Despicable Double Feature
A 10-part series about Hitler's inner circle? And, for a palate cleanser, The Godfather: Part II?
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
A 10-part series about Hitler's inner circle? And, for a palate cleanser, The Godfather: Part II?
Living out of a real or virtual suitcase.
In Vacation Knitting Mode, all bets are off. Knit what you feel like knitting.
Let's get together and do it again at the MDK Knitting Getaway in 2019. This is the announcement!
Even a garter-stitch shawl requires Moments Of Skill. A bit of wisdom from the field.
A knitting book so spare that it becomes the center of attention.
Contributing a square for a group-knit blanket is one of knitting's great joys.
Living your best life includes taking photos of yourself wearing the sweater you just finished.
Building a tidier toe: Kate Atherley has practical advice that just might work for you. (Bonus: applies to mittens, too!)