Dear Ann,
Whenever Canadian Thanksgiving pops up on my social media feeds in October, a wave of schadenfreude washes over me: those poor knitters to the north, stuck in the kitchen prepping while I get to knit. Then November comes along and it’s me stuck in the kitchen and fussing over folding chairs and Autumnal Decor (this year: pilgrim placecards)–and enjoying myself quite a bit actually. It’s my favorite holiday, especially joyous now that most of the kids at our gathering are returning from far-flung colleges for the weekend.
For some of us, this Sunday is not Lazy. But there are always those lucky people who go to someone else’s Thanksgiving, and only have to stop at the wine store or pick up a pie. And the people in countries that do not celebrate Thanksgiving, or do not simu-celebrate with us. This week’s Lazy Sunday is for them; may they bask in sloth.
To Watch
My favorite show to knit to right now is Scott & Bailey.

Think Cagney & Lacey, updated to 2011-2015 and happening in Manchester, England. The boss, Gill, aka Godzilla, is one of the most compelling TV policewomen ever written. She’s the boss you hate and love but mostly respect; it’s hard to be her, and it shows. (Gill’s boss is also a woman.) Both Janet Scott and Rachel Bailey are good detectives — incredible interviewers, so kudos to the writers– and complex, appealing human beings. There is plenty of soap opera mixed in with the dead bodies. Some suspense. Some contrived situations. Some sadness. Some irrational, self-defeating behavior. Lots of scenes in the women’s bathroom.
Anyway, everybody is probably already watching it, so this is for that one person out there who doesn’t know about it yet. (You’re welcome, one person!) It’s on my local PBS station right now, and also on Hulu.
To Read and/or Cook
I may be getting old and overly nostalgic, but whenever I’m cooking a big dinner, I think of my Grandma Mabel. This year I’m attempting her pull-apart yeast rolls, which were slightly sweet and milky. She put three little balls of dough into each cup of a muffin tin, so when you pulled them apart there were tender little sides to butter. She didn’t write the recipe down completely, so I’m doing it from my mom’s translation of Grandma’s notes. Scalding of milk is involved, and the instruction to “beat good.” I’ll let you know if they come out anything like my memory of them. (So far, they are a goopy mess. Grandma! Help!)
As always, I’m making 1960’s prize winning Dilly Casserole Bread, because if I didn’t, there would be Disappointment. No matter if I double or triple the recipe, there is never any left. This afternoon I had a moment of panic in Fairway, when I couldn’t find the minced dried onion in the spice section. In desperation I checked the organic section, and they were there. Then I remembered that I went through the same drill last year, and maybe the year before. Your correspondent is the proud owner of three bottles of minced dried onion. To heck with KonMari. This is Dilly Bread we’re talking about.
New this year: I am freestyling a different way of upscaling the canned green beans + cream of mushroom soup casserole of my mother’s generation. I’ve tried this one, and it’s delicious, but it’s so labor-intensive that one suspects Campbell’s of a plot to drive people back to cream of mushroom soup. I’m all for scratch cooking, but on Thanksgiving Day I cannot be frizzling onions AND making bechamel sauce AND sauteing mushrooms, just to pull a casserole together. I’m going to try to do it as a sheet-pan roast of the green beans and mushrooms, topped with the frizzled onions. No bechamel–I’m breaking that link to the cream of mushroom soup once and for all. Hashtag: crazytalk.
Lazy Sunday Mailbag
After last week’s mention of Grantchester, reader Rosemary told us in the comments that while in Cambridge this past September, she and her husband visited a shoot for Grantchester. She said the cast was lovely and amazed that people from North Carolina knew the show, and that they were swell about posing for pictures.

Sidney! Geordie! Mrs. Maguire! What the Dickens!
(Thanks, Rosemary!)
No bechamel? Kay, say it isn’t so!
(Of course, I’m one of those people who are not cooking this year…)
Oh! I might be that one person. I loved Cagney and Lacey back in the day, and Brit TV even better.
Fifth! Eager to check out Scott & Bailey, sounds right up my alley. Also added Grantchester to my list, having scrolled past it before and not really registered that it might be something I’d like. You are doing a real service here to us TV-knitters-who-don’t-actually-follow-what’s-on-TV-so-closely!
And this is my fave disquisition on Thanksgiving and green bean casserole:
Wow, that has me rethinking my sheet-pan plan.
Well, I’m the second person! I also loved Cagney & Lacey. That and Hunter made me want to be a detective (not that this came to pass!). Ann, my husband and I fight over the green bean casserole every year. But, in my house, it is not Thanksgiving without roasted Brussels sprouts.
