News You Can Use, Plus a Wee Contest

Dear Kay,
Choice tidbits. Settle in, drink it in—and take our pop quiz at the end.
No. 1: The MDK Swag Bag Offer
We are delighted to be giving away the MDK Swag Bag with every yarn order, now through Dec. 31, while supplies last.
It’s made out of 100% fabric. It has a giant MDK logo on it. It has handles. It will easily hold a moderate-sized knitting project. Or five tubs of Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Almonds.
We have long been susceptible to the Clinique free gift with purchase, and we hope this MDK Swag Bag will likewise be wildly irresistible. And yes, you can carry your Clinique Clarifying Lotion in this MDK Swag Bag.
No. 2: Canada, We Love You
We are proud to announce shipping to Canada. I know! We all love Canada! I want to ship me to Canada. Feel free to shop freely in our Shop, beloved Canadians! Beginning this evening, we hope to have everything up and running.
No. 3: A Neat Digest from The Lounge
Want to keep up with all the doings in The Lounge? You can sign up to receive a digest of recent posts by going to your Lounge profile. Click Preferences. Scroll down to Activity Summary. Check “When I don’t visit here . . .” and select how often you’d like an email update. Options include every 30 minutes to every two weeks. Half-hour Lounge updates? Might as well implant a chip in my skull!
No. 4: A Pop Quiz
Quick! Name this yarn.

All correct entries (leave a comment) will be put into an MDK Swag Bag, and a winner will receive . . . an MDK Swag Bag. Deadline for entries is Saturday, December 3, 10 pm Central time. Winner will be contacted by email.
Five of the entries guessed correctly. The five correct entries were put into an MDK Swag Bag:

And a winner was drawn:

pinpin correctly guessed Spincycle. Congratulations! Good eye! (Cake not included.)
wild guess – Jill Draper Mohonk?
Knitpicks Chroma Twist Bulky?
Zauberball? Zauberflöte?
Jill Draper Rifton and Mono?
Stone Wool Cormo in special MDK colorways (I hope)?
Louet Gems
Good morning to you and Thank You for adding Shipping to Canada to your services!!
Schoppel-Wolle Zauberball Crazy?
Jill Draper Mono & Rifton…
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
Jill Draper in Rifton and Mono
THANK YOU! From a Canadian!
Rifton and Jill Draper Mono
Desperate plea- shipping to Australia??!
Crazy Zauberball
Not a clue, but the stitch def is amazing and the twist too. I’m eager to learn the yarn’s name and the pattern
My guess is Euroflax.
I’m joining the chorus of Rifton and Mono. 🙂
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
It’s got all that twist to it – looks like Artisan Sock from Hazel Knits.
And thanks for a contest! Nice way to kick off December.
Euroflax Sport Linen
I tried to order from Canada (perhaps even before reading the rest of the news . . . ) but it is still not letting me – any chance I’m just impatient and things are still being worked on?
Not impatient, Jane–we’re still finalizing the changes to the Shop. Sorry to send you there prematurely–thank you for your patience!
I will happily be patient a while longer 🙂 Like Anu writes below, we’re obviously keeners here in Canada!
Yay!!! Shipping to Canada!!!
Hi there – just tried to order from Canada and once I hit the order button the message at the top indicates that it cannot be shipped to Canada! So I think the order page may not yet be updated?
Thank you, beloved Canadians–I will investigate. Apologies for your trouble!
Just goes to show what keeners we are up here; we don’t even give you a chance to finish updating the order site before we rush in to buy!
Euroflax sport? I love it, whatever the correct answer turns out to be.
Hi Ann, sorry to point out errors but the second zig down from your needles has 4 stitches out of place on one row (the dark brown with yellow).
Also, some clues about the yarn (still haven’t figured it out myself). It’s a two-ply with slight barber pole effect on the color changes, meaning it’s wool dyed. (And it’s definitely wool or at least wool blend.) It is slightly over-plied giving it a corkscrew look. And from the size of the needles and stitches I’d guess it’s about a worsted weight. Both yarns appear to be the same brand in two color ways, with long color changes.
So it’s not Jill Draper anything from what I can see on her Etsy listing, and not Euroflax.
Could be finer yarn than I initially thought, so Schoppel-Wolle’s a possibility. Man, this is tough.
It’s a swatch, freehanding a test run. You should see the back side! ; )
Oh good! I love the zigzags with the color changes. It’s like a more jazzy version of the standard Noro stripe.
