishing sock project. I found one in my nightstand. Im not even trying to remember how it got there.
Sock Agnostic—->Sock BELIEVER!
It could happen. Needles UP!
Trying to resist as I put in the last two rows of a sweater for a trip. Deadline for it to be on my body (blocked and all) is May 29. The force is strong with this one. Resistance may be futile! (Couldn’t resist the double Star reference.)
Loved the sock puppets. Next may we please have a Merle Hazard song on the resurrection of the economy through mass sock knitting?
Yes, the song could be a “yarn” about the “sock” market.
I’m in! These are socks I abandoned in 2009! Dang those needles are tee-tiny.
Sock it to me!!!!
So many knitting projects right now, but I totally have an unfinished sock buried in my basket. I think I even remember where the pattern is, this sock puppet video may just have been the push I needed. I’ll Instagram my buried sock today!
Plan: will work on the sock nightly during the news hour before dinner. There are four other projects in the works right now, none of them wanting to become UFOs, so time must be carefull alloted. Sock #2 is 6″ done, so an inch a day would do it.
Well you have finally made me cast on my first sock! Had dpns and wool for a month. Too scared to try. Now eight rows in to the rib and I think I have got this part! Love the colour of the yarn unfurling. Another addiction started! A very pleasant way to spend a warm , sunny afternoon in my English garden . Should really be weeding but…….
Resistance is futile!
I’m one of the knitters who jumped the gun in the Ravelry group. The Knitting Fairy had her eye on me, though….I frogged it three times before I was happy with the start. I am thinking about putting out a glass of sweet tea and a plate of cookies for her tonight!
I am SO in!
First timer here and I actually bought Really Nice supplies to start with-addi sock rocket size 1 40″ and Regia Pairfect yarn. Makes two identically striped socks:
I spent 2 hours yesterday teaching myself the Magic Loop. So far I am really good at doing the tube. Not sure where heels and toes come in….
My first pair of socks! I am starting with Sport yarn and a pattern called “School Girl” by Cabinfour. Stash yarn is Mad Tosh Fair Isle with accents of scraps of Quince Chickadee in Carrie’s Yellow. Never thought I’d be a sock knitter, but I sure love it so far! Thanks, Modern Daily, for starting me off on a new obsession! 😉
I’m also using a Cabinfour pattern, “Morning Light.” So glad for the M-D motivation and inspiration. I’ve been curious what all the handknit sock fuss is about. Soon I’ll find out!
Super pretty pattern you are making! Cabinfour’s instructions are beautifully written, aren’t they? For a first time sock knitter, I felt I was in very good hands.
I’m in! I finished the first one back in September according to my Ravelry projects and I think started the second one after the holiday gift knitting subsided in January. I am half way down the second leg now but it’s been some months.They are in Sknitches Suncopation selfstriping, color Wickedness, see link as I don’t have a functioning camera at the moment. The pattern is the classic sock from Nancy Bush’s Folk Socks and about what you would expect. I use 2 x2 ribbing all the way through the leg and carried down the foot. I knit them on dps.
Thank you for the motivation and I look forward to seeing other slackers like myself finally finish. We had a mild winter this year, what can I tell ya.
QUESTION: Is there a trick to making sure you are motivated to knit BOTH socks? I want to make sure I finish two!
No. Hence this knitalong.
Sometimes I leapfrog back and forth between 2 socks – one cuff, then a cuff and a leg, then a leg and a heel, etc. – putting the “resting” sock on spare needles or a piece of scrap yarn if I don’t have enough dpns for both socks. I don’t always do it, but at least once I am sure it’s the only way I got the pair done – the pattern was pretty but required constant attention.
What seems to work for me is starting the second one right away. The second one always goes faster.
If you’re on circular needles, you could try two socks on two circs: .
When you looked up at the end I lost it…good thing I’d swallowed my sip of coffee already! I’m SO in. Cast on for my toe this morning, which wasn’t as easy as it is in the afternoon. Brain not fully engaged before noon, apparently.
Looking for the needles now. I have a choice of TWO second socks to finish. Do I go with the red stripey version, or the VERY smooshy neon pink orange combination.
I have picked up socks that I started for a Happy Fuzzy Yarn KAL back in February 2014 – Hermione’s Everyday Socks in Happy Fuzzy Yarn sock Purple Kale. Only I do not have the technology to make uploading photos easy – I’m afraid I feel motivated enough to do the double-transfer from camera to computer to Ravelry about twice a year.
Gals you know I love you but I am concerned that you are inadvertently promoting Single Sock Syndrome! The core of this knitalong is the (correct) presumption that most of us have a single, languishing sock (mine recently saw the light of day after at least 7 years– in order to spur myself to finish I paid for a series of knit night helping sessions at the LYS. Done yet? naw…).
So I’m in, but with reservations, y’all! Some are savvy to 2 socks/2 circs or 2 on a magic loop; many are not! I was not savvy way back when, but there’s no way I’d knit a single sock again. Don’t create a whole new gen of orphan socks!
I just finished a huge community project on Saturday night, and on Sunday I felt I deserved to knit on something fun (rather than on the umpty-eleventy-teen projects OTN) so I cast on a sock. Yippee, I’m in!
It wasn’t really languishing, per se, but I finally worked up the will to rip out the sock I worked on all weekend before I realized that I had way too many stitches. So I’m starting fresh on my first vanilla sockweight sock that will be just for me
Is it just me, or did I expect to see Ann wearing a handknit – and not just on her hands?
I’m in! I’m lagging on a mystery sock KAL I joined in order to make my first pair of socks. Finished the first sock:too big. Just finished the second last night:it’s perfect. Frogged the first sock and will cast on for this one sock KAL later tonight. BTW, anyone else having trouble finding the hashtag on Instagram? If not, what am I doing wrong?
Ann. Ann. Ann. The things you’ll do for socks. Smiling all the way to the sock wool stash.
I have decided to join in by knitting two tubes, but for my hands, so I can 1) use bigger needles and 2) not have to knit a heel or toe. It can still get chilly on the beach here at the Oregon coast, so I am knitting “Accidental Girly Mitts” in the appropriately named Nautika yarn.
I didn’t think I could love y’all any more but Ann! That video was so great!
You guys know about the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theater, right? Right?
[Public Service Announcement: do not watch any of their videos with a mouthful of coffee.]
Still learning… My blog today- Technique Thursday: A Sock-A-Thon, Learning New Techniques #onesockKAL