Third one person! Please keep the tv tips coming – I tend to believe there’s nothing on except HGTV, but my tolerance for open concept floor plans has its limits … love the roasted sheet pan plan, also! Happy prep to you & all those cooking/hosting this year!
Fourth! I got nothing when it comes to keep up with the teevee these days. There’s so much good to watch–a golden age!
I love Dilly casserole bread! My vegetable beef soup requires it. Nice crusty bread, yum. I might have to make some today just cuz.
If you’re interested, Penzey’s, the spice company, has both granulated onion and dill seed.
I’m all set for a few years!
I always make the bread for the big family meal. Already have a few loaves of sourdough in the freezer and will make sweet potato biscuits today. But last night I was looking through our old church cookbook, searching for a good recipe for rolls. Most of the recipes in that 20+ year old cookbook are written like your mom’s version of your grandmother’s recipe. They all leave a little to the imagination. And most involve scalding milk.
I am going to try your Dilly Bread! Thanks.
Well, I must be the third person! Thanks so much for the recommendation. I love British television. Am going to try the Dilly Casserole Bread as well. No lazy Sunday here, although knitting will be done. Have to make those place cards!
Grantchester! I blame you! after your mention of it I ended up binge-watching all the episodes. I didn’t even knit while watching. So good anyway. What lucky folks to get the photos. And thanks for the heads-up on the new show. I’m that one person, I guess.
I can help you on the rolls! I make them every year from Joy of Cooking page 610. Here is a link to an internet source
Or google Joy of Cooking no knead light rolls
Dough is extremely soft, you don’t knead it, mix and cover and refrig for 12 hours. Form into the three balls ( it is sticky, just use lots of flour on hands). Delish, I promise, and, yes, the milk is scalded!
Thank you thank you!
Some of us MAKE the pies we bring from our untidy homes to the pristine place of dinner. Also, Shaker Green Beans – from some hippie recipe book of long-ago. Sour cream or yogurt, no bechamel. Don’t think I can put photo here. I’ll stick it in instragram.
Got it Mary Lou! Thanks!
I did not mean to disparage pie bringers lol.
Love S & B and Granchester – good to know there is another season in the future! Thanks for the Dilly Casserole Bread idea too – had never heard of it before but always love anything makes into good toast 🙂
I have been known to hold back a loaf for toast. It’s meant to be toast.
What the dickens indeed! How completely lovely. I remember when I was in high school a movie with Carol Burnett was filming in my town, in front of city hall, actually. My friend and I went up to Carol Burnett to tell her how much we loved her and she told us to beat it, kids. What a way to lose fans forever. I can’t watch her even now.
I did a test run of the New Green Beans- sautéed shallot and mushroom with a little wine then threw on string beans to steam. Very good but definitely wanted the crunchy onions on top. I will toss them on top and pop into the oven to crisp. Cleaner taste and I did not miss the cream of mushroom soup.
That’s what I’m thinking–roasted green beans and mushrooms would be so tasty by themselves, and then the crispy onions on top to make it “special”–no one will miss the sauce.
Jawdrop on the Grantchester snaps – I would have been incoherent.
His hand….on her shoulder……I’d’ve died on the spot!
what the dickens!!!! i’m a little jealous of lucky rosemary! and how sweet that they agreed to be photographed. that’s so lovely.
thank you for the tip about scott & baily! it’s on pbs right now? how did i miss that? can’t wait to check it out.
Scott & Bailey is new to me too! Thanks for the heads’ up. As for Thanksgiving, ours (Canadian) is past, and I am now working on Christmas baking, and Christmas knitting. Waaaay behind on both, though I am not adverse to gift certificates that say one is entitled to said handknit, once it’s finished.
So, from the comments, I am not the only one who doesn’t know Scott & Bailey. Enjoying your blog- it covers so many interesting topics
All those recipes look wonderful but I was passed on the gene that fears any recipe with yeast or cutting butter with ice water to make a flaky pie crust. My mom loved Peg Brackens’ I Hate to Cook” cookbook. So I can only hope someone who loves watching dough rise will bring some homemade rolls this year:)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m feeling a bit inspired to have a second thanksgiving dinner to celebrate along with you 😉
Aurggghhhhh I couldn’t find Grantchester. Envious.
Thanks for the TV recommendations, so great for my knitting & list making. However Betty, Daisy & I are plumping up.
Oh, on closer inspection, found it on prime. Yippee!
I am going to have to try that dilly bread before I go back to whole 30 land. The description of black friday toast did it for me. maybe we should call it toast friday from now on?
I am on potato duty for Thanksgiving which will be at Jen’s. She loves to cook.
Have a great and wonderful Thanksgiving all.
Live S&B! I’m currently watching more TV than usual because of Christmas knitting.
Michael Palin’s “Full Circle” makes for great holiday knitting, it’s sweet and fun and if you look down to your chart you don’t miss crucial plot points.