Darn it! I have no idea what the yarns are, but I was hoping it was a pattern – I love it.
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
I think the yarn is Jill Draper’s Rifton Mono.
Brooklyn Tweed Shelter? Love the definition and lack of fuzz!
Knitting Fever Painted Desert or Painted Sky?
Yikes meant BT Arbor. I am sure I am off as too many out there to tell:)
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
THANK YOU for shipping to Canada!! Still trying to figure out the yarn.
Hazel knits?
Zauberball crazy
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton Love the patter
Have no idea what the yarn is but I love the subtle color change.
I think Brooklyn Tweed Arbor.
I’ll join the ranks of the “no idea” people, but I agree it is beautiful. I’m hoping we can buy it here soon.
Ella Rae? Lace Merino Aran??
Jill Draper Rifton is my guess.
Mossy oak
This Canadian is thrilled that you’re shipping to us now. And feel free to ship yourself here too! We’ve got plenty of space and lots of yarn.
It looks like Euroflax Sport Linen — and someone made a mistake following the color pattern about halfway down the swatch! (I’m guessing that occurred when that loud crash in the MDK Yarn Testing Labs happened…!)
How about we call that yarn “Absolutely Scrumptious”?
Jill Draper Mohonk!
So excited you now ship to Canada!!!! Thank you!
Rifton or Euroflax
Jill Draper Rifton Mono
Noro Silk Garden
It looks like Louet Gems worsted to me!
Is it Rifton?
Don’t know what it is, but it’s gorgeous
I’m not peeking at anyone else’s answers, and I’m guessing Rifton Mono…
Classic Elite Liberty Wool
Zauberball is my guess
Nice swatching. Guessing it’s The Plucky Knitter, maybe Scholar, because it looks like superwash.
Jill Draper Rifton and Mono
Jill Draper limited edition Rifton
Jill Draper Ripton and Mono. Love,love,love the pattern!
Jill Draper Esopus
don’t care about the yarn. I want the pattern, is it a cowl? Is it in the round, dk or worsted.
It looks like the colors from the MDK Jill Draper Rifton, maybe using 2 skeins? (trying to figure out how you’re getting the colors to work)
You can tell I’m the mom of boys because when I saw the post title included a “wee contest” I didn’t think small…I thought urine.
Rifton 🙂
Rifton – I like the scarf – very neat!
Spincycle Yarns’ Dyed in the Wool?
I’ll be the oddball who say it looks like Stonehedge Fiber Mill Crazy, which has been an obsession at my LYS for 3 or 4 years. And when I say obsession…you have NO IDEA what happens when they get a new shipment, sinc enot two skeins are alike. (or maybe you do, if that is indeed the yarn shown). XOX gale
Noro! …Silk Garden?
But more importantly, what is this fabulous stripey/chevron pattern??
Looks like Euroflax Linen. . . and the pattern looks like Kiki Mariko.
Beautiful. It is beautiful.
Jojoland Rhythm? although I can’t spot the colorway
It’s plied, tightly, like Socks That Rock, or Koigu, or Shibui, or or or … but with the long color runs of noro. Jojoland? Zauberball Crazy for the one on the right?
I love the yarn and the pattern and hope you soon stock it. I have been trying to order and not able to complete my transaction for hours now?? Password reset notice never came through? Are you swamped and having connectivity disorder?
Nevermind….everything was in my junk file! grrrr order placed and happy now
Mono and Rifton
Jill Draper Rifton and Mono?
I’m going to say that that is Spincycle, Dyed in the Wool. The color on the left looks like Grumpy Birds, I’m not totally sure about the color on the right, but it looks like Huldra?
Whatever it is, it looks yummy!
I’m going with Euroflx
I realized I was overanalyzing and had to stop. No answers lie that way. So I’m going with Wendy’s thought of Stone Wool Cormo in new colorways. It fits what I can see and would be awesome.
PS Love the herringbone pattern.
Schoppel Wolle Zauberball Crazy!
looks as if I want to knit with it
Shibui Staccato?
Rifton and Rifton. Same skein, different areas of color.
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
It reminds me of 1824 Cotton; at least, I think that was what it was called. Ouchy on the hands.
Jill Draper Rifton and Mono
This yarn is giving me the first small flicker of happiness since you-know-what. The colors have the softness of natural dyes, so I’m guessing it’s from someplace like A Verb for Keeping Warm.
