Pom-poms with Vilasinee

We first met Vilasinee Bunnag a few years ago at the TNNA yarn industry trade show. We stood transfixed in front of her booth as she used her patented Loome tool to make perfect pom-poms, tassels and cords, all while chatting and having a great time. (We covet her neat enamel tray for catching stray pom-pom floof.)
Vilasinee is what they used to call a real go-getter. Her enthusiasm for pom perfection, for making small gifts that contain big cheer, and for tweaking her Loome tool design to its highest state of usefulness, is apparent the first time you meet her. For a glimpse of what we saw, watch the video up top, and learn Vilasinee’s technique and tips to make a dense, round pom-pom on the Loome tool.
Vilasinee is the author of Loome Party: 20+ Tiny Yarn Projects to Make From Your Stash. It made us feel like kids again.
We wanted to know, how did Vilasinee get this job? Where do you get a degree that leads you to be a Pom-Pom Ambassador-at-Large? Here is her answer.
–Ann and Kay

Vilasinee Bunnag at world pom-pom control Center, aka her desk.
Have you ever seen a pom-pom that you didn’t like? Me neither. Perhaps it’s in our DNA, since pom-poms have a long history among us. From Peru to Poland to Japan, they’re a part of nearly every culture. No matter when or where, pom-poms are instant happiness that can be made in a jiffy or with a long, meticulous technique. They’re also the best way to use up your yarn stash; make someone a simple pom-pom, or attach it to a knitted hat, and spread pom-pom happiness!
How did I get into the pom-pom business? It was a happenstance of timing, borne out of my love for crafting and design.
I have been drawn to design since I was a kid, always tinkering and making things for people. In 2003, I bought my first copy of Illustrator to teach myself digital design. I loved it so much that I started taking on side projects that helped me test my own skills. (My day job was private wealth management, then philanthropy and community engagement).
Fast forward to 2014. I was trucking along with my day job when Loome started materializing in my life. Designing the Loome tools brought together the craft and design-related interests toward which I had been channeling so much of my time. Now, thousands of pom-poms and hundreds of tassels, weavings, cords and friendship bracelets later, it’s so nice to look back and see this intersection.
The inspiration for the first Loome tool design was the y-shaped braiding device called the lucet, which goes back to medieval times. To design a new tool, I knew that the end product must be simple, modern, and useful. As with knitting and crochet needles, design and utility stand the test of time. The shape was modified to look modern, and notches were added to expand the tool’s functionalities.
I spent the next six months tweaking the prototype and testing its capabilities with a few friends; from sizing the depth of the notches, to curving the corners, to making actual things. From this phase, new designs took shape too.
The more I used the tool, and with each design tweak, the excitement built. To me, to design a tool that people can use to make a variety of things was so motivating and made me totally happy and absorbed in getting it right.
Once I got the tool to the right place in 2015, I filed the patent papers. Up until this point, few people had seen the tool, and I couldn’t talk about it. This worked out because once the patent papers were filed, I was beyond ready to get it out there without restraints. Launching the Loome tool was super fun, and it joined the pom-pom renaissance that was already happening – true happenstance.
The pom-pom thing took on a life of its own. I’m so much better at making pom-poms than when I started. I never get sick of sharing tips and tricks for making a round, dense pom-pom that makes everyone happy. I owe it to the pom-pom! Today, Team Loome is three people and many Loomenaries spreading pom-pom happiness.

Yes, I have knitted a hat with a pom pom on top (that unfortunately did need repair,) but was still loved!
I have made pompoms, but many were not perfect. The tool looks so cool and I am a sucker for cool gadgets.
Wow! What a cool tool! Sure beats the two cardboard circles I used to used. As I was reading the article, I was thinking about how many of my 2018 Christmas gifts/ packages needed to be
pom-pomized! Pom-pomified?
I need to see this book and tool. Pom poms have always been a challenge for me. Hope this is the solution!!!!!!
I have tried different tools to make pompoms but have never really been satisfied with the results. I would love to give this one a try even if I am not a winner. Thanks for introducing this gadget!
I made my very first pompom this year for a hat that I knit.
I always need help with my pom poms! I not only use them on hats that I make, I love to put a brightly colored Pom Pom on my suitcase. It makes it easy to find when you’re looking for your luggage at the baggage claim!
I have tried several different gadgets to make Pom poms but have never been happy with the results. Would love to give this one a try (even if I don’t win)
Love what I see people make with pom poms would love to be able to learn how to also
So, I made a beautiful Baa-ble Hat with a lovely marled pompom made from the left overs.
Two months later a new puppy enters my life followed by the death of said pompom and the scattering of the ashes all over my hallway! (I do love her despite her yarn adventures of which this is only one!)
I clearly need to step my pom poms up to a new level! I’m thinking of a hat a knit for my brother that has a too-small pom that badly needs to be replaced…Plus poms=instant happy!
I learned to make pom poms many, many years ago in Girl Scouts. They were loose , lopsided things made with cardboard circles. More recently I upgraded to the big box store plastic gadgets. These produce sturdier pom poms but still far from perfect. I would love to try this tool to further up my pom pom game.
Ah, pom poms! One time, of hellish memory, I didn’t tie a tight enough knot and, quickly, little strands started to fall out. There wasn’t enough yarn to make a new one and my poor hat went pom-pomless.
LOVE the LOOME. I got one at VK Live in NYC maybe in 2015. The best thing I made with it was a headdress filled with pink and white pom poms for my granddaughter. We call it her Warrior Princess Headdress.
Pom pom fan from way back – taught by my grandmother using card board circles!
Hurray for pom poms! I have a shabby, but treasured, piece of cardboard, cut out like a donut, that I use for pom pom making. It’s been saved from accidentally going out with the trash, a number of times! It would sit proudly beside a beautiful new pom pom tool!
Pom poms make me happy, it’s true! I’ve tried making Pom Poms on the popular tool on the market and had such a difficult time of it . I tried using cardboard circles, but Vilasinee’s Pom Pom maker intrigues me. And tassels too, i’m In heaven! I have to get me one!
I just made my first Pom Pom in more than a decade using a piece of cardboard. It was not pretty. I would love to use this new dangled thing!
I have never made pompoms for fear of them coming undone. I have knitted projects waiting to be finished with a pompom too. Maybe if I had the proper tool it would not be so intimidating. Who would think a pompom could be intimidating?
Wow! I love Pom poms and am not that great at making them with cardboard squares. I could sure use one!
my first pom poms i made using a cardboard template were attached to my black and white shoes i wore as part of my cheerleading uniform in junior high school more 40 years ago. i would love to try the loome, it sounds like perfection!
This looks like a fun thing to do when the grandkids come to visit. My past experience with pom poms hasn’t always gone well. I found it is good to make them easily removable from the hat because they don’t come through the wash still looking good.
i have a friend who loves pom-pom and he asked me to make him the biggest pom i ever made in my life! it was difficult but i,ve done it! now he is so happy 🙂
I love a good pom pom, but I am in need of practice and the right tool. My attempts at pom poms so far have been sad. It’d be nice to give it a go with the Loome!
I’ve made pompous and tassels, but none that I was totally pleased with. I’ve also cut pompous off when I couldn’t stand the imperfections anymore. This tool looks fascinating and I’d love to imagine it will make the perfect pompom.
What a great new innovation to pom pom making and long over due! The results from making pom poms of the past have been inadequate and mediocre at best. The Loome tool will revolutionize pom poms!
I’ve never made a pom pom, but I’d love to learn the process. These look lovely.
I have made pom poms using the old piece of cardboard method–the tool looks great! I remember a clown costume my mother made me that had the biggest pom poms, loved it.
I have used a couple of different methods of making pom-poms with mixed results. After watching the video I think I could improve. I love the multi-task capability of this tool and would love to try it.
My prior Pom-poms have been weak at best. The Loome will up my game!
After years of no Pom poms, I have come to love them again. They make hats heppier!
I have knitted a baby hat and made a pompom for it. The video on this “new” tool is very informative and fun to watch…very detailed. Love the enthusiasm of Vilasinee. Thank you for the video and
the opportunity to win.
Yes, I have most definitely made Pom poms. Some fluffy bundles of success and others on the not so plump side which called for do overs. Needless to say my Pom pom making could use a tool like Loome Party.
FYI, you can use the snippets of yarn to stuff toys or knit balls. The most effective way is to use carding paddles and fluff them up. No waste!
My one Pom-Pom was a disaster. This may be the ticket to embellishments!
Pom-poms….the essence of fun! I’ve made tiny ones for baby sweaters and big ones for hats. I gave my daughter a Loome a couple of years ago, hoping she would give me one back…but alas, no. Maybe now is my chance to have one!
This is fascinating…I was always pom pom challenged, but now I want to put pom poms on everything!
I made Susan B. Anderson’s Dreamcatcher hat for my granddaughter. It has two Pom poms on it. The first time she wore it, one of the Pom poems fell apart! I don’t feel my Pom poms look professional at all.
A perfect pompom solution is in my future. If not picked as a lucky winner, I will request these as a birthday gift for later this month. Knitting a hat for my 15 month old grandson that needs a pompom! Thanks as always!
This is ingenious. How a tool can do so many things. Brilliant!
I love to make hats at Christmas for gifts for the kids…and I’m thinking it’s because of the pom-poms!!! They add such cheeriness!!!!
My favorite use of pom poms is to to decstring garlandsthem on garlands to decorate events and give as gifts. I wrap yarn around my hand, tie it securely and trim to shape. This is easy for me, but much harder to teach friends than if I had a little gadget!
I keep all my scrap yarn and my favorite way to use the accumulated bits is making happy poms!
I would love to have this great tool to make fabulous Pompoms!
Pom pom goals: I really want to make a garland for my mantel.
Pompoms are so simple and they make everyone smile. I’ve been making pompoms since I was a little girl. I can’t wait to see the Loome Party book !!
I love making pom-poms with my 10 year old granddaughter. Fun and instant gratification! We’ll sit for a few minutes and have a whole bowl full of pom-poms.
My daughters love that I finish all her woolly hats with pom-poms.
My mother taught me to make pom poms when I was a little girl….but we used a piece of cardboard and wrapped the yarn around and around. It was never quite perfect, though. I’d love to be able to make proper pom poms…..thanks for this post….I’ll definitely be checking this tool out! adding a pom-pom to change up a hat…or make a garland of pom-poms for Christmas decorating!
I knit lots of hats, love to attach pom poms, but I so bad at making pom poms that I end up buying already made ones.
I’ve loved making pom-poms from the time I started making them in grade school;)
I have made many pom poms in my day but have never been asked to repair one!
Pompoms are all the rage this year and I’ve fallen down that fulfilled rabbit hole!
I love pom poms; I have a small container of them that I use as key ring fobs but I want to make garlands to use in my high school classroom (I think the best teachers keep kids guessing whether or not their teacher is one pom short of crazy) and another in my bedroom to celebrate my newly sole ownership of my cottage, (I’ve lived in it for 10 years but since my ex left me, I have just been approved for the assumption of the mortgage and for the first time, and a home owner all by myself, at age 58) which I’ve been redecorating as if I’m a pink loving girl. Even bought my curtains in the children’s department because they have pom poms on then! Pink ones!!
I want to make a bunting or garland for my bedroom and love your Pom Pom idea. Let me know how yours works out. I’m a retired teacher so feel a connection.
Well, I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and haven’t done it yet, but when I do I will definitely post about it!! Lucky you, retired!!
Made my very first Pom Pom after seeing Chloe Kim’s hat at the 2018 Olympics. My attempt was lovely, big and round and nothing like the loosely goose pom pom on Chloe’s hat. But it is still one gorgeous Pom Pom!
I have tried to make pom poms using the cardboard pattern method. They start out very cock-eyed, and by the time I finish with a few snips here and a few snips there, they are half the size I intended. Hence, strange looking or nude pom pommed hats! I would love a better method!!
I’m always a bit scared to make pompoms, although I absolutely love that they are back in style! I can’t wait to try out this tool.
I have never been pom proficient. This looks like an intriguing possibility!
Pom poms can be so hard to get “just right”! This looks like a great way to remove that frustration and put the fun back into a project! Thanks for the fun giveaway! (And Snippets and your daily emails are just so great! You two are hilarious! For anyone wondering about it, even if you don’t win the giveaway, you will still win with signing up for Snippets and the daily emails! I am really enjoying the March Mayhem Bracket!)
Even my youngest students love making pompoms! We would love to try the Loome!!!
Love love love me some teensy tiny fluffy pom pom’s! Especially those eensy teensy Marino lace multi color pom’s! I love to make them from my left out yet to be something lonesome Yarns. No better way to feel good!
Put some fun un your knitting had Pom Pom
I love Pom proms but I am woefully inept at execution. I never feel like they are the proper size and shape.
I love a good pom pom keychain!
It seems to me no hat is complete without a pom-pom. I haven’t explored pom-poms beyond hats yet, but I can’t wait to!
I have made pom poms but not that perfect…so I could need some help to get them look better
I’m always afraid I’ll end up with a teeny tiny Pom Pom trimming toward that perfect circle.
