In Defense of Food
A documentary featuring Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
A documentary featuring Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma.
The story just washes over you, so Neapolitan.
A best friend gets a makeover, and emerges even better.
Paralyzed by the possibilities, a knitter asks for your help.
C'mon in! It's the mother of all knitalongs: which of the 64 patterns will you make?
What just happened? What happens next? Thoughts on MDK March Mayhem.
From a small town in Germany comes a design that has won the hearts of thousands of knitters.
How to make short work of finishing up your blanket. Field-tested strategies.
An interview with Bruce Springsteen by someone who first saw him when he was an opening act.
This is it! Your vote will determine the champion. (And enjoy free U.S. shipping through 11:59 pm CDT Saturday night!)
MDK March Mayhem championship round voting opens on Friday. We're celebrating with free U.S. shipping on Friday and Saturday!
A master class tutorial on how to pick up stitches, the tricky but necessary first step to adding edgings, bands, and other finishes to knitted garments.