Knit to This: Let’s Talk to Lucy
The OG podcaster—who knew?
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
The OG podcaster—who knew?
Keeping track and splitting up—video tutorial included!
To slip or not to slip . . . and how and why. And that's not all—video tutorials!
If you've ever fallen in love with a yarn but wondered what to make with it, come sit by this designer.
Don't be afraid to let them show—except maybe the yellow cummerbund.
The 20th anniversary of a tragedy that is still fresh in the minds of those who witnessed it.
It's prize time! Five more knitters wow us with bright and beautiful FOs from Field Guide No. 18: Beginnings.
It's a knitter's choice: you can keep changing your mind until it's time to cast on for real.
Ingenuity shines in the origins of the Selburose motif.