I am a Pom-Pom devotee! I love Pom-poms and put them on any hat, scarf or object that I can. However, I have never made tassels and I am itching to try. Thanks for the video above. As a New Englander in the middle of the 4th Nor’easister in 3 weeks it is lovely to see sunshine.
I love pompoms! The kids and I made a reaaaaaally long pompom garland for our Christmas tree, and it made me so happy! (And made a mountain of pompom floof!)
I knitted a hat in cashmere – grey and teal – with a teal pom pom on top. It gets comments wherever I go. I recently gave it to my Mom, so she would have immediate friends at her assisted living place. Pom poms are friend-makers!
My teen must have a pompom on every hat. Sometimes they are faux fur but most times I use the plasitc gizmo with the levers that you pull apart and squoosh the pompom through at the end. This looks so much better!
Pom poms!! Love them! I made a hat and brought it out at my local knit night to finish; when I brought out the matching pom pom to sew on the hat, the room was filled with exclamations of delight. These little creatures seem to draw out the child in us all.
I made my first pom poms to attach to a wreath for Christmas last year. A nice fluffy pom pom takes more yarn than I would have thought!
Just the work pompom brings a smile to my face. I love making them.
Just the word pompom brings a smile to my face. What a happy occupation.
I’ve made sheep hats with Pom-poms…however I need to work on my Pom-poms.
My pom-pom making started so long ago that we wrapped yarn around a piece of cardboard. This sounds so much better.
I have not yet learned to love Pom poms…fresh memories of being uncool on the bus because of hats with Pom poms…I just can’t see them objectively. But my dd is an aficionado. There are Pom poms avalancing out of her room, made over humble cardboard scraps. There are boxes stuffed with them to hide them from the cats and remnants scattered all over the carpet upstairs of those that were not so lucky. Perhaps this book is the key to winning me over or inspiration for my crafty girl.
I’ve never seen such cool looking pom-poms. Must Have!
I love receiving SNIPPETS every Saturday morning. Thank you, Vilasinee, for creating a tool that creates Pom-Pom fun.
Pom-poms say “happy,” especially multi-color Pom-poms,
How appropriate! My whole knitting group is pom pom crazy. I just finished a great shawl and added pom poms and now it is WOW!
Many years ago, as a souvenir from Portugal, I received a knitted beret with a huge pom-pom. I can remember the day my nephew rescued that hat from the goodwill pile. Eddie wore his Pom-Pom hat all through college. Eddie has teenagers of his own today but I still have a picture of him happily smiling in his Pom-Pom hat readily available when I need a smile!!
My first and only Pom-Pom was made to top my Baa-ble hat. I would love to have a spiffy tool to make more.
Well, I’m like everyone else…. cardboard cereal boxes ruled my pompon making as a kid! This little tool looks much nicer
Well I’ve never (yet) made a pom-pom, but I will certainly try it now.
I need to get this book & learn more!
j’adore les pompons ! surtout les pompons rouges des marins français … J’en fais depuis mon enfance et j’ai 60 ans. Méthode avec 2 morceaux de carton, basique. Une amie les fait avec une fourchette !!!! J’aurai beaucoup de plaisir à essayer ce nouvel outil et à gagner ce livre en anglais (pas de panique, je le lis et j’ai un super dictionnaire). Good luck to every one ! Caroline
I’ve never made a pom-pom but I think all my hats need one!
My past pompoms have always lacked the plush, perky energy that a well made pompon should have. This looks like a great tool to help perfect my pompon presentation!
I just purchased a hat pattern that requires a large pom-pom and was trying to remember how the cardboard-circle method goes. This tool looks so much better!
My Pom poms have never looked all that great…
No repair requests, but I have made many a Pom Pom for my sisters golf club covers. She’s an avid golfer and rides a spiffy cart with a cute bag, so is always in need of those cute golf club heads. I received a Y shaped tool for Christmas but haven’t tried it out yet. So you see I really need the book!
I have failed at pompom making. I think this might be the tool for which I have been looking. Thanks for video, I will have to try this.
Anyone wearing a pom pom is someone worth meeting…
I never officially attach a pompom to the inside of a hat. Usually, I just leave a really long tail and tie a bow inside the hat.
I love pom poms! Most recently, I added several to a Christmas stocking. My only problem is knowing when to stop trimming. “Just a little more” turns into even more trimming to “even things up”.
I’ve never made a pom pom before, but it looks like fun, and I’d love to try the Loome tool!
I know this sounds crazy, but the BEST cat toy is a pom-pom. It moves at the slightest touch and doesn’t roll under things…it’s fur-like too. Our 12 year old cat is full of spunk playing with her pom-pom!
Never made a pom-pom because the “old” tool defeated me. This looks like so much fun!
But I need to know where Vilasinee got her scissors. None of mine are sharp enough.
I love interesting and useful tools! My Pom poms turn into tassels, and I love both.
I bought my first Loome POMPOM making tool at VKL in NYC in 2015 or 2016. I loved meeting Vilasinee – she was the most enthusiastic vendor in the whole show, and she wasn’t even selling yarn! I gave that one to my daughter – a new knitter at the time – and she has become quite the expert POMPOM maker. We both love our Loomes, and make lots of POMPOMS!
As a child we used cardboard milk bottle tops with a hole in the middle to make pom poms and I have used them on curtains, clothes, window dressing and best of all tops of my hand knitted socks. I am now 80 years old and still making them. Your loome tool looks awesome, I want one. Jocelyn.
I have made many pompoms over many years, but they looked pretty amateurish compared to these ! I am curious about what can be done with the scraps of yarn…..perhaps carded into a spinning batt ?
Oooooooh! My 12 year old and I could do some serious bonding over DIY pom-poms! We might fight over the tool a little, though. Would probably have to pick up an extra!
Pompoms & tassels take projects to another level of special. They are also an easy way to try out color combinations
My previous pom pom attempts have been so dismal that now I stick strictly to tassels. I would love a chance to be successful at pom poms!
I would love to have a special tool to make Pom poms! I always have trouble getting them just right.
I have given Pom-poms as gifts. Example: a bag full for my son’s cat (the cat LOVES them). Also, 30 Pom-poms for a 30th birthday. Because you don’t have time for an age crisis if you have Pom-poms!
Reading this article took me back to childhood. My older sister and I used to make pompoms out of bright acrylic yarn using homemade pompom makers we cut out of cardboard (usually empty cereal or tissue boxes). Fun memories! I have no recollection of what we did with all those pompoms after we made them.
What fun! My granddaughters love the multi-colored pom-poms I make for their ski hats, but the Loome looks so much better.
Looks like a lot of fun!
oooh! i love pompoms! i’ve been wanting a loome tool! thanks for the chance to win!!
I love how friends keep tagging me in things that have Pom Poms, they are just so HAPPY. (I know that sounds cheesy, but how can you frown with Pom Poms??)
Everyone should have more pompoms in their lives!
Thanks for the great contest.
We are doing a ‘sophomore’ knitting class at my LYS… a knit hat with interchangeable pom poms!
Oh my, what fun. Making pom Poms is an area I need help with. They are such a great feature on a project of any type:) and yes, I have had to repair my previous pom poms.
My first few pompoms suffered from poor construction techniques and left a trail of destruction behind.
My biggest pom pom project was making garland for my son’s nursery. I still remember constantly picking stray floof off of my belly when making them. Sadly, I found them chomped on when he was toddler and had to get rid of them. If I win, perhaps I’ll make a new one for his room!
My efforts to make pom-poms by wrapping yarn around cardboard and tying it all off have been humorous and disastrous. I welcome learning a method that results in such beautiful ones.
I bought a Loome after reading an article by Melanie Falick on MDK. I have made lots of pom poms for wreaths and package decorations, and my 5-year-old granddaughter is learning to make them too. I would love to have this book!
Tip: use a cookie sheet to catch the fluff, then put it in a jar for other craft projects.
When I was a kid, I used to adopt pom poms as pets, but lost the knack of making them over the years.
I’ve tried many (many) pin pin makers, but still haven’t managed to regain the skills needed to make them dense and friendly instead of droopy and sad.
Maybe this tool is the answer?
I have failed multiple times with little cardboard circles and unsatisfactory Pom Poms. So great to have a tool and advice for those beautiful fluffy add-ons.
I’d love to win this because (a) a party with yarn is my kind of party! And (b) I fall in love with everything Ann and Kay suggest and suddenly I’m desperate to make beautiful Pom poms, and (c) I have 4 young grandchildren, And finally (d) I was impressed with Vilasinee Bunnag and her story. Thanks for the opportunity- I’m sure whoever wins will have great fun with this.
On a recent snow day I was in the company of my two great nieces, ages 4 and 6. I had yarn, of course. They wanted to make “yarn balls.” It took me a while to figure out they meant Pom-Poms! Since I was not at home, I had to make cardboard circle Pom-Pom tools. Those Pom-Poms were less than perfect, but the girls were happy for a half hour. What fun we could have had with a Loome Tool!
I made a hat for a friend’s brother and attached the pompom with a safety pin, not knowing whether he’d consider said pompom an expression of casual joie de vivre or an utter abomination. Turns out he liked it — and can now remove it when it’s time to wash the hat.
Must.Have. People ask me what I’m going to do when I retire (in two months and nine days but who’s counting) and I always say I’ve never met a hobby I didn’t like. I think I can add one more. Poms and tassels and bracelets, oh my!
Who doesn’t love a pom-pom?! My love affair with them began in grade school when I saw the huge fluffy pom-poms on other girls ice skates and decided mine had to have some fat ones like that.
I would love this book, my pom poms never look as “velvety ” as Vilasinee’s!
Who doesn’t love pompous? The first pompons I made were for my ice skates while in grade school using cardboard as the tool. How cool were we?
That would be pompoms … need another cup of coffee.
So fun, can’t wait to see the book! Pom on!
Nothing better than a pom pom to make someone smile! I knit a couple pairs of “peds” and added contrasting pom poms to the backs. So enjoyable! I’m thinking pom pom wreaths will be big on my to-do list this Christmas.
I love prom Kim’s! Making them, decorating with then and wearing them! Happy little falls of yarn!
Arg… auto correct! Pom pom is a word! Maybe I haven’t had enough coffee yet….
Pompoms!!! My favorite and deciding factor in a hat!!! I love them. Count me in!!
I just recently made a pom pom that I thought looked pretty good until I saw Vilasinee’s pom poms! So fun!! Gotta get that tool! As a side I was a pom pom girl in high school. Thank you for sharing this article!
When in high school, my cousin and I spent Thanksgiving afternoon making pom poms for our use during basketball season as our dance team performed at halftime. I just got back to making pom poms in December when I made several hats for gifts. Those hats screamed for pom poms! Great fun!
Let us all be pom-pom Loomenaries! I have been obsessed with pom-poms for the past few years. Once my sister came over and we made pom-poms together and then she hid them all over my house!
Love these pompoms!
Pom poms make me happy!
I would just love to win this lovely pom pom device and the instruction book. It looks like such fun. MDK brings me joy.
How fun is that! I think my granddaughters would love for me to be making more pom-poms.
I’ve made a pompom with a clover pompom maker. I’d love to try making one using the loome tool. I’m not very good at them yet and need practice! Thanks for the giveaway.
Never too old to learn how to make a pom pom, right? I think my time has come. 😉
I love Pom Poms, but have only made a few that looked good to me. This new tool looks much easier to use than the plastic one I own.
Our adult children absolutely can’t go out in the cold, without a pom-pom on their handmade hats!
I struggle with pom-pom making – when it’s time to trim, I keep ending up with a lopsided pom-pom, so then I trim some more, and some more, and eventually it’s way smaller than it started out. I like them, but they’re hard to make!
I know, right! I eventually just live with some wonkiness; otherwise the poor thing would be snatched bald-headed.
Pom Poms and tassles, Yes PLEASE. I love embellishment everywhere. I’ve been making pom poms since I was a little girl. Wrapping the yarn around a piece of cardboard, then slipping it off and giving it a stylish bob cut. Wallah, such JOY.
My husband removed the pom pom from his toque….but I like pom poms! Would enjoy having the book.
I’ve made Pom poms with a fork …who knew
I love handmade Pom poms. And tassels. And fun toys. Would love to try this!
I have been coveting the pompon tool since it came out and the book would vastly expand my pompom repertoire. I have made lots of tassels and pompous to go on the ends of twisted cords or on the corners of scarves, etc. bu5 have never been quite happy with them. If I win, that could all change…
My daughter received a Minnie Mouse hat for her birthday that will need a pompom repair (the pompoms represent the ears), and poor Minnie is missing one.
I feel a new obsession brewing-ready to Pom Pom every day!
I make many pompoms for my twin 4 year old granddaughters– they love them on slippers, hats, backpacks, or just to play with. Their cat seems to snatch them and use them as toys, and we always need extras.
I use to put Pom poms on slippers but used cardboard that always weakened leaving a very wilted looking pompon. Would love to try this tool.
I have never been able to make a decent pom-pom and with a 5 year old in the house, I need to know how!
I’ve made a few hats with pom-poms for the kids in my life – I gt better at them each time I make one, and I’d love to have more practice and give the Loome a try!
I have made a few pom poms but had no idea to make them out of bulky yarn. Great idea!!
