Overheard in The Lounge

Dear Kay,
The chitchat, gibblegabble, and camaraderie are all pretty heartening over in The Lounge, our virtual rec room where the talk is cordial, the knitting prime, and the topics ever changing. If you’re wondering whether The Lounge is a place you ought to be hanging out, let’s just say yes and pull up a chair so you can jump in. Here’s the full menu of categories at the moment.
And here are a few topics of recent note:

stitchholder’s teacher gifts:

abland’s pile of mittens:

Wishing everyone a pleasant Thursday. I just finished some Knitting For The Future and now have that delicious, wide-open-horizon feeling: what should I knit next?
I think the Lounge is a nice idea but I have had trouble navigating to it, within it, and out of it. I’m not sure what the problem is. One clue is that coming from a hopelessly text-dependent generation I sometimes have trouble interpreting icons with no language to help out. Whether I can find a link easily also seems to depend on how I come to the MDK site (from email link, bookmark or something else).
Maybe I just couldn’t see it before or maybe you’ve made some changes but now it seems a little easier to find my way around once in it, so I will try again.
I’ve had trouble navigating the Lounge too, but will give it another try. It’s a great idea. As for “what to knit next”, THAT is the question here too. Do I continue with socks and mittens, or think ahead to spring.
You spark and feed my addiction to knitting. I think it an addiction more powerful than the strongest drug
I love and thank you.
In a good way….right?
Just finding The Lounge can be a problem sometimes, until you realize that the icon for it disappears as you scroll down other MDK pages. (It lives at the very top of the page.) Also, the icon is too small for its purpose to be apparent. On my 15-inch desktop monitor, it looks like an amorphous blob. A label does appear if I hold the mouse cursor over it, but I did not realize the “blob” was really two, overlapping speech balloons until I “entered” The Lounge.
As for what to knit next, I’m going to suggest pieces needed to yarnbomb your yard come spring. Or Things to Lay Upon — the MDK Yarn Testing Lab staff always likes those!
Ahhh you talked about me! I’m famous!!!!!!
I’m honoured to see my pile of fingerless mitts featured in your letter. Who’d have thought it?
Are the patterns available for your fingerless mitts?