Parallelogram Scarf: Fun with Math

Dear Ann,
Ever since I started blabbing about my double-wide Parallelogram Scarf, I’ve been fielding questions from knitters. How many stitches did I cast on? How wide will it be? How many skeins will it take? How long will it be?
Here are some notes on my research so far into this topic. I think I’ve made a rather startling discovery: you can get a wide Parallelogram Scarf out of only two Freia Shawl Balls. I know!
Caveat: if you want to make a wider version of the Parallelogram Scarf from two Shawl Balls, heed the following information so that you can adjust the width/length of your scarf to your liking.
Facts: The Original Parallelogram Scarf
Cecelia Campochiaro’s Parallelogram Scarf calls for a cast-on of 101 stitches and instructs you to knit away in the lovely textured pattern, happy as a clam, until there is just enough yarn left from two Shawl Balls to bind off. That’s what I did when I made my first Parallelogram Scarf, and these are the dimensions I got.

Width: 7 1/2 inches. Length: a whopping 122 inches.
That’s a very long scarf. I gave it to a small, stylish friend who winds it around her neck many times until it looks like her head is popping out of a woolly nest of beautiful shifting colors.

double-wide and original, Side by side, hanging on the door.
It’s a lot of scarf, lengthwise. Of course, you could always stop sooner, but I defy anyone to stop knitting with Tina Whitmore’s lovely merino gradient until they absolutely have to. It’s too much to ask!
My Double-Wide Version
I called my version, copied from Cristina Shiffman’s, the Double-Wide because the name made me smile, but I did not cast on fully double the stitches called for in the pattern. (I cast on 181 stitches.)
The scarf is knit on the bias, so the stitches slant, with the result that double the cast-on does not equal double the width. Surely there is a mathematical formula that could predict how wide my scarf would be if I cast on 181 stitches, but I am not that advanced in my math skills, so I just cast on and figured I would find out how wide it was after knitting for a while.
I’ve knit on two Shawl Balls until I have perhaps 2 or 3 repeats of the 2-color sequence left to go before binding off, and these are the dimensions I got.

Width: 16 inches. Length: 78 inches.
(Not including bind-off, because I haven’t bound it off yet. You probably noticed that, what with the needles being in it and all.)
This 78 inches is a respectable length of scarf in my book. It is long enough to wind around my neck once and then tie the ends in front or just let them hang, collegiate-style. (I am just making up “collegiate-style,” but it strikes me as kind of classic preppy scarf-wearing style.)
It is also long enough to fold in half and pull the ends through the loop, French-style, but just barely. (Again, this style may not be French. I saw it for the first time on a French person, so I have declared it to be French.)