This looks like something I definately need. I have made pompous in the past but they were always less than I was hopping for. When I was a teenager we would make them as decorations for our ice skates. Many different colors!!!! In later years when I was learning to knit I would make them for knitted hats. They were always fun but not perfect . I Would love to win. I would definately start “Pom pomming” again!!!!
I have to agree – pom-poms = happiness! My attempts have had mixed results. Go Vilasinee!
I have 3 Clover pom pom makers in different sizes. Very intrigued by this new tool!
Pom poms! They are the icing on the cake! I make warm hats for my [teacher] daughter’s 4th grade class. One year I asked her which ones were left over? She said “Mom, they all want the ones with the embellishment on top”! So be it!
Just yesterday, I was thinking of buying this tool and making a Pom Pom. My niece brought me a knitted hat to repair + I knit it for her- and a Pom Pom would make it even cuter. I need the Tool!
I have a Loome for pompoms and I love it. I would be delighted to receive the book to help me to make a variety. So far I only have made the eye pompom. Thank you for this opputunity.
Hats, a rug in the making, just for hanging around the house (yard, whatever) – Pom poms are so fun!
One of my favorite hats had two giant pompoms which took as much yarn to make as the hat itself. I gave it away and have been wanting to make another one ever since.
My first pom pom was made with two cardboard circles for my ice skates. I was in style!
Very interesting,I have made pom poms, not always happy with them, gifted3 hats for xmas
I would love to learn how to make perfect pom-poms.
I’m shopping around for a wooden pom pom maker. I think I’m too aggressive in my pom pom making, because i always snap my plastic makers in half! Maybe I need pom pom lessons. Or I just need to chill…
Just like rhinestones, one can never have too many pom-poms! &, yes, I live near the rhinestone capitol of the world- Nashville… This tool would be great! I can multiply my Pom-Pom production infinitely & my knit wear & cat will be enhanced!
I love a good pom pom on top pf a hat – big enough to make it flop a little, without pulling it right off your head. My tip? Spritz the pom with water, then toss it in the dryer on fluff for a while – opens up the fibres and really makes it dense.
I’ve made pom poms but have not been thrilled with them. Perhaps this tool would change my outlook. (If I don’t win one, I may have to buy this book!)
I made pom poms for the mane on the Itty Bity Giraffe. Love me some pom poms!
Great trimming techniques in the video!
I love pom poms, but I hate to make them!!! Maybe this will change my mind!
The first time I ever made a pom-pom was in HS – our kickline wore them on our sneakers. I didn’t know, then, what a useful skill it would be when I wanted to put pom-poms on the kid’s hats.
I LOVE pom poms!
I recently learned how to make them with a fork, and how to make several at a time, thanks to You tube 🙂
I already subscribe to Snippets
I was so happy to see Vilasinee tie so many knots on her pom video. I have had some fall apart. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I do activities and crafts with elders and they love to make pompoms but some have trouble with the winding, but I think this will be easier for them. And will work better for the hats that I knit. Can’t wait to try!
Ahhhh, I tried making pom poms once but didn’t have luck. Thanks for the opportunity!
i can’t wait to make a pom pom
This looks very fun! I haven’t made pom-poms in decades! I had a set of plastic circles I used when I was little…but those are long gone.
Pom Poms!! Have I ever made any? YES YES YES!!. My grandma Mabel taught me how to knit when I was 8 yrs old. I still remember the yarn, it was a multi stranded yellow, orange and white and she got me going on a sweater vest. The needles were straight, the case for the yarn skein was blue paisley. It was a tube shape with a black lid, a little notch cut out for the yarn to feed out the top 🙂 I’m 62 years old now and still knitting up a storm! She taught me to make pom poms by first: save cardboard from your food packages young lady!! You don’t have to spend money on that and second: you cut your donut shaped circles according to how big you want the pom pom to be! So don’t forget to write the size on the cardboard. Third: wrap your scrap yarn around and through that cardboard circle TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT and then fourth: don’t forget to cut your yarn string you plan to tie it off with BEFORE you go between the cardboard layers to cut your pom pom apart for inserting the tie-off string. She very patiently showed me every step and held the cardboard with the yarn so I could tie it off. POM POM MAGIC! Then it was on to learning how to knit with circular needles to make a hat and, you guessed it, put a pom pom on top! I don’t know how many hats I have knitted for friends, kids and grandkids but it’s a big number. Sounds like a LOOME is just what I need!
I love making hats with Pom poms. It just adds a little sass!
This post made me take a dive into pom pom / pom pon / pompom / pompon, but mostly now I just want to try this new tool and make some!
I knit with a group of makers twice a month on Sunday morning. One morning a maker told a story about making pom poms with her niece and nephew. The making of the pom poms took over their crafty afternoon together…and I have to agree it is so much fun!!! But…is it really pom pon? Google tells me the two spellings are used interchangeably these days. I want to be this woman who is clearly the queen of pom poms and pom pons…
I’ve never made a Pom Pom, but I think it’s time. She makes it look so easy and fun.
I have always loved pom-poms. One of my first craft projects, a very long time ago, was a caterpillar made from a long line of pom-poms.
I have never made a pom pom but would love to give it a try!! This book looks like the guide I need to make a perfect Pom Pom on my 1st try! Thanks for the chance to win a copy 🙂
I love pompoms! I make them for fun all the time.
I’d like to make a Pom Pom garland, but I’m lacking Pom Pom experience…
This is so exciting! Every hat I’ve ever knitted sported a pom-pom. I just love them. In the likely event I do not win this, where can I buy the Loome tool?
I love to knit hats with pompoms But, oh, my husband will not wear them. It’s OK. I’m growing a small person who (for at least a little while) won’t have a choice…
I think in my decades long love affair with knitting, I’ve only made a handful of pom poms. I never seem to get them right, even with other tools, so I’m looking forward to Loome solving my pom pom problem forever!
What great Pom Pom tools. I have not had good Pom Pom luck before. Maybe with this method I will improve!
I haven’t made a pom pom in probably 30 years, and as I remember, it was a pain in the neck to do then! This tool certainly makes it look way easier!
My pom poms are pathetic as I am always in such a hurry to finish the project I don’t give them the attention they deserve – and this beats my current method of using my fingers! Thanks for the chance to win!
Many hats aren’t complete without a pom pom or tassel. This tool is,great!
I have made many pom poms in my time to top hats and serve as bookmarks. The idea of a tool that will help me make more of them and use up the small balls in my stash is exhilarating.
Wow! For the past month I’ve been making pom poms to use as manipulatives during my tutoring sessions of dyslexic children. Each pom pom represents a sound and they practice isolating and manipulating the sounds. The children love the brightly colored pom poms. I’m glad to hear about others enjoying these happy little objects. If you go to my business page below, you can see one of my students working with pom poms.
Shirley, your business page did not show in your reply. Could you please repost? I volunteer with an adult literacy program and would love to know more about what you are doing. Thanks.
This tool and book are just what I need. The grandkids love pom poms but my current attempts are always scraggly and wimpy. Although the kids never criticize I feel like I’ve failed their wardrobes!
I am a pom pom failure. My last attempt was sad, droopy and uneven. Now I just omit the pom pom. I need a new method, nay an intervention!
Reading about pom poms was a happy way to start the day! Who doesn’t love them??
I usually make a Pom Pom of left over yarn to use as the bow when I wrap a knit gift. I want to up my game
I have made pom poms for a Keep Austin Weird hat that we give to the teachers that attend the Hill Country Weavers retreat. My pom poms are very small, I am told. Maybe with this tool, I will make better pompoms.
My fondest pom pom memories are of making them for my Mom while she was knitting. That was probably about 1969. She had a cut out part circle, cardboard crinkled thing she had made. Then my Dad devised something similar but made from plexi. There were a lot of pom poms being tossed about by my brothers and me.
I love pom Poms!
And visions of pom-poms danced in her head….The possibilities seem endless. What a fun, creative way to spread happiness!
I love, love, love pom poms and we are even doing a program on them in our guild in April!!!
As a matter of fact, I just repaired the pom pom on my granddaughter’s hat last week. Thank you.
I love hats with pom poms but I have never made a successful one. I always have my sister make them for me. The loome tool looks like so much fun and easy too!
Pom poms scream “happy” to me. I will need to check out this tool and book.
Wow!! What a neat tool. I could use this tool to make the perfect pom poms. My pom poms are never perfect.
Pom-poms! As a preschool teacher, what I could do with a pom-pom maker! We have a very large, but very shaggy and loose pom-pom ball at school. We use it as practice for fine motor and gross motor development – and the children love tossing the giant pom-pom! The pom-pom ball has seen it’s better days, and I wish I could make a new one, perhaps with the Loome tool!
I love pompoms! I’ve had one sitting on my kitchen island since the Christmas season. I was trying to figure out which size would be best on the Simple House Slippers I was making for my stitch group. Every so often, I pick it up and give it a squeeze. I’m always looking for new ways to make them.
This looks very intriguing. I have made pom poms for hats before, but always feel like they don’t look very good- neither perfectly polished nor artistically rough. So… maybe the right tool would help? I would love to try the tool and the book with my yarny friends.
I got a beautiful blue Pom Pom as a gift from a student and I’ve kept it for years. It brings me joy
This give away is such good timing! Due to a broken collarbone I can’t knit at the moment, so I was sorting out the stash, getting it ready for when I am all healed up. I have such a hard time letting go of odds and ends that I know I won’t knit with any more but are still pretty. So I put them in a bag to make pom-poms with! I just tried a new pom-pom maker this morning, but it was completely rubbish. And then I saw this! If i won’t win, I will definitely buy one of these looms. They look awesome! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Such a wonderful story! I’ve heard about these but haven’t seen one. I’m going to seek them out now because I love the story and supporting a woman owned company/business.
I think my love of pom poms startedin the seventies with the ones that had googlie eyes and stickie feet were everywhere!
I still have a pom pom kit from my childhood that my aunt brought back from England. It had beads, wool yarn, pipe cleaners, and felt and several pom pom makers (one made an oval shape pom pom) to make small pom poms that could be made into little fuzzy animals. Really cute! I have tried different pom pom makers to make bigger pom poms and they are not all created equally. The latest pom pom making I saw were friends making extra large pom poms using card board circles. The pom poms were for use inside a class room. Totally tossable, soft, and very colorful.
I was on the pom pom squad in high school, but alas it hasn’t helped me make a sturdy knitted one. How fun this would be!
I desperately need help with my pompom skills – every time I try to make one, it turns out a floppy mess. Perhaps salvation lies in the loome tool. A girl can dream.
Favorite pom pom tip: don’t trim too much trying to achieve a perfect sphere….you will end up with no pom at all!
These Pom poms look so much better than the ones I’ve made in the past!
I *think* I made a pompom when I was a kid but have two scarf projects on my needles now where pompoms are the finishing touch. I haven’t seen the Loome tool before but I’m excited to try it.
My sons and I made hundreds of pom poms 2 summers ago. It was fun for my little guys to make up games with all of them. Now I keep some in a Tiffay crystal bowl in my office— as a mamato three small boys I have no use for the bowl at home and As a math professor i like to have the pom poms to give to students who need a little cheer.
Beautiful looking Pom-Pom book and tool! A couple more ways to use your Pom-poms: a Pom-Pom air freshener (that you can spritz with essential oils) in car or home, a Pom-Pom garland to adorn your mantel, surround your window, trim your tree!
I just got a new Pom Pom tool and spent quite a while making Pom poms and trying to perfect them, wasn’t really happy with the results, would love to give this new tool a go and would love to learn new techniques for Pom-making!!! 🙂
I made a hat with a pom-pom last year for our knitting group gift to the workers at ‘our’ Panera, and the workers all fought over it
I’ve made pompoms with the clover tool and cardboard. Have never repaired a pompom.
Wow. I have a lot to learn about pom poms! Can’t wait to try the new Loome tool.
I knit stuffy donkeys and always put a nice, flurffy pompom on the end of the tails for extra awesomeness.
I just made some teeny tiny pom-poms to sew on the back of ankle socks with little bunny faces on the foot.
it was so much fun to make something silly but I did have to get creative with to make such a small pom.
you can see a picture of the socks here:
For a granddaughter who moves very fast, but loves yarn as much as her granma meg, pom-poms are a no-brainer. Maybe I can get my husband into them as well
Goes to show the simplest inventions are the best! No more struggling with cardboard. I love it!
Love pompoms!
Would love to try pom-pins.
Being tactile I love Pom poms. They are so squishy. And they add a bit of pizzazz to any garment!
As a middle-aged knitter, I have been pom-pom wary – I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard for that cool mom vibe! But I love how many possibilities the Loome allows for, and I’m thrilled there’s a new book that can help pom newbies like me think about how poms are for more than just kids!
<3 I haven't made a pom-pom since I was a child! Can't wait to check out the book!!
OMG. So cool! Pom-pom making is a “thing” for me and my 11-year-old niece. I bought her the entire collection of Clover pom-pom makers, and whenever we get together (not nearly enough due to distance), pom-poms are made…in volume…all day! Pom-pom pillow, pom-pom Easter animals, pom-pom color wheel…I bought her a Loome tool for a stocking-stuffer last Christmas. The Loome Party prize would take us to the next level of pom-pom. Pom-pom sweater anyone?
