The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
Journeys in Natural Dyeing
Melanie Falick's conversation with three natural dyers.
Knitter’s Notebook: Warm Hats and Good Friends
Knitting can bring forth wonders.
The Mood Cardigan: It Swings
Celebrating a design that stole the knitalong, and knitters' hearts.
Julia Hilbrandt Bags: Now in Charcoal!
Dreams do come true.
Election Day Playlist: Let It Be
Open the window and just let it rip today—sing along to this epic Beatles playlist.
It’s Here! The MDK Holiday Shop Is Now Open
Our biggest collection of special things ever. Come enjoy our brand-new lookbook.
The Queen’s Gambit
A new series about a chess prodigy that overturns all the sports-movie tropes.
Knit to This: Getting Away from It All
The endless category of space movies is really working for me these days.
Snippets: The Little Newsletter That Could
There's no time like the present! Sign up now so you don't miss out on any of the fun we've got planned.
The Accidental FO: Pressed Flowers
You keep knitting on something, and suddenly it's a shawl.
Announcing: The Designer for Field Guide No. 16
Color and pattern and exuberant joy are on the way. We can hardly believe it, but it's true.