The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
Open Secrets
A look at the yarns and swatches—so many swatches—that inspire my work.
The West Wing: Reunion This Thursday!
What's your plan to vote? Make it real and come write it down in our comments.
Hallelujah! La Bien Aimée Has Arrived
Yarn we never thought we'd see has appeared, and we are thrilled to introduce it to you.
A Visit with Nikki McClure
Creating worlds by hand, with a sharp blade and a sheet of paper. Come enter the world of this renowned cut-paper artist.
Douglas Stuart on the New Yorker Radio Hour
A knitter writes a novel.
Jazz Hands: Mary Walker Phillips and the Art of Knitting
An artist who taught weaving, knitting, and living by the light of our own creativity.
Mood Cardigan: The Seaming
Let the pattern be your guide, and all will be well.
Diversion: Into the Woods
When a search for office supplies goes haywire.
Mood Cardigan: The Rib
A cardigan to wear two ways, depending on your mood.