Oh, and I was a pom pom girl in high school…who was that girl?
Would love a chance to make such good looking pom-poms (5 grandchildren, so hats are always on my knitting list). I’ve not made many but when I have they were more “free form”, measured over a piece of cardboard and then tied and trimmed, coming out much smaller than intended as I kept trimming irregular edges.
Like making pom poms but they always fall apart or don’t look very nice. This would help me a lot
When I was elementary school someone gave me a book about pom-pom making, and I started selling the things to kids in my class!
I have tried to make pom poms but they fall apart, I need the tool!
This makes pom poms look so cool. Great tip about winding the tool with both ends of the yarn to cut down the time.
What fun! Who does not love a pom pom, and these look so lush!
pom pom girl in college turned loome user in 2017. much more fun than kicking mud around a freezing cold playing field.
I find shaping pom poms a challenge. Tips for round pom poms would be a big help in obtaining pom pom bliss!
I recently began adding pom-poms to my knitted items for community giving – – they evoke a spark of joy.
Wow, my Pom poms are always so limp looking that try not to make anything that would need one.
I am a pom-pom newbie so the Loome looks like a magical tool to me. Would love to learn more!
I LOVE Pompoms!! What could be more cheerful than adding a pompom?
Have been thinking about an awesome pompom garland!
I have made pompoms with my hand, a fork, and a piece of cardboard. This Loome Tool looks like a vast improvement.
I love Pom poms for their adorableness, and because they offer a way into yarn craft for the very young. Kids love to decorate with pompoms and it’s been very fun teaching them how. An easier way to make a perfect Pom? I am on it.
When my youngest daughter was little she came home from school and gave me a pom pom that She had made. She told me it was a warm fuzzy and to this day when I hold it I feel warm and fuzzy and close to her!
Just wanna say, I love an entrepreneur who recognizes the value of her product and registers for patent before putting it out there. Smart business people deserve all the luck! 🙂
I love the Pom Pom phase and need to up my skills! Great article!
These pom poms look so plush and full. I’ve made pom poms with cardboard…my kids love playing with them. We would have so much fun with this tool. 🙂
I haven’t made pom poms in years. This book looks like so much fun!
I made some pom poms for hats this winter – one of my pom poms was very dense, but too heavy for my hat. I didn’t know there could be too much pom pom 😉
I am not so much pom-pom averse as I am unsure. Vilasinee makes the process look not only doable but worthwhile!
Love Pom-poms! So cheery and fun! My technique is not the best, so would love to learn more about how to make them better. 🙂
I have only made a few Pompoms in my life and have never been happy with the results. I look for other ways to embellish my knitting. I would be happy to be able to make one as beautiful as the ones pictured!
I was only a Pom Pom squad wanna be in high school, so I hope to be chosen for the Loome Squad!
This looks like such fun! Would love to try the Loome and share with my grandchildren!
She is a genius for designing this clever Pom Pom tool. I want one!
I love pom poms on hats – both traditional and the faux fur ones.
I LOVE pom-poms. Looks like the Loome is the way to go!
My pom poms have never looked very good, I too am a sucker for cool tools, I may have to make pom poms this way and see if they improve…….
This is actually quite timely, as I’ve been debating how I want to do a pompom for a hat I just finished knitting, because I don’t have a good pompom maker, the yarn is quite bulky, and I’ve also been puzzling over what the best solution is to a removable pompom, both for ease of washing and in case I decide to give it away but the recipient doesn’t appreciate the handspun pom pom.
This looks like so much fun!! I love pom-poms!! They add such color and joy!! I’d love to try this. What great ideas and fun little gifts!
Altho I’m not really a pom pom type person, I’ve made many for hats and slippers for others. The Loome looks like it’ll be alot of fun to use. Love that’s one tool for many sizes and types.
My resourceful grandmother taught me how to make pompoms by wrapping yarn around a piece of cardboard. This looks like way more fun and the finished pompoms look much fuller. Can’t wait to try it!
I have made Pom poms using a homemade cardboard many times. Sometimes it works Pretty well but I always feel like they are not full enough.
What nice timing as my birthday is this week and I actually just finished a pom pom garland for the party I’m throwing myself 🙂
The first (also the last) time I made a pom-pom, it disappeared to nothingness when I tried to trim it into shape. I’ve had much better luck with tassels, but I love those little animals that you can make with pom-poms, and if I win, I will make some!
I want to travel back in time and fill my high school locker with pompoms. I would put some in my pockets and hand them out to random people.
I love pom poms! They add a sense of fun to projects of all types. My mom taught me how to use paperboard to make my own pom poms. My most recent one was a CD size one on a slouchy hat. I can’t wait to see how my pom pom world expands with this tool!
I have NEVER made a good pompom – maybe that’s why I avoid the little darlings.
Maybe this is a new beginning for me…. 🙂
I have been pomming for the past few years with varied success. This looks like a great tool to make that easier
I love big pompoms on hats and this looks like the perfect way to make them. I learned stuff from the video, would love to read the book!
I’ve made pom poms as a child many years ago. I see them being trimmed much smaller and tighter than I used to do. I worry about all the trimmings though. It seems such a waste of yarn that I would hesitate to use an expensive yarn. I guess that is my pom pom hang up.
I too learned to make pom-poms in girl scouts with card board circles but I was never able to achieve a nice full one unless I trimmed it down to almost nothing. I haven’t made one for years for that very reason. There is almost nothing worse than a skimpy pom-pom. Will have to keep an eye out for this tool.
The whole family loves to de-stash by making Pom poms, including tiny ones using lace weight yarn!
I have yet to make a pom pom, but I do like them! Let’s just say that with the right tool, there may be flocks of pom poms in my life . . .
I bought the loome tool several months ago, intrigued by the concept. I watched the video to make my first group of tassels. It was easy, and my tassels looked great.
Making pom-poms is so frustrating to me, yet I love the look of them on a hat. Hopefully, the Loome will assist me in that.
This looks so exciting! I love making pom-poms but I can’t say they’re always 100% successful. I recently mended my 6 year old grand daughter’s hat which I knitted for her when she was only one year old. It must have grown with her but the top had had some rough treatment so I really impressed myself by unpicking it and reknitting the top then reattaching the pompon.
While I may not have ever met a pom pom I didn’t like, I have never made such densely packed poms as those in the photos–amazing!!
I want to learn to make a pom pom as densely packed as those in the photos!!
I’ve not pot a pompom on anything I’ve knit, but I’d certainly be tempted to if I had a cool maker like that! I know our cats would crazy if they had pompoms to bat around, so any I made might not ever make them to my knitting!
Typo! “Put”, not “pot”.
Pom poms are fun, and easier to make with a Loome. I need one
I was a pom pom girl in high school, we performed at half time of home games of football ( with band) and basketball (recorded music). Great fun, the pom poms we used were made of paper but very strong paper. I have made yarn tassels but no pom poms – yet!
Pom Pom Party! Can’t wait to read the book and try the tool!
The cardboard method always frustrated me, and trimming always wasted too much yarn. This tool might be the solution!
I have a large glass container filled with colorful pompoms I’ve made from the last bits of leftover yarns — it sits on the mantel over our fireplace. It’s almost full now, so I may need to get another container (or a larger one.)
What a great tool! I’m going to make pom-poms with my niece from the yarn I inherited from my mother. Love the multicolored ones!
I find it so hard to leave my hats un-pom-pommed! Even when patterns look stylish and sleek without one, by the time I finish the hat it looks so sad and naked without being adorned by a pom pom! Not to mention, when aiming for a slouchy look, the pom pom definitely adds.
I’m making tea cozies as holiday gifts. I dread making all of the pompoms needed to make the cozies look special/finished/festive.
A tool like this would really help.
I have never been happy with my pom poms–so excited to see a tool to help with this!
I’ve tried to make pom poms before….but they come out looking pretty meh. It’s been easier to stick with tassels or loops!
I have several pompom makers, each promising to make perfect pompoms. They don’t. I’m ready for one that really does it! Love the story of its design. Hope that you will carry this in the shop if I don’t win one!
Making good pom poms jas always been a challenge. The tool makes it look easy
I haven’t made a pom pom, but I sure want to! I also think it would be lots of fun to use a Loome to make things with my grand daughter. And then one comment suggested using a bright pom pom as a luggage identifier–what a great idea!
I have a beautiful hat waiting to be finished with a pom pom. However, I have not yet gotten up the courage to make said pompom!
I need a loom!!! I just took a class on what to do with my stash, and would love to add ideas – this looks great!!
The quest for the elusive, perfect pom pom is over; can’t wait to try the Loome tool!
Pom pom ornaments make great last minute holiday gifts!
For whatever reason, I am truly pom-pom impaired. This sounds like just the tool I need to rectify that situation.
I was so excited to find out about this tool, because my pom poms leave a lot to be desired. I have tried a lot of methods and tools, but they all lack something. A tool and method to make perfect pom poms and tassels is a real gift!
I have made Pom Poms before but I am not very good at it.. i would love to have a free book about helping me to make Pim poms.
I love a good pom pom! The tassels I could crank out with that Loome tool, though.. major heart eyes!
Having a hard time envisioning how this tool will work better than those I’ve tried before, but I’m keeping an open mind. 🙂 I’ve been putting off making a pompom for the hat I just finished … maybe the loome is the answer?? Meanwhile, thanks for offering a chance to win!
My annual donation to our community tree is 50 or so hats for the local school kids. Each one requires a pom-pom which I leave to the very end because my pom-pom skills are Nada, Zip, None. Procrastination doesn’t help either. I would be eternally grateful for a tool that turns this chore into a delight!
Everyone loves a good pom pom! Pom pins make people happy, whether in a hat, slippers or a bunting. Cats love a good pom, too.
I love pom poms! i consider myself a pom pom master in training, maybe a yellow belt? I think pom poms can make the world a happier place. The best use of leftover yarn, and a great way to discover fun color combinations.
Have made more tassels than pom poms but am ready to get really pom serious. There is so much yarn and embroidery floss in storage boxes, I could pom for years!
My very good friends gave me a fun piece of multimedia artwork for my newly redone bathroom — a llama decorated with hot pink pompoms. Now all I can think of is adding hot pink pompoms to all our towels.
I just needed to add — autocorrect replaced pompom with pompous the first time I typed it. Lol. Pompoms are about the farthest thing from “pompous” I can imagine.
I just made my first pom pom with the leftover yarn from a sweater that was gifted. It adorned the wrapping of said gift. I found a tutorial using two empty toilet paper rolls and cardboard circles. It came out pretty good….large and fluffy! But a beautiful tool like this would be wonderful to own.
I made an art installation using…what else…Pom poms! Why is there no Pom Pom emoji?
I believe I have only made one, sad pom pom in my life! Clearly I need more….
Pom poms! I’m in! A hat is not a hat without a pom pom, or 2!,
I made my first pom poms when I was 8 years old…and I still have my pom pom makers, now 52 years later. I think it’s time for a new tool!
So far, pom-poms have not been me but I really want to learn! I am making a series of hats for sale to support my knitting guild and they are crying out for pompoms. Mary in Cincinnati
I saw this tool the other day at Powells, but I didn’t have time to really examine how it makes pom poms. It did look sturdy and fun!
I admit- I’m a bit afraid of the Pom Pom ! I’d love to give it a whirl !
I purchased a Loome at VKL NYC and haven’t used it yet… would love to be inspired
I have made some pom poms but they didn’t turn out too well. A proper tool and tips would be great!
I love a pom-pom but make them using cardboard rings which isn’t the easiest or fastest method so would love this book
I’ve made pom-poms with two rings cut from cardboard & tassels by wrapping a book or CD case…. Such cute little things! I like the idea of making very small pom-poms and putting them together to make animals, flowers, etc. Congratulations on the new book! ❤️
I LOVE Pom poms but mine never look even. I would be so happy if I could perfect my Pom Pom skills! Little things make me happy.
Love pom-poms – hats, scarves, curtains – what’s happier than a kitchen curtain with bright colored pom-poms?
Love PomPoms, they’re just little happy bundles!
I’m a snippet lover too! And making Pom Poms is fun with this tool. I need inspiration though, so winning this would be perfect! Thanks and good luck everyone!
Favorite pom-pom tip: Use something sturdier than an envelope around which to wrap your yarn. (How do I know this???) 🙂
Pompon (the original) or pompom, but decidedly not pom-pom.
I have never made a Pom Pom before out of fear, if you can believe it. They have been like Tribble hobgoblins out to curse my knitting projects! Until now, that is. I think I NEED the Loome tool to banish the fear and help me embellish….everything. Great articles!
I have successfully made one lone pompom, It was for a hat for my son, when he was in 1st grade. Every other time I have tried, they came out looking like sickly, mutilated, half poms. I *need* this tool!!
My favorite hat in high school (aka the mid 1970’s) was a flag hat with a big red/white/blue pom-pom on the top! I remember the fun of having it whipped off by boys while ice skating – those were the days! 🙂
I make a lot of pom poms from tiny bunny tails to giant ski hat toppers and toddler juggling balls so I really appreciate a simple, easy to use tool. I may have to get all the sizes! (And another set for the 4th grade knitting club I lead. They spread pom pom joy throughout the school!)
pompoms bring out my inner cat – I sit batting them incessantly. this, unfortunately, is not tempered if a person is wearing said pompom. pompoms forever!