I expect that we’ve all watched all of “Fiyle’s War” 3 times now.
*Love* damn autocorrect!
I found Scott and Bailey on Hulu Plus, using their app on Amazon Fire TV device.
Excellent public service announcement on Scott and Bailey. It’s additive, and I’m amazed at how many people I run into are still dwelling in ignorance. Unfortunately for them the series is just ending (at least in NYC). For comprehensibility I’d recommend watching it from the beginning on one of those newfangled devices.
Thanks for the tip about Scott and Baily on Hulu. It shows intermittently on my local PBS channel and I’ve been wanting to catch up for a couple of years. Thanksgiving is also one of my favorite holidays. Good luck with the rolls. My late mother used to tell me to mix the ingredients for her biscuit recipe until they “looked right” which was a lot easier said than done!
So nice to find people who love Scott & Bailey. I’m waiting for the new season, I’ve already seen last year’s. Grantchester is also a favorite. Ask me how come I know all these British programs. Well, don’t but I’ll tell you anyway: it’s because I spend my evenings knitting and watching. Fun!
Way back in the 1980s I was a newly-minted accountant, and my first assignment was to administer the initial opening and screening of all the entries to that year’s Pillsbury Bake-Off. (Pillsbury was the biggest client of my employer.) It was a horrible assignment; no accounting beyond keeping track of the thousands of entries. Nothing to do but screw up. The only saving grace of the job was that I made copies of any recipes that sounded good, and one of them was another version of the dilly bread. It was made of refrigerated dough cut into lumps, then coated with melted butter, rolled in a dill seed/minced onion mixture, then packed into muffin tins and baked.
My late mom made her thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas dinner rolls just like that! *sniff* three little balls together! She always made one a lucky one with four little balls of dough – the lucky four-leaf clover roll, plus cinnamon buns, streusel coffee cake, big loaves of farm bread, tray buns, and those little fancy ones…I need to dig out the recipe. Scalded milk, melter butter, sugar, cups and cups of flour.
Happy Thanksgiving! A lazy Sunday in Canada – beef stew in the oven, a bottle of cote de Rhone. Biscuits soon – from the recipe on the side of a vintage baking powder tin.
Love Dilly Bread! My Mom made it often growing up. My sister is planning on making it for Thanksgiving this year. I can’t wait!
Scoots & Boots!
Need to check out Grantchester stat.
Another thank you for the viewing recommendation, I love it!
This is the recipe that my mother and I both use, good for those cloverleaf and crescent shaped rolls that are perfect for gravy and leftovers. Make a double batch. Twice.
It’s not Thanksgiving here without them.
How fitting. I am in Manchester this moment (hubby on business)! I am watching Inspector Morse. I love Cagney and Lacey, so I have to track this down when I get home.
Can’t wait for the new season of Grantchester ( drool). They are A week behind in Homeland here. 🙁
OMG someone got their hands on “Sidney”! Good thing it wasn’t me – I wouldn’t be able to let go.
Robson Green- be still my heart.
I’d knit him a sweater anytime.
What else has he been in? This is the first I’m seeing him, but getting lots of swoony comments from his fans.
I didn’t care for it, but he was in Reckless with Michael Kitchen (Foyle!).
Wire in the blood.
“Sidney” was in the adaptation of the P.D. James book, Death Comes to Pemberley. (Just re-run on my PBS station.) He was a lawyer, and was in court wearing an unbecoming wig for much of it.
Also, LOVE Scott and Bailey, though I do get annoyed at Rachel’s regular bouts of self-sabotage. However, it passes the Bechdel Test with flying colors, being that “it has 1) two women characters that 2) talk to each other about 3) something besides a man.” When Gill joins in, it’s actually *3* women! (No coincidence that it’s women doing the writing, I think.)
I am that One Person and I am thrilled to learn of this show. Your mission, on that level is complete. I am not sure about leaving out the creamy sauce on that casserole. It was one of my mother-in-law’s staples of any holiday,being in Minnesota she also threw in wild rice and maybe an extra can of the soup.
I hope Grandma Mabel was channeled right into the muffin tin. Happy thanksgiving! xoxo
I am notorious for buying large quantities of spices, using them to fill up the wee bottles, and then forgetting about them once I have emptied the wee bottles. I shop at GFS or Sam’s Club for them, and definitely own large bottles of garlic powder, minced onion, and pepper.
happy season !
my mom and her in-laws always celbrated both CDN & US feasts, even stocking up on appropriately themed cards for next year… now that’s love !
More Grantchester! That is the best news of 2020!
I know this is a wonderful article, but my favorite thing about it is that you used the word schadenfreude. There is no better word than that in the world.