Pattern Scout: Coffee Break Edition
Dreamydreaming on a Tuesday is always the decent play. We're here to help.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
Dreamydreaming on a Tuesday is always the decent play. We're here to help.
For every form of wool, there is a season, as Clara Parkes shows us.
What happens when thousands of makers join a livestream? Inspiration, motivation, dollars raised!
We love this time of year so much: new classes, new yarn, new ideas. Plus: the week’s latest!
Now is the time to make a plan for your future happiness.
We love seeing Norah Gaughan play around with ideas at a small scale.
An elegant, coaty cardigan that is as long on comfort as it is in actual length.
Which Norah Gaughan design is for me? After the scheming and dreaming, a solid cardigan plan emerges.
Why this soft cardigan is my favorite Norah Gaughan design in Field Guide No. 28: Renewal.
How did she do it? Kay and Ann talk with the beloved designer about the three new cardigans of Field Guide No. 28: Renewal.
Welcome to the legendary Norah Gaughan! Plus: new yarns to go with her Field Guide designs. And all the week’s news.
A season of beautiful knitting begins today! Three great cardigans—and more—from the one and only Norah Gaughan.