I think if I were to do this again, I’d cast on 161. It would still be luxuriously wide, but a bit longer so that it would not be such a close call when worn in the French style.
If anybody can use their math to figure out how long and how wide a 161-stitch Parallelogram Scarf would be, answers on a postcard please. (Or just leave a comment. That’s probably easier.) My guess: around 14 inches wide and 88 inches long.
Of course, if you use two more Shawl Balls and keep on knitting, as Cristina did, you’ll get a scarf that’s luxuriously wide and long.
Numbers aside, this is one of the most satisfying knits ever, at any width and infinite length. You should make one, Ann!
You’ve completely rewarded my procrastination – now I’m thrilled I haven’t started my parallelogram scarf yet and get to play with width/length ideas while I finish another WIP! Woo hoo!
I’m going to follow the 181 cast on. This is very exciting. My Freia balls are screaming out to me.
If your balls are screaming, you may want to see a doctor. 🙂
[spits coffee]
I have 2 balls of Nautilus waiting patiently thinking I would start one from the inside and the other from the outside. Now I am thinking I should add an Autumn Rose to the party.such decisions so early in the morning.
Kay I’m going to do 181 sts using 4 balls of Freia and thank you for doing the math for me.
I’m planning to do this with the 181 stitches as well. I picked up a colorway sample of Indulgence sock yarn a while back. I’ve unraveled it because the transition yarn was unraveling. I thought it would be fun to use that as one colorway and my varying solid sock yarn leftovers. I love a mystery.
Sarah, please post your progress on Instagram!
I’m just getting started on mine, after having to start over, tragically. I’m doing the extra 80 stitches like Kay did, and was planning on using four balls too, but now reconsidering, and just using two.
So many choices! Oy!
I sure will. I’m about an hour away from finishing the Chevron Hand Towel made with linen mini-skeins that I started at the getaway. Then I’m casting on the Parallelogram. Since I have the 4 skeins already I’m going to use them all. I like a big scarf!
I can’t wait to try this. I love a long warm scarf. Thanks for the notes!
both are lovely!
I will have to try this!
This pattern just jumped from “that’s very nice” to “extremely desirable to knit must get some of that yarn” for me—funny what a little math can do ! xox
I love your writing!! If I used a DK weight, it would be even more snuggly! Oh, the choices.
That scarf is some fun knitting! I’m in love with mine.
I know right? It’s midsummer and I’m casting on another merino wool scarf. #thatknittinglife
I have two embarrassing beautiful balls of Freia that I bought entirely on a whim with no plan whatsoever. They have been mocking me for a year. Now I feel smug and justified and a little prescient. You’re very helpful, thank you!!
I was enthralled with this option as I watched you knit at Shakerag. Now that you’ve given me the recipe I’m ready to go with the yarn I bought there.
Still working on Corrugated Shawl but Parrallelogram may be next. I’m always drawn to color and then design so the Freia Yarn is imploring me to start today. Thank you.
Lynn! You are the sequence knitting queen!
There is a class on bias knitting that Bristol Ivy did on Craftsy. She does explain that math, but sadly was watching only casually on a free Craftsy day and did not get it down.
Looking beautifully textured! Wider and shorter is my current style of choice now that Collegiate me is a very distant memory; it also works better with French-style looping, keeping the bulk of the scarf closer to the throat and chest. Currently finishing a cashmere-silk bias wrap because it’s June in California.
Not just California knitters, this Ohio knitter wants more info too!
I see a double wide in my future but a Cashmere-silk wrap? Swoon!!
Fellow Cali folks want to know more.
I’m trying to solve your math problem for 161 stiches, but I need one more piece of information: how long is the cast-on side of each scarf? With that I should be able to find your answer! (Give a knitting math teacher a problem….)
181 stitches = 34 inches
101 stitches = 24 inches
Thank you, knitting math teacher Sarah Jane!
I love knitting the scarf nut i screw up and purl an extra stitch and then hv to rip it out! I guess i shd slow down knit slower. Anyone hv my problem?
I’m liking your new version
Your gauge changed between the two scarves (original = 4.2 st/1″, double wide = 5.3 st/1″) so given an average of the two gauges, 161 sts would be around 13″ wide.
Those gentle color combinations and shifts are so beautiful. I can imagine how much fun this is to knit!
I am knitting mine with Freia gradients in turquoise and lime green… i cast on 131 stitches. I love the texture of the diagonal stitches. I love knitting on it. I have only done 8 ½ “ so far.
I have 2 Shawl Balls waiting for me to have time to knit this, so this is good-to-know info!
That scarf would make Dr Who so very happy
Ok, I’m confused. Where is the pattern? Other than cast on so many stitches and it’s a k2, p2 repeat, I don’t find anything on increases or decreases for the ends to make this a diagonal pattern and color shift. Would someone please send me the pattern? http://www.facebook.com/SaraLWaterbury thank you.
I still can’t find the written instructions. It says cast on so many stitches, and length when finished. I’ve seen k2, p2. But how does it make the tapered ends and the pattern at a diagnal? I’ve seen used 2 balls of a different color to get the wonderful ombre effect but it doesn’t give instructions how. No matter where I’ve looked. Would someone please send me a PDF of the pattern please?
noize2me@gmail.com thank you! Happy Holidays!
Sara, I don’t know if anyone answered your question but the pattern is in MDK’s Field Guide No. 5, Sequences.
I am just beginning this scarf and am reading the pattern in Sequences Field Guide. How do I bring along color A when I join color B?
I would like to know that as well. How do I bring along colour A when I join colour B?
You leave Color A behind. Join Color B in a purl stitch (the third stitch of that row) and continue down the row, where you’ll add 3 stitches at the end of the row using a KBFB. Then come back again, still in Color B, to the end of the row, where you will knit 3 together. Those 3 stitches are the 3 stitches in Color A that started the prior row. So you carry on, knitting two rows, back and forth, in Color A, followed by 2 rows, back and forth, in Color B.
Thank you Susan – this helped me too but I’m still a little wigged out by the floats I’m getting along the colour change edge. Bringing in the new colour three stitches in (I’m assuming you do this each time) means that the yarn from the previous colour change has a longer way to travel when I pick it up again. I’m following the directions to avoid leaving a hole but the floats still appear. I’m trying to confirm if that’s correct or if I’m doing something wrong (or can avoid them by only changing colours at the edge instead?). This is the link to my project page showing the floats close up. Any further help so greatly appreciated! https://www.ravelry.com/projects/deepriverknitter/parallelogram-scarf-or-wrap
I have the same question/issue! No one mentions those floats and mine didn’t look very nice in my swatch, though it was too loose so maybe tightening it to the proper gauge will fix the problem.
I made a double wide. I’m pretty sure that I doubled the cast on stitches. I wear it more like a shawl because it’s 74×18
I’m working on the parallelogram scarf and can’t seem to find what does the KBFB mean… does it mean knit in back, front, back?
I bought the book that the parallelogram scarf is in. Am away from home, i cast on my stitches to make another scarf. Need instructions for the first row please
As others have noted, I am also confused about the floats that I am getting and cannot figure out how to get rid of them. Any advice would be much appreciated.