Princess Diana’s Black Sheep Sweater
MDK's day tripper visits with and reflects upon the most iconic sweater ever.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
MDK's day tripper visits with and reflects upon the most iconic sweater ever.
Knitting wool in a heat wave is not only possible, it's fantastic. C'mon in, the water's . . . tepid!
A thrill for us to collaborate with this extraordinary artist, designer, and knitter.
This newly released, legendary 1966 Newport Jazz Festival set struck DG dumb ... almost. Plus a giveaway!
Yes, it’s a flash sale! Plus a particularly tasty array of how to, why to, what to. It’s been a great week at MDK.
This exquisite yarn from Neighborhood Fiber Co makes sculptural knits pop. Plus a flash sale!
A nice handknit present—from yourself.
Let’s make a list of everything we want to do before everything goes pumpkin spice on us.
Where making meets TayTay super fandom is an uplifting, inspirational place.
Pre-register right now for next June 5-8, when we'll gather and have a humongous amount of fun together.
Settle in for a great talk with Olga Buraya-Kefelian and Andrea Doig. Plus: A giveaway!
Shakerag Getaway: join us! Also: beautiful stories this week, and all the latest news.