Yarn Detective: The Mysterious Phenomenon of the Gauge Shifters
The secret to knitting lighter sweaters.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
The secret to knitting lighter sweaters.
She is a legend, one of the true masters in the knitting world. Please help us welcome the creative genius we admire so much.
Today is the day! Honor the women who fought for our right to vote.
On avoiding an inferiority complex about your handknits.
It's like eavesdropping on a superinteresting conversation in the next booth.
Featuring Beyoncé! (No, wait. Featuring prize-winning knitters!)
Tales of Hoffman (with knitting patterns of Hoffman).
A trip to the Whitney results in elaborate sweater scheming.
My mother slips the first stitch of every row. I don’t. A spirited debate.