Coming Soon: Bang Out a Carbeth!
With the approach of February comes the ancient longing for one more sweater.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
With the approach of February comes the ancient longing for one more sweater.
All's well that ends (pretty) well.
Three MDK yarn kits are up for grabs, along with MDK Field Guide No. 4: Log Cabin. Remember: you can’t win if you don’t enter.
A film that brings James Baldwin back to life, in his own words.
For anyone who makes stuff—knitter, designer, writer—this conversation will give you a ton to think about.
Our spinner-in-residence teaches the difference between two styles of putting twist into yarn.
A quick post today that points you toward beautiful views from the sky. That can be knitted. Just sayin.
An iconic granddad cardigan pattern meets its yarn match.
It's starting to be that thing where you have elaborate anxiety dreams about the blanket you're knitting.
Highlights from the Fringe and Friends Log Cabin Knitalong's brave garment knitters.
There are many chefs, but there's only one Julia Child. A documentary inspires us all over again.
Norm Wilner's conversations with filmmakers and other insiders about movies they love, but had no hand in making. Prenez vos mouchoirs!