A Knitter’s Weekend: Toronto
A destination city for makers and eaters.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
A destination city for makers and eaters.
She is a star designer in this golden age of sweater-knitting, with an instantly recognizable style. We're thrilled to announce the newest MDK Field Guide designer.
There are tricks to everything, and measuring your knitting is no exception.
That thing when you finish a sweater and you wear it all the time.
The designer takes her brand-new sweater out for a spin.
The son of a sex therapist is a chip off the old block, at his high school.
When the traffic snarls, a little Smetana will fix you right up.
Beware of strangers bearing shortcuts.
Trying to keep up with my dad. He's 14 books ahead of me at this point.
What happens when a knitter stops letting fear get in the way.
What happens when a knitter stops letting fear get in the way.
How to squeeze more knitting out of a 3-day weekend.