I wish I could say that I’ve ever made a pom pom that I’ve been happy with. They usually end up looking like some sort of deformed octopus. I just recently bought a Loome tool, I haven’t tried it yet but and sure it will be best pom pom I’ve ever made.
Pom Poms come and go, but they certainly are cheerful- something we could all use right now!
Vilasinee’s Loome Tool looks so cool and versatile, and a dream for making tons of pom poms and tassels.
I do like pom poms. I would love to have a tool that makes it easier to make a good one.
Love Pom Poms! Can’t make one. Mine look like well used cat toys. lol
I love pompoms and like to tie them using embroidery floss- sometimes I’ll put them in the dryer wet for a while to fluff them up! I have a loome tool but have not played around with it yet!
Yes, I’ve made pom poms. I’ve only put them on hats. Also, for Christmas decorations, I’ve made felted snow men, knitted them tiny hats, and put even tinier pom poms on the hats.
I so want a garland of poms for my room!! I would be so thrilled to have this book.
I have tons of hats that the Pom poms always end up falling off or coming undone. I just started knitting myself so I can make and be able to repair my own hats and would love this book and tool to help me!!!
I have never made a pompom that I liked. I also never read a book on how to make pom poms and other similar items. Maybe that would help. Perhaps, a beautiful tool like the Loome would help, too. I have always relied upon imperfect cardboard circles. I am also a longtime Snippets subscriber. It is always the first email to pop up on my screen on Saturday morning 🙂
LOVE me some pom poms. I’ve been wanting to make a pom pom garland for my front windows. So cheery!
Many pompoms in my extensive knitting career. Some lopsided, some fell apart, some so dense they could be mistaken for cue balls.
I am a worthless pom-pom maker! I just can’t get them to turn out full and fluffy so I KNOW this tool ad this book would be a godsend!
I remember making pom poms as a child using cardboard circles. I’m so glad things have improved. Yes, I love making pom poms. They are cheerful and always make me smile.
Ooooh, I would love to be great at making beautiful pom poms! I have tried it diy style with cardboard, forks- you name it, they never turn out very well!
Since I got my Loome tools I can’t stop making pom poms. It’s embarrassing how such a simple thing make me so happy and takes up my knitting time. I gave them away at a Heritage Festival and now I’m making them for a yarn bombing project. I taught the 9 yr old girl I mentor to make them. Still I haven’t used up my stash of leftovers. More pom poms!
Made pom-poms on 2 doughnut shaped cardboard discs sandwiched together with the yarn wound around it. PITA. How no one thought to cut a slit across it is a wonder. The Loome tool looks perfect for teaching kids at summer camp too.
My pompoms are awful wrecks — I can totally use this tool, and the sweet ideas in this book! Thanks for the contest!
Poms poms make great cat toys!
On the process of making a pompom rug! Would love to make tassel’s and hair pieces!
In the process of making a pompom rug. Would love to make tassel’s and hair pieces!
I love Pom poems, but have a lot of trouble making them. Great for baby hats! Knitting accessories are my weakness.
I’m really not wild about pom-poms, but tassels are a whole different thing! Love them hanging on the corners of a shawl.
I’ve done pom-poms for a few hats…in particular, in obnoxious neon colors for the hats I make for my office’s annual Yankee Swap. They’ve been a huge hit. 🙂
I have accomplished many a detailed and intricate knitted item, but I am still intimidated by pom-poms. I bought a loome tool last year (robot model), I really should give it a try!
I LOVE pompoms, and have at least half a dozen tools, but no Loome. I frequently have to make several pompoms in different sizes before I get the right size for a project, so I have a little collection of unused ones that I keep thinking I need to string together. Maybe my car needs some pompoms…. And tassels! I’ve never made a tassel!
I’ve made pompoms, but I’m never satisfied with them. I’ve used the tool you can get at all the big box craft stores… blanking on the brand name right now. I saw this Loome tool at Vogue Knitting Live, but I didn’t understand it….
I haven’t made a pom-pom in years but I have a hat or two that could use one. I’m fascinated by this Loome tool—looks so cool!
Making Pom-Pom pillows was my way of earning summer spending money in high school (never mind how long ago that was!). My daughter inherited the Pom-Pom love when she made characters to sell to her school friends. I’m loving the resurgence of Pom-Pom popularity!
The only Pom Pom I’ve ever made just keeps shedding little tails every time someone looks at it… possibly need to work on my technique 🙂
This is so exciting. I have just started working on a set of pom pom streamers for my bedroom door. This tool looks much more useful that the plastic thing I found at the fabric store.
I’m fairly new to knitting. I’m a crocheter opening my horizons. I’ve never made a pom-pom before, this would be a great book and tool to add to my library. Pom-pomso look so fun. Good luck to all you entering!
My pom poms need major help! Not sure what I’m doing wrong.
I had stopped making pom poms because I didn’t like the way they turned out. After this video, I’ll have to try again with Miss Bunnag’s tips! I’d love to win the book and tool. Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I love making pom pom animals. I need this book and tool!!!
Until now, I wasn’t even aware that I’ve been living a pom-pom deprived existence. This has got to change.
A winter hat isn’t finished without a pom pom. Though every single hat I’ve made for my sons has needed a pom pom repair at least once.
I love pom poms! They remind me of being a Girl Scout and crafting pom poms using a cardboard square and acrylic yarn. I’ve forgotten how to make them, and this book (and cool tool) would help me make awesome poms for winter hats. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like to felt my pom-poms.
Very cool! I’ve been making my daughter lots of hats with Pom poms.
I tend to get scissor happy making Pom poms so this would definitely help!
Ah, the pom-pom! Even your name is fun!
I’ve used many tools and methods to make big fluffy ones or little dainty ones. I think my favorite part is channeling my inner Bonsai gardener, trimming and snipping away until the perfect pom-pom reveals itself.
I do believe the Loome will aide me in perfecting my pom-poms. Namaste!
I have made many pom-poms and I have bought all of the pom-pom gadgets. I’ve even bought a loome last fall at Vogue Knitting Live, but I haven’t used it yet!! For shame, I know. This book looks like it would get me to actually use it! (but I will anyway even if I don’t win)
I decorated my family’s Christmas hats with pom-poms and they’re a lot of fun:
But our dog got hold of my husband’s hat last holiday season and wrecked the pom on it! Fortunately the hat survived, but will need to be re-pommed.
I love pom poms! They are festive & make me happy!
I love looms and pom poms. And. I hope MDK would have some articles on loom knitting, I had lived in senior building, and taught people there. and knitting looms where easy and fun for my friends and neighbors to do something creative and useful. Many of them had stopped because of arthritis. It was easy and fast to make a hat with chunky yarn. So I like the idea making pom poms with a loom!
I’d love to learn the correct way of creating pom poms and more! Winning this kit would inspire creativity to make beautiful heirlooms and share my new found skill. Thank You Vilasinee for Sharing Your Gift!
I just made two hats this winter with pom poms. They are holding up well so far!
I make pom poms with Clover pom pom makers, but tassels? Oooh, I’d love to make those.
Wonderful to hear the history of this intriguing devise. I have heard from others that it is tons of fun to use and eager to try it myself.
I like to make hats as charity projects and gifts. They would be so much better with pom poms!
I adore pom-poms! I would love to try the Loome tool.
OMG. The Loome tool must be so much better than the leftover toilet paper roll tubes I have been using to make pop moms since age six. Clearly I need to move on with the new fangled technology. 😉
Pom Pom making is not one of my skills. Mine are always scraggly and uneven. When I try to trim them the result no longer resembles a Pom Pom…perhaps this book and tool would make a difference.
Poms – love them and they do bring INSTANT JOY. I’ve had a hat returned for a pom pom repair – damage inflicted by my 9 month old grandson – have struggled recently with equal fluff and volume on matching slipper poms. Would Love Love Love to try a new tool for success.
Ooh, I hope to win. I really want to be able to make better pompoms!
Love, love, love this pom-pom multi-tool…would also love to see how the lucet part of the design works for braided cord!
I found out the hard way that superwash wool is not the best for poms. Granddaughters hat was decorated with my very first and only handmade Pom. It fell apart due to the slippery nature of superwash wool!
This is amazing to me: Pompon is the word we know, but the original is pompoN. When I was a copy editor I had to remember to change it every time!
Spellcheck strikes again. The word we know is pompoM. The original is pompoN. Sheesh!
Oh my – was a cheer leader in the 60’s with huge pom poms! One of my first knitting projects was a slipper kit from Mary Maxim that had two pom poms on each one – big ones!
My motto of pom-pomming is “no one likes a flaccid pom-pom.” I just made two, one giant one for a hat and another, smaller one, for a striped hat. The latter uses my main color and two contrast colors. It was super fun making a multi-colored pom-pom.
Despite the aforementioned motto, I am on a quest to make ever more epic, floofier, denser and more even pom-poms.
Pom-poms, tassels, and braided cord without breaking a sweat? Sounds super useful. I like tassels even better than pompoms, but I’m a pompom/pompon fan as well.
I bought Loom tools for my nieces for their birthday. They would love this book!
My new granddaughter has a darling mobile above her crib full of pom poms (safely out of reach of her month-old hands, of course). Wish I had made it. Now maybe I can.
I love pompoms and would love to have the book – and a tool to help make great pompoms!
When I was a kid my friend Janet had a bag of yarn scraps provided by her mother and a set of cardboard rings with a slit in them that we used to make pom poms. At the time we had nothing to do with them, other than decorate our doll’s clothes, but they were so fascinating in and of themselves that we spent hours at making them.
I’ve mad very few pompoms in my life, because the ones I have done have always looked very sad. I think the Loome could change that. A well-made pompom should always elicit a smile.
I love Pom Poms and Tassels. I hang them on doorknobs around the house can change the colors with each season. I have a wonderful yarn collection and would like to learn how to make better Pom Poms. Looking forward to reading the book.
I have always loved Pom Poms. The shape the feel and correctly applied the slight movement back and forth. But most of all the feel. Yikes I think I may have revealed too much!
I have yet to make a pom pom but having the book and tool would provide inspiration.
My pompom making skills have always been lopsided, so anything that I made calling for one usually was finished without one. So happy to think that I could acquire a new skill!
Saved by a pompom? Yes! I took my 4 year old granddaughter to the big tubing hill that’s a new tourist attraction in town. She was an inch too short to go but the gatekeeper turned her hat so that one of the pompoms was in front, measured her again, and VOILA! she was magically tall enough to ride. I need to make more pompoms for their hats to avert further possible disappointment. That is one cool looking tool.
of course i’ve made pom poms – two pieces of round cardboard with a hole in the middle were the tool we used ! nothing as fancy as the lucet-pompom maker we see here !
it would be very cool to try out a different technique to make them!
My grandmother taught me how to make pompoms decades ago, but they were never as dense and cute as these.
I have been adding pom poms here and there for years! I’m actually making pom poms now for my local yarn shop and their “secret” community art installation! The pom poms, all in brightly colored yarn, are the last element…we’ve all been supporting the installation and knitting/crocheting hearts then leaves and now making pom poms! My cat loves them too!
I love Pom Poms and have become obsessed with adding mini ones on shawls and scarfs and big Pom poms on hats. Love them and would love this cool tool! I make mini ones using a fork!
I learned how to make pom-poms with a piece of cardboard, probably when I was 8. To decorate my figure skates, of course. (I made them fancy with a sassy little bell tied to them!) I had no idea until the last couple years that there such better ways to make a pom pom!
I love the “happy-making” pom pom!
I have not done any pom poms but I’ve been gathering yarn bits for a long time as I’m going (well try) to make a pom pom rug for my bathroom. They just brighten up a room so much and I want folks to be happy in my bathroom!!!!
I’m still trying to make the perfect pom pom. Am I too much of a perfectionist?
I rarely make pom poms because I’m never happy with the results but some hats just cry out for one. I welcome a chance to elevate my pom pom skills.
I have been making pom poms since I was a young girl and cut apart the tissue boxes. Would love to have this give away!
My Grandson just LOVED the pompoms I added to his recently hand-knitted hat!
Love to make a pom-pom but need scissors practice for proper shaping!
I have never made a pom pom. I need the book!
I would like to make a pom pom colorful decorative item.
I’m going to make pom pom ponytail holders for the high school cheer team, I think I’ll be placing an order for this amazing tool first!
I always avoid pom poms because I find them a pain to make and mine never really look good. This tool is so exciting because it can make poms poms fun and do tassels too!
I need to learn to make pom poms. I have two little girls who love hand knits with those little embellishments.
I made the whole family ski hats with pom poms when the kids were small. Love to make and wear them!!
Slippers with pompoms, yeah!
A coworker recently brought in her daughter’s hat – the pom had come off. I was honored that she thought I could help repair it (I could!). When I was in high school there was a series of religious retreats – I no longer remember why, but during the course of the retreat you could give people “warm fuzzies” which were big yarn poms on braided cords that you hung around your neck. I think I might have forgotten all about them -except that a cute boy gave me one and it smelled like his cologne. #sensememory.
