A Radical Approach to Holiday Knitting
Pumpkin spice is in the air. It's time for my annual bout of indecision about knitting holiday gifts.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
Pumpkin spice is in the air. It's time for my annual bout of indecision about knitting holiday gifts.
Two batches of Euroflax Mini Skeins make for a color party with the classic free pattern Baktus.
Now that reality TV and reality have merged into one sulphurous stew, I’m heading off to watch a fantasy.
For those on a Monday-through-Friday work or school schedule, Saturday is a precious day. Here's an idea.
A day we've been anticipating is finally here: Modern Daily Knitting Field Guide No. 1: Stripes is now available.
A hand towel with Euroflax linen mini skeins is a joy forever—pretty much literally forever.
A new column answers your burning questions about knitting, life, or the intersection of knitting and life.
A hand towel with Euroflax linen mini skeins is a joy forever—pretty much literally forever.
Sometimes knitting isn't much like knitting. Sometimes it's like macramé.