Rifton Mono?
It looks like Liberty Wool to me!
Hazel Knits sock yarn?????
Btw, I *love* that your bag is 100% fabric! It’s what makes MDK so great!
Looks like crazy zauberball to me.
Mission 1824?
Looks like Euroflax, linen to me!!
Uh…an as-of-yet unreleased gradient yarn! With really gorgeous stitch definition.
“Quick! Name this yarn.”
Well, we’ve only just met but I’m thinking Alicia? Or maybe Teresa?
Ah! Great minds think a like. I was going to call it Claude.
Based solely on the tones and no fibery analysis whatsoever, I’d guess the ball on the left is Rifton. The ball on the right looks like handspun to me…has someone discovered a new talent?
Copying many above & saying Rifton (I thought my free-ship-Friday order would also come with the free tote, but alas, no. Your beautiful mini skeins arrived today swag bag-less, so fingers crossed!)
Chickadee, Quince & Co
You are all so delightful!! I believe the yarn is Euroflax Sport Linen, Earth colorway!
The yarn has a bit of the look of Knitting Fever’s Painted Desert. But I am a Yarn-Noob, so am probably way out in left field with my guess.
Rifton and Mono
Little Fox Vixen?
At first I thought Rifton. However, I am always second guessing myself, so my final answer is Hazel Knits
Hmmm… Rifton?
Stone Wool Cormo
Zauberball Crazy
Jill diaper Rifton
Well, a diaper could come in handy for a wee contest, ya know?
Love the pattern. I think Euroflax?
Seneca Falls.
Kasha. A sort of mashup between Ka(y) and Sha(yne).
And because it looks like an earthy, tasty yarn.
hmmm….. Rifton
Looks like Spincycle
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
Looks like Koigu based on twist.
shubui drift?
How about black tea meets sweet cream… lol , I have no idea.
I changed my mind…I think it’s Euroflax
Rifton in the MDK colorway. 2 separate “cakes” started at different points in the colorway so they intentionally don’t match.
Another vote for Zauberball Crazy.
Plymouth Yarn? Not sure, but love the pattern and colors.
I’d say it is Wolmeise Blend.
Rifton and rifton mono
Jiill Draper mono and Rifton
Hazel Knits?
Schoppel-Wolle Zauberball
Rifton and Mono?
My guess is Euro flax Earth. Gorgeous colors!
I guess I didn’t understand the question. I thought you were asking to put a name on the yarn-like Maidenhair Fern. Then I looked at some of the comments and I guess everyone else is thinking of the type of fiber in the yarn. I would guess a bast fiber-either flax or hemp. I am not going to apologize for being a fiber nerd.
Jill draper – mohonk?
Jill Draper Mono and Rifton
Jill draper mono and rifton
Jill Draper Makes Stuff Mohonk
Artisan by Hazel Knits – hopefully
Elaine or Nancy from Schaefer Yarns.
Rifton. The colors are beautiful.
My guess is Rifton.
Hazel’s squad mitts yarn
I’m guessing Rifton Mono too!
I’m going to venture a guess that it’s a new Hazel Knits yarn that you’ll be selling in the near future. The tight twist looks similar.
“Vectoria” or “Vectorian Tweed”
Are you trying out Clara’s Yarn? It’s beautiful, whatever it is.
Happy! Johanne from Canada ☺
I’m going to guess Rifton, because of the subtle color shifts.
Camo Whamo ?
Zauerball starke 6 (DK)
Zauberball dk?
Looks like Spincycle Yarns to me, maybe the private label sportweight? Say, you aren’t thinking about having your own private label, are you?
Jill Draper Rifton so yummy!
DARN – I missed it! This 61 year-old chub-chub was recuperating from walking the St. Jude Half-Marathon in Memphis TN and just now saw this BUT wouldn’t have missed it for the world – I’m slow but dangit I finished!
Is it too late? Rifton??
Okay…I think I was the only one to guess that these were Shibui. I could tell by the colors. But now that I’ve seen your latest post, I think that instead of Stacatto, they are probably the new yarn, Drift. Jeez…do I get any credit for at least having the right brand?
I would like to know what this yarn was, I couldn’t find the answer anywhere on the website. Let me know where I should be looking for it in case it is posted somewhere I couldn’t find. Or maybe you are going to devote a seperate post to it still to come.
I’m in the Shibui Drift camp. Lovely yarn!