Pompoms make everything cuter!
I need to be pomified… tired of my cats enjoying my failed poms!
Pom poms & dingle berries two of my most favorite things!
I have always loved a good pom pom, or a tassel on a scarf. In fact, in the March madness, I was all about Lead the Way in the mini skein bracket, and I was thinking pompoms instead of tassels at the end…..
Just made a baby hat with a giant pom on top! as big as the baby’s head! LOL
I have always used cardboard to make my pompoms and tassels…. we were to poor for fancy tools back when I was growing up so we made do with what we had.
While neither pompoms nor tassels were perfect they were all made with pure love as with any crochet project or sewing project I always let the person it was made for know this…. it’s not perfect but every single stitch is made with pure love. I think your pompom tools are very neat and look like they are fun to use… the book looks very interesting too.
Pom poms just make you happy. I’ve been know to trim a pom pom to the point where a large one became a small one.
Pom-poms really do make everything better! I hung some in the perfect shade of blue amidst my snowflakes and twinkle lights for the winter holidays, and on this snowy day in CT I’m going to make some multi-colored pom-poms in Spring shades. And as a matter of fact, I was on the pom-pom squad in high school! We were the Pep Squad, but of course I was only in it for the huge blue and gold pom-poms.
I have made pom poms using cardboard circles and I have done pom repair for a couple of people. I have a new granddaughter that is going to need pompoms!
I first made pom poms as a child … we cut circles out of cardboard and used scrap yarns.
Kudos to a new method!
I need this tool, my Pom poms are lacking
My granddaughter Liz (6) has been starting some knitting and some crochet! This would be the perfect “gateway” for her creative fashion-aware stylings. I’m always looking for new ways to entice her with craft skills that last a lifetime, not to mention great bonding with Grandma!
Usually once per year, I wash all my hand knit acceccories in the machine on the gentlest cycle. Las year, I put a pom-pommed hat in, and ended up with a felted mess. So don’t wash your pom poms!
Pom-poms are pure happiness. I love them in garlands, on twinkle lights, and the ends of plain pillows. My tip is to use unscented dental floss as the tie, it is super strong & allows a very tight hold.
Love this dental floss idea. Thanks
When I make gift hats I make 2 or 3 different size (sometimes color) of pompoms and put them separately in the gift box with yarn attached. I include a small instruction of how to attach as the person chooses. I suggest unbending a paper clip for my college grandchildren as an inserting tool. 🙂 It makes the package look quite festive and let’s the recipient in on handcrafting.
I am curious to see how this tool works.
My pompoms have always been weak! It’s probably because I was holding my knitting thread too far away from the pompom. I would love to win this book! Thank you for the chance.
I can never make a decent pom-pom. Ever. Maybe this tool will help?
Eons ago (I was 12) my first pompoms came into my life. They were mixed blue and white, one pompom on each toe of a pair of white lace-up shoe roller skates. I was enchanted. They might’ve been the beginning of my life-long love of blue and white, too.
Lately I have made a few hats but avoided the pom pom finish because I only want the exact pom pom that I envision and that never turns out to be the one I can make. If this tool can up my pom pom game, I will be thrilled!
I Knit hats and think that finishing them off a great pompom gives the hat a whole different personality
I have made many pom poms, but I always go a little overboard on the trimming – kind of like trimming my little sisters bangs in the 80s and making her cry! Luckily pom poms can’t cry! And the recipient doesn’t know large I intended it to be!
My mom knitted us something she called “fast caps” in the 1950s. They had ear flaps, tied under the chin, and had a long tail with a pompon at the end , which less civilized boys liked to yank from the school bus seat behind you. Despite this I have fond memories and I notice similar ones on hip young people on the subway. I refrain from yanking.
yes, have made pom-poms with 2 cardboard circles as a kid and have looked at this tool wondering would it really be used. Of course it would
Love how design has changed how we make the humble Pom Pom – I started with the simple 2 circles cardboard cut out to now a fancy plastic thing that takes me half a day to remember how it goes together. And now the Loome! Pom poms forever!
I delight in pompoms. Unfortunately, so does my son. His 14mo self thinks they are delicious.
I have made pompoms, some with cardboard, and others (more successfully) with a pom pom maker. If only I had known about the clever multi-purpose Loome tool before now, though! Oh, and a bonus from watching the video is that I now know how to make those felted pom poms…with roving, of course! I have a friend who has been coveting a garland made of them, and now I can do it for her! Thank you, Vilasinee! And how much easier will it be if I win Loome Party with a Loome tool?
My favourite pom pom ever was a multicoloured one my brother made when we were kids It was as big as his head! Mum must have been pleased to get rid of so many of her scraps, and it hung around with our toys for years.
I’ve made pom poms for hats and tea cozies. I’m all about the gadgets. Pick me, please!
My brother gave me a Loome tool for Christmas–it felt like getting a toy! (My pom-pom skills are still far from ambassador-level.)
My pom-poms need help!
I have made a lot of pom poms as one Christmas, I decided to use up a lot of my stash and every package got a pom pom! About halfway through wrapping Christmas presents, I downsized my pom pom expectations and I made sure every recipient had two packages with a pom pom! Much more doable!!! Of course, I was making them with cardboard circles, so I am thinking Christmas 2018 might be my return to pom poms if I can get one of the Loomes! Fun to read about!!
What a great product. Thank you for the opportunity to win this fascinating book!
I Like making pompoms and my cats love destroying them.
Pom poms are so much fun. I learned the hard way by using two pieces of cardboard. Gadgets are so much easier.
I need me some pompoms!!!!
Thank you, Vilasinee, I am totally “impressed”! I could never make pom-poms no matter what I used….I am now HOPEFUL♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆♡♡♡
I’ve made some pom poms but the old fashioned way. They always turn out crooked for me!
I think I may be able to make a finished look to my projects! All thanks to you, Vilasinee!!! Thank you again!
I’m a kinda beginner knitter but I’m also the only one that I know of that pom pomed my Andrea Mowry Free Your Fade shawl. Nineteen pompoms! And they fade along with the fade in the shawl. I was so proud when it was finished! It never fails to elicit happy and somewhat awed comments. Now I pompom much of what I knit of course! (You can see my shawl on Ravelry under alice2bmusic)
I made a pair of felted slippers with pom-poms on that the recipient thought too pretty to wear. They are framed and on the wall of a guest room in her bed-and-breakfast.
pom-poms, tassels and braids Oh My! i’ve loved all my pom-pom makers until the next new thing came out. LOOME!!
I have made many pom-poms but never felt they looked quite like I wanted them to – that is like the ones in the Loome Party book. I covet that…
Oh yes, the high school pom pom squad…from which I was cut in the first round of tryouts due to my utter lack of coordination.
I love making poofy pom poms and fluffing them up with the steam from my kettle, but tassels have always challenged me!
The Loome tool is awesome, and I really like the little pom pom trimming guide too. My favorite thing is the multicolor pom poms–Liberty Wool leftovers are perfect for this!
That is a much better way to made pompoms than the cardboard cut-out circle that my mom used.
I love pom poms!
This sure beats the scrap cardboard I’ve been using my whole life. I love how thick the pompoms can become with this tool.
I love pompoms!! I use some when crocheting on occasion. Still learning but this is exciting! Good luck everyone!!
I love pom moms in theory but I am rather pom pom challenged when it comes to execution. Mine are often misshapen and sad. I think I need to learn to have a Pom Pom Party!
Interesting timing of this, I have always eschewed pom poms mostly because I couldn’t make a decent one. But, this past Christmas saw me crocheting hats for my co-workers and adding decent pom poms made using the trusty cardboard circles. I became quite intrigued with perfecting the craft of the pom pom. I would love to add the Loome tool to my collection.
Pom Poms and tassels excite me! There’s so much you can do with them! That tool looks so unique, I’d love to try it. The book looks exciting too!
Now I want to go make a pom-pom. The last hat a knitted called for a pom-pom but I made a tassel instead (It’s Joyce which is in the running for mini-skeins in the March Mayhem). I own a Lucet and used it often when I did 18th century reenacting many years ago. As a kid, I made pom-poms over cardboard circles.
My kids and I loved making giant pompoms when they were little… we wound the yarn around DVD cases! Used up a lot of cheap yarn stash that way.
I love pom poms! And yes, I was captain of my high school pom pom squad but my love for the pom happened long before that!
I’ve always only made pom-poms using a piece of cardboard. Oh, and I thought they were called “pom pons”….shows how much I know! 😀
There’s nothing more fun to edge a scarf, top a hat, or highlight the corners of an afghan than a pom pom! This tool looks so cool! If I don’t win, I’m putting this gadget and book at the top of my knitting wish list!
I have made several pom poms but can never get them dense enough. My first attempt back in middle school involved a cardboard donut thingie. Functional but not fun!
Pom Poms are really fun. A tool that makes them easier is even more so. Woo hoo.
I’m terrible at pom poms, would love to see this new method!
Pom Poms just make projects happier. I love adding them to hats!
So excited for this giveaway! I have never, ever managed to make a satisfactory pompom! They are always too loose and just fall apart – seriously pompom-challenged! I loved reading about Vilasinee! Thank you for the opportunity to win her book and tools – fingers crossed!
Gee, I used to use bells on my hats, but pompous would certainly be quieter!
I made a hat to wear to my favorite hockey team’s games. The best part about it it the pom-pom.
I’ve made 2 pom poms in my lifetime as a knitter. They were both incredibly janky, but recipients of the hats that the poms adorned have nevertheless graciously chosen to love their knits. I have a feeling this tool would be a great upgrade from my hands.
I remember working with those cardboard circles to make pompoms…what a pain. I never seemed to remember to keep the cardboard circles & make the same size pompoms on the next project that called for pompoms. As a knitter, I am constantly remarking how brilliant women are ( and have been for eons) because of all the patterns & techniques & inventions that come from their imagination. Vilasinee Bunnag is one of those geniuses. I would love win this gift!!!
Perfect Pom-poms have always been a problem for me! I need a Pom-Pom tutor or this new book & tool.
I looooove big Pom poms and tassels on hats. I have a hard time not popping one on every hat I make. I sometimes sew snaps on the hats and Pom poms to make them removable.
I never put pom poms on anything I knit, because it seems like I can only make the saddest pom poms. They always are so sparse and empty looking. I’ve only ever used a cardboard diy pom pom maker, so that’s probably my problem. I’ve been lusting over a loome but can’t decide on which one I want.
My past feeble attempts at making Pom poms were woefully inept. I’d love to become less inept!
Every single hat I made last year had pom-poms on it somewhere – from huge fluffy pom poms on hats, to small little fuzz balls on the end of ties. They always make me smile.
My daughter loves the Pom-Pom Pets books from Klutz, and this would taker her menagerie to a whole new level! Trimming pompoms is so meditative. It’s my favorite part.
I’ve never been able to make good pompoms. I’m looking forward to getting a chance to try a Loome tool.
Pom-poms, tassels and jewelry —what fun!
I have made hats and baby items, but they were pom-pom-less. I need a loomie to be able to finish my hand mades.
What fun to use the ideas in this book to create great pom-pom projects!
It is a beautiful almost spring day and one I think is perfect for thinking of pom poms. I always think of pom poms in winter for the ubiquitous topping on wool caps, but right now I am obsessed with bright multi-colored pom poms to scatter on doorways and dresser knobs reminding me of the flowers that will sprout soon in the garden.
I love pom-poms! About 8 years ago I started a pom-pom garland but quit after about 12 pom-poms because making them was so slow and laborious. At the time I was using a plastic pom-pom maker that required threading the yarn through the center over and over (and over and over) again – nuf said.
I love the little tiny pom poms! My Pom Pom making skill dates way back to using a piece of cardboard wrapped with yarn.
I love seeing how she made those really dense Pom poms!
It’s been so, so long since I’ve made a pom-pom! I would have used a piece of cardboard to wrap the yarn, and never got it quite fat enough. The Loome sounds like fun!
I have made pom poms before,but fine it hard to make them full and tie off. I was in the drill team and we used Pom poms. They are loads of fun.
One of the cutest pictures of me, I’m about 18 mos. old wearing a knit hat with a pom pom almost as big as my head. Needless to say, it’s an old picture. 🙂
I’ve never made what I would call a successful pom pom, regardless of the method I tried. I’ve already learned so much just from her video! I’m working on a crocheted summer purse that calls for large tassels and have been wanting to make a pair of pom pom earrings for a while.
Pom Poms make anything better~~~
I went to the school of cardboard circles to make pom poms. I remember them being pretty flimsy. I haven’t made any in years, but would love to try the Loome and hopefully make perfect tight ones.
Hi, I never wanted to put a pom-pom on anything because what I did try was awful. This might get me to do it more. I am already signed to get Snippets. Love it. Thanks for considering me for this. Linda
Whike i live these posts they make ne feel very unimaginative. I made my first pompoms abiut 10 years ago for kiddie hats. It was fun. I’m currentky in the midst of making a bulky cable hat that will have a large pompom, however not yet sure if I will make it myself ir succumb to the fake fur pompom trend. (If onky I hadnt thiught winter was iver weeks ago & thus slowed my roll on the hat, I could have worn it today during our Springtime N’oreaster).
