Jeffrey Tambor as the transgender head of a complicated California family.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
Jeffrey Tambor as the transgender head of a complicated California family.
It's not stalling when you're actually making something.
We stand on the precipice of a great knitalong. LET'S DO THIS THING.
Not a chore list, or a set of obligations. On this menu, there are only good choices.
Knitting that makes you go WHOA.
Our newest contributor, Dianna Walla, takes us to her favorite spots in this charming Norwegian town.
A short video to share wherever you can.
A good talk show that happens to be about knitting.
Time travel for makers: from an East Coast winter to summer in the South of France.
One of the faster handknits, for one thing.
A knitter wonders about her stash. Clara Parkes has answers.
Sometimes you have to bring the calm to the knitting.