I love this post; so inspiring! I have actually made some pretty cool tassels, but do need to step up my pom-pom game!
I haven’t made pom poms since I was a kid. It would be fun to make them with a Loome tool.
The world is in need of more joy, and I’m looking forward to creating some lovely pom-poms to share with others. Thanks!
Love making Pom poms and just bought the cutest wrap which has Pom poms dangling from the bottom all around. It has inspired me to add pom poms to the bottom of a poncho I just knit. Super fun. Thx and good for you on your invention. So inspiring!
Vilasinee’s enthusiasm about pom poms is infectious! Now I want to make them. I’ve used a pom pom maker but the results were less than wonderful. The Loome and the book look inspiring.
I am in a state of excitement over the resurgence of the pom pom as well as a keen observer of the “pom or no pom” decision-making process for hats. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Would you believe I’ve never made a Pom-Pom? (I have made a bobble, though— I think they are related.) Would love to check out this book and cool tool.
I want to make the time to make a Pom-Pom Christmas wreath.
I rarely make Pom Poms because I don’t have the right tool! I like them dense and squishy!
I bought two Loome tools at Vogue Knitting Live Seattle last year, and I made so many pom-poms that I gave myself a blister from all the trimming (the scissors rubbed one of my knuckles). But it was a ton of fun!
I love pompoms, especially big floofy ones on hats.
I have never quite gotten the hang of making pom-poms. They always look a bit ….deflated? I suspect I’m being skimpy with my yarn. But a woolly hat topped with a big fluffy pom-pom is truly a thing of joy.
OMG I love to make pom poms! I scavenge my mom’s leftover yarn from knitting projects and make pom poms of all sizes, but my plastic pom pom tools are so hard to use! I’d love to have this book. –Annie Wood, 12
I have always found pontoon making a chore though I like them when and if I can get them right. I think I need this tool. 🙂
No hat is complete without a pompom! I’ve been using snaps on my handmade poms.
I’ve been knitting for about six years and believe it or not I have never made a pom-pom. This giveaway is my chance! I want some pom-pom power
I have made pompoms with a piece of cardboard… never got them to be just perfect. Maybe with the loom i will
Second knitting project ever: intarsia hat I designed, with a penguin chart I found and repeated all around the body, and a pom pom on top that used all the colors of the penguins. Was way too ambitious for my experience level and shouldn’t have worked but somehow it turned out beautifully and is still worn, nearly 30 yrs later!
Awesome tool for making not only pom poms, but also tassels and friendship bracelets! I love that you can make pom poms with more precision, like the strawberry.
My sister and her family went to Mexico last month to escape the cold and dreary upper midwest. They loved it! She saw a bunch of pom pommed things at a market and is now obsessed. She wants garlands of them all over the place now, and the more colorful the better. I’m excited she’s found a yarn craft, so I can share my stash (she already gets a lot of my knitting projects, because she loves wearing them!). I’d give her the book if I won!
the only pompoms I’ve ever made were tiny ones for the tiny Santa ornaments I made for family members a few years ago. But recently I’ve been thinking that several of my hats need pompoms, so it might be time to try to make bigger ones.
I kind of shy away from pompoms because they’re such a pain to make. I love that there’s a tool to make it simpler.
My girls love the pom pom garlands I’ve made! This Loome is beautifully crafted!!
I have made fewer and fewer pom poms over the years as they were difficult and tricky. If there is an easier way, I’d love to try it,
I’ve never seen this too before! It does look perfect for the job!
I have made pom poms before but I didn’t have a handy tool like this one. This makes it look so much easier!
Pom pom forever …. on hats, on purses, on the tips of scarves ….
Love to make and add pom-poms to my knitting. fascinated by this new tool – so glad I heard about it.
Loomenaries! That made me smile. 😀 The lucet to Loome connection is one for the ages. Great hand crafts go on forever.
I was prompted to make a pompom-covered wreath after seeing the photo of the one from the Loome tool Instagram feed over here on MDK at the of end last November. I used every color I could fine in my dear grandma’s 33-gallon Hefty bag of ancient afghan yarn leftovers. It’s a rainbow riot of pompom-y goodness.
I love pompons! I decorated my Christmas tree (a garden structure due to tree climbing cats and a tree peeing dog) with strings of pompons and lights. It was so cheerful, it’s still up, lol!
I learned to make pom poms using cardboard. This looks so much easier! And fun to play with!
I love the Loome tools so much I hosted a pom pom making party this past December. (We served Pom related snacks like pomegranate martinis!)
love pom-poms, this is such a wonderful article of such a joyous thing!
I have made imperfect pom poms. I want to be a Loomenary! Floofy fun is calling!
Pom poms are adorable. Also I love braids and I wear tzitzit (fringe / braid things that hang off the edge of one’s clothing to remind one to keep the Creator’s commandments) and now I am day dreaming about making tzitzit with POM POMS at the end!
I have done Pom poms, some have been terrific and some have been flat or worse. I need a Loom tool!
Love the wood and simplicity of the Loome design!
I love a good pom pom! I have never had to repair one – but I did have to cut one off. I did not know that they were not good for babies and I learned the hard way with my firstborn. So I save them for MY hats!
I’m knitting my first hat that will have a Pom Pom on it and making it actually terrifies me more than learning to knit did!
I recently bought a Pom Pom maker and can’t wait to make a hat and try it out. Or maybe I’ll just make a Pom Pom and forget the hat.
I really want to make a dense pom pom and also to try to felt it a little. That sounds fun! re. High school…I was on kick line (!) and we wore pom poms on our shoes (white keds).
When I was a kid, my Mom specialized in making what she called “fast caps,” which were knitted winter hats that tied under the chin, and ALWAYS with a pom-pom or two at the end of a braid or two. For the short-haired among us, it was the closest thing to flinging our hair around that we’d ever come.
This is a tool that I need, a the book to give me ideas for making them. I have made some in the past for hats, sweaters and lately a shawl.
I love pompoms and tassels! I also love the cheery cover of your book!
i like pom poms but i don’t seem to like mine. Clearly my technique is lacking. They do seem produce happiness. I wonder why? Because they are round and symmetrical? Or because they tend to be bright? I am glad they exist.
As a kid I made some of my first pom-poms to tie onto my ice skates.
I love pom-poms…the bigger, the better! A nice big one can help your hat slouch just right…
Pom-poms make me happy! Especially when you throw them at unsuspecting victims——Pom-Pom wars ensue!
I recently made myself MJ Mucklestone’s Pine Star Hat and was the only person I know who actually Made a very cute pom pom for the top instead of buying a $50. rabbit fur groovy topper.
I made my first PomPom…….. oh round about 1960! They were made in pairs for slippers that I knitted for relatives as Christmas gifts! I remember stressing over making 2 that we’re the same in size, roundness and fullness! I bet the new Loome tool would have Pom-pomified my slippers perfectly! I sure hope I win one! Keep stimulating our crafts with your creativity!
When I was a kid I was given a craft kit to make animals from pom-poms and pipe cleaners. That was my introduction to the wonderful world of poms!
One of my grandmothers taught me how to make pom-poms using cardboard circles – She was a mad knitter, and I pom-pommed pretty much all of her leftovers She passed on both her love of knitting and her love of pom-poms to me. I am the mad knitter now, and this tool fascinates me. I know my Nain would’ve loved this tool, I would love to be able to make some pom-poms on it in her memory.
I see a Pom Pom Party with my grandchildren. Good timing, just as I was really trying to reduce my yarn stash!
The multi color pompoms in pattern are so cool!
I love the look and feel of poms poms but have yet to make one that is sturdy and doesn’t fall apart!
My grandson requested a hat without a pom pom.
My life needs more pom-poms! I’ve seen the Loome tool in person, one of my guild officers has one, and she loves it. I’d love to have my own and make oodles of pom-poms!!
I am hard pressed to think if I’ve made a hat recently that did NOT have a pom pom on it. It’s a delightful way to use up that bit of yarn left over from the hat.
Love the YourTube video showing how to make pom-poms! I have never successfully made one and have been envious of my friends who turn out perfectly shaped pom-pom topped hats. I need to get the Loome tool for my next hat project! I would love to have Vilasinee’s new book too!
Adding a Pom Pom to a hand knit item adds a bit of bon vivant !
Sigh…I do long to be able to make the dense pompom of dreams…mine seem to always turn out a bit floppy. 🙁
I’ve always wanted to try making pompoms. They just make everyone happy. Everyone wants to touch a pom pom.
Obsessed with pompous! Love to have book.
pom poms are like daisies – the most friendly flower – everyone loves a pom!
I love making hats for children with pom poms on them I’d like to have more tools to make it easier since I have some health problems.
I love all the “new” pom poms that look like animals and fruits. I would love to try making them and the Loome looks like it would be easy to work with.
I love making hats for my grandsons. In October I presented stranded work hats with ghosts and spider designs. I gave the boys the hats when they were at my house and when their Mom picked them up they were wearing the hats with pride (me too) About 30 minutes later I received a text with photo – the pom had been dismantled by the 2 year old on the ride home and all that was left were two little strands. Obviously I need to learn how to make better moms
My son just lost the pom-pom from his favorite hat (#winning day for the puppy, however). I would love to know how to make another!
Who wouldn’t want to make fluffly, fun, fantastic pompoms!!? Thank you for such a great idea….I would love to win! Go CANADA!!!
I love Pom poms and would love to learn how to use the Loome.
Dang! Pompoms are just so fun to make. I’ve tried every method to make them except this gorgeous little Loome tool. And this book looks so good – I’ve never seen such amazing poms before! Thanks for another fab giveaway. 🙂
I remember making pom poms when I was little. I recently made one for a hat I knitted. I entered the Baa-ble hat in my county fair. When I picked up my entries, I found the pom pom inside the hat. I guess I didn’t attach it very well.
I put pom poms on all the baby hats I knit
Any hat with a pompom is a joyful thing! But a pompom hat on a little kid is cause for celebration!!
loving pom-poms! I attach them to the edges or corners of throws, I have them around the rim of the basket on my bicycle, edge pillows with them – so versatile a way to ramp up the wow factor!!!
A couple of years ago, I was reintroduced to the joy of making pom poms after our dog decided that my son’s Doctor Who hat was actually a dog toy. He destroyed the pom pom and I had to replace it before Noah discovered that his favorite hat had been pruned of its topper. I liked it so much that I knocked out a few more. This tool would have come in very handy.
We were required to decorate banners for our children when they made their First Holy Communion! You bet I pom pomed those babies!
pom-poms rule!
I haven’t made anything with pom-poms yet, but my favorite sweater growing up had i-cord through a hood with pom-poms at the end. It was made by my Grandmother and I wore it constantly. I now have an aspiring artist daughter who loves to create art using textiles and she is starting to explore using pom-poms in her art. It is true that they instantly put a smile on your face!
When our two oldest children were 1 1/2 and 3 1/2, they each had a hand knit hat with a fluffy pom pom on top. As we were driving along one day, I heard them giggling uncontrollably in the back seat of the car. I figured they were happy and getting along well. A near miracle. I turned around and saw that they were plucking the yarn out of each other’s pom poms and tossing it in the air and having a fantastic time. Not what I’d hoped, and it’s much funnier now than it was in the moment.
Long time ago, longer than I can remember, we used cardboard to make pom-poms and then ‘graduated to plastic pom pom makers purchased from Ben Franklin stores. Would love to have better tools and instructions to refresh my pom pom skills.
Using the loom tool to make pom poms is so easy and the tool has so many others uses. Is a snap now to add a pom pom to a knitted hat.
My 8 year old daughter Dani s a DIY wonder and we would love to make Pom Poms with the Loome. A family that crafts together stays together!
Yes, I’ve made Pom poms but still haven’t mastered the art of trimming them so they match
I Love fuzz balls! (and so do my cats!) so I lose as many as I make for projects to the little beasts. I’m always looking for new ideas for them, as I seem to be stuck in the ‘top of hat’ slump.
How Exciting! Pompoms are so much fun!!!
I made pom poms for a couple of hats. I did it by winding yarn around a piece of cardboard numerous times, tying the bottom part, then cutting the top part. It worked okay, but after awhile, the strands of the pom pom came out. Oh well.
I have never made a pom pom, but the sight of strands of them in my LYS fills me with joy. They seem thrifty and generous at the same time, which is a grand trail to follow. Here’s to my setting off on the Pom Pom trail!
My mother always used yarn and pompoms to decorate Christmas presents. Now I have some tips for making perfect pompoms to carry on her tradition. 🙂
Santa (also known as ME) gave me a Loome tool for Christmas, as my pom pom skills are terrible and I need to do better!
Some very good tips for making poms poms. The book sounds interesting too.
Ah, Pom poms! I love a good pom pom banner or one on a jaunty beanie or Tam o Shanter. They just make life better. This book and tool need to be in my life.
I have made some pom poms – but I love trying a new tool to make them. Making pom poms with the grandchildren.
My pompoms are pretty inconsistent, this looks like a great tool (and you can’t have too many tools, can you?)
When I started knitting as a child in the 1950s, we used a piece of cardboard to wind yarn on to make pom-poms. I’ve used other pom-pom tools, but this one looks great!
Love pom poms..had them on hats sweaters and shoes. Love the new tool!
My first pompons were made from a kit I had as a girl, onto which were glued eyes and various felt accessories.
I have made Pom Pom for my son cats. He had to hide some of them from the cats but they found them one day when he was at work. Needless to say Pom Pom were everywhere. LOL
The last pompom I made? For my son’s rainbow hat last fall. We are still finding bits of rainbow colored yarn bits all over the place. In his locker at school, under the couch, and even once in the refrigerator. I have a loome tool, but that last pompom (from my old pompom maker) scarred me. I need pompom help!
I have made quite a few pom poms in my day, but the cutest, most-favorite-ever has to be the little pom pom I made on a fork for a newborn hat.
I volunteer at a camp for foster kids. I found out the kids love to make pompoms. We have made pumpkins, necklasses, mug rugs and even a cute puppy organizing pompoms
I am always excited to find a new useful tool and already have a few pompom makers, some of which are really old as i really was on the pompom making squad in high school. I am eager to try the LOOME Tool!
This looks like a neat pom-pom tool, I’ve such trouble getting mine to look full.
Seriously how can you not love pom poms!
I love pom moms, but have yet to make perfect beauties like the ones in the photos!
What is a hat without a Pom Pom? This design looks like I’d have more control. I’d love to try it!
I have never made a pom-pom and am looking forward to a pom-pom part and making one.
I made a pillow with pom poms!
My son’s girlfriend didn’t return her hat for Pom Pom repair; she added one herself. She is totally knit-worthy.
My favorite Pom Pom making experience lately was when when my husband watched me do the whole process and then exclaimed “WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY?!” Modern day magic indeed!
I love adding pom poms to hats both tight to the top of the hat as well as on braids or I-cords so they dangle and move a lot as someone is walking.
I am looking forward to making to making pom poms with my granddaughter. Years ago I made pom poms for toys and hats. So much fun!
Your Pom-Pom enthusiasm is contagious,
That is amazing! When I was getting my haircut today, we were talking about pompoms! Seriously! LOL My stylist is a crochet freak and I am a knitter but we both admit to being pompom impaired. I even *gasp* bought pompoms on Amazon. They’re really cute faux fur ones but, still, I would love to be able to make a decent pompom myself.
I can’t make a proper Pompom to save myself! Now with grandbaby knitting in my future, I am going to have to up my game! I think the Loome tool would be a place to start!
I LOVE Pom Poms. Is this because I knit or because I was (true confessions) a Pom Pom gal in college?? Either way, I love the LOOME POMS!
My daughter wants a small rug covered in pom-poms
She has lots of wool from me and this tool would really help. I make them on my fingers or a piece of cardboard so with a Loome I might even make some for her.
My 2 year old niece, Miriam, carefully gathered up all the little pieces of yarn from the mangled pom-pom on the hat I’d made her and presented them to her mother with the plea “send these to Auntie Jayne; she fix it for me.” Of course I fixed the pom-pom – and made her a new hat!
I need to put pom poms on everything now!
my last pompom was made for my beacon hat (knitting from the north) was a wee bit lopsided and it makes me crazy!!
I adore pompoms! I discovered how to make them with two discs of cardboard when I was about 8, and spent most of a summer carrying my pompom kit around with me and filling the world with little balls of happiness. Not much has changed since then. 😉
Sadly, I have never been able to master making a luscious Pom Pom. Perhaps the Loome tool would help me rectify that.
I am on the tail end of Baby Boomers, so I have seen my fair share of Pom poms. Everyone in the 60s, even people who had never knitted, made at least one pair of those iconic 2/3s garter Stitch , 1/3 ribbed house slippers.
A rectangle with a flat seam up the back to form the heel and the ribbed part drawn up and seamed to form the vamp. A fluffy Pom Pom was sewn in the middle of the ribbed top.
There were Pom poms on the bottom of lamp shades , on the hem of
, more often than not, orange floral round tablecloths. Even at the hem of shifts made by over zealous home seamstresses ( thank you, Mom , for not doing that to me ) !
Pom Poms are fun, happy additions to many items ( except the hem of your shift dress ) !!! I have made things since that first pair of green slippers
When I was nine. Many knitted stuffed animals were finished with a Pom Pom somewhere. All the hats that need that finishing touch…but none of mine have come close to the perfection of Vilasinee’s…therefore I need,
Want, desire, covet this book!
I love big pom poms, and I cannot lie! They make so happy! No hat is complete until it is adored with it’s proper level of pom.
I always think I’m too serious for pompoms, but then I see one and I remember that I am definitely not too serious for pompoms. It’s kind of nice.
I’m knitting a shawl with little tassels along the edge … It’s so funny!
My pompom are not always perfect and I’ve to trim a lot, so I hope for a better method 🙂
I once tried using a fork to make a small Pom Pom for a baby hat, sadly it fell apart.
I love PomPoms and have been eyeballing that PomPom tool at my local LYS!
Nothing is better than a well made Pom Pom on a hand knit hat. Unfortunately not all Pom poms are made the same. I have made some that have tuned out great and others not so much. I have not yet used the Loome Tool. That may be the answer to my inconsistency.
Party on with pom poms❣️
Pompoms are cheerful bits of happiness. It’s so fun to make them with leftover yarn.
Pom-pom-ification — it’s a thing.
The video was great – it made pom poms look so easy to make. I love the idea of making pom poms with my left over yarn
I love hats with pom poms! I recently had to repair one as somehow the attached thread got pulled so the pom pom was dangling. It didn’t leave me much to work with in weaving in the ends again, but I think I managed it.
Wow, does this bring back memories. As a young child in the 60’s pom pom were made for our ice skates. All sizes from left over yarn Grandma shared. We used cardboard for the tool to wrap the yarn on. A wood tool seems like a great idea, congratulations.
My pom pom experience began as a child when my mom taught us to make doughnut shaped cardboard forms to make them. The process was tedious and I have avoided making pom poms in recent years because I’ve been unable to recreate the process. I would LOVE to try the LOOME tool! Pom poms are happiness!
(I’m already signed up for Snippits)
Who doesn’t love pom-poms?
Yikes! 666 comments at the time I am leaving mine – glad mine will get it off that uncomfortable number!! Anyway – on pom-poms — I am so happy to see this well-designed loom device. My pom-poms in the past were quickly made using scrap cardboard or whatever was lying around. I loved the You-Tube tutorial!
Pom-pom! Pom-pom! Pom-pom! (I wanted to triple my chances to win.) But seriously, I’ve never made them before but I think they’re cute and would make a great addition to my next hat.
I love Pom poms! I used them in high school on the drill team, my kids loved to play with them and now I add them to anything I can including my dinner once by accident!
This woman and her vision to rebirth an older art firm of Pom Pom is a true inspiration. May the “Spider Woman” who gave the people weaving watch over her.
I have started making pom poms and love it. I am attaching them to everything!
I’ve made pompous with cardboard, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much!
I’m never happy with the density of my pompoms. I would love to learn some tricks from a pompom expert.
Pom-poms (pom-pons?) make everything more fun!!!
Love love love all things Pom. Shaggy, short, felted, attached to tassels, you name it!!
I made my daughter a hat with a pom pom. Her cat ate half the pom pom and now she wants a new one. I need help
I’ve made a few pom poms for hats and will probably make two for the monster hats I’ll be making in the next few weeks for a 3 year old and his new baby brother. I’d love to be better at making them round without trimming the whole thing away!
I am in love with pom poms.
Last year I put pompoms on all my Christmas presents. The Loome looks cool-love a tool that you can use for more than one thing.
I love putting pom-poms on hats! Looks like a fun tool to create perfect Pom poms,,
I love adding pom poms to hats! And I’ve incorporated them as decorations on knitted squares for our knitting group’s yarn bombing project. What a great tool!
I love Pom Poms! I’ve made tiny chicks for Easter from Pom Poms.
I’m so bad at trimming pompoms evenly, mine always end up lopsided. I need some tips! And probably some practice!
My favorite use of pom poms so far was on Susan B Anderson’s Girraffe which ( who? ) I made for my grand son. I used a large fork and some of them were not too secure. That was before I knew of pom pom making accessories.
I think they look nice as garlands, and hem embellishment. You could attach them to bike handle streamers for a sporty look. And of course they are perfect as decorations for your Swiftmas tree.
The best pompoms I ever made were huge and fluffy white with bits of white paper-like yarn and sparkles. They looked exactly like giant snowballs. They were meant to tie at each end of a cabled scarf, which was not very expertly knit. I should try again!
I remember learning to make pom-poms from a friend and all we had to use then was our fingers! Progress and new tools is good.
I don’t have anything with a pom pom and I love pom poms! Change my life and help me make a dozen or three please! Thank you for your generous gifts.
Pom poms are a love of mine. It’s crazy how much joy these little fiber ball can bring to others as well as myself. I feel so accomplished when a particularly good one is produced.
Pom poms bring me so much joy!
I have never made a decent pom-pom! If I don’t win I want to buy this.
I like animals made out of pom poms.
Just the word pom pom brings a smile to my face.
My niece asked for a matching pompom for the leg warmers I knitted her but her 2 year old sister tore it limb from fluffy limb. After watching some Loome videos it seems like it’s possible to get the center tie much tighter than with another tool – perhaps I can make a slightly more difficult-to-dismember pompom with it…
Have made a few pom poms, none were perfect, but still usable !
Oh, I do love a pom pom but I am an over-snipper. I never know when to stop and then I end up with a smaller pom pom than expected. Also, I use the clover pom pom maker and I can never remember how to put the damn thing together. I’d love to learn to make a tassel too!
I still haven’t made a pompon although a loome did appear in my Christmas stocking. But I can rock some tassels so I have hope
I’ve made several Pom Pom’s and they can be addictive. I need this book!
I am pom pom cursed! I have never been good at making pom poms and I’m jealous of those who can just whip up a perfect one with minimal effort. The last time I tried to make pompoms was for a hat for my son and I over-estimated size and basically made mops. I kept trimming and trimming but it just didn’t work and I had to try again after wasting so much yarn
To be truthful, I’m not at the moment a great pom pom lover. Perhaps this is my chance to be converted.?
I was given the Y loom and have had great fun with it.
I haven’t made many pom-poms but have a friend who loves them so much she made a big bowl full just to have some pom-pom inspiration in her living room. The knitting group always admires them when we visit.
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
I would love to win this book and tool! I have tried numerous times to make pom poms that don’t eventually pull out. 🙁 I think the pom pom master could teach me a lot!!
My current pom pom skill set is embarassingly bad. I need help! My hats will be greatly improved by winning this giveaway !
I love the big Pom poms on top of hats!
I love pompoms!!!
Can’t knit a hat without one.
I even have pompoms on my curtains!!
I have only made a few pompoms – it is definitely something that missing in my life! I would love to learn how to make a perfect PomPom
I have a Lucet for braiding and a clover Pom Pom maker in 2 sizes for lovely but slightly complicated Pom poms. My Mum made us Easter chickens from Pom poms when we were kids, I think I feel an Easter chicken hat plan evolving …… thanks for putting Pom poms back into my imagination. Will the book be available in the uk at all?
Love, love, love pom poms! My favorite pom pom’d project was the Hampstead wreath I made several years ago that was bedecked with an abundance of green and red poms. Congratulations on the book. It looks fabulous an fun!
I love Pom poms! This book looks like a great addiction to my library.
Living in the land of toques (Nova Scotia) making a good Pom Pom is really important ! Mine are very limp and I have actually thought of purchasing Pompoms; Crazy. Would love to master a new tool as all those YouTube videos haven’t helped!!!
The world and I are ready for a new Pom Pom maker. Bring it on!
So interesting to hear about Vilasinee! Great e,ample of “Do what you love”. Inspiring!
My pompoms sure don’t look like these! What fun it would be to try this tool!!
I love pom-poms! I can’t get enough of them! Both my daughters live in NYC and I make tons of hats with all kinds of variations of poms!
Years ago I sewed my young niece a t-shirt dress and decorated the front of it with a multitude of small 1 inch bright coloured pompons, with no special tool for the pompons but the traditional cardboard donut it was a very long process. My niece called it her freckle dress!
I consider the pompoms on my knitting to be much like the flowers in my garden—the more blossoms, the better.
With all the snow we’ve had this winter, and all the fun my kids have had making snow angels in it, I’ve had to complete quite a few pom-pom surgeries on their handknit hats!
I was on the pom pom squad in high school, but we spelledi it pom pon …?
I haven’t made pom poms since I was a child. I remember rainy days spent making straggly, lop-sided pom poms—time well spent in the pre-digital age! Thank you for the opportunity!
Pom-Poms are the best! I actually just picked up a little loom for making pom-poms and weavings on my recent trip to Powell’s in Portland, OR. It is so pretty with a cool little wood burned design on it – but I don’t know how to use it yet – so I need this book! I recently made red wool pom-poms with a little plastic circle tool for a scarf…for my cat!! I trimmed them down to really small perfect spheres and they really turned out beautifully. Cats really like pom-poms, but they don’t really like to wear scarves, at least mine doesn’t. (My spell check keeps correcting pom pom to “pom mom”!
I have made Pom poms for bunny tails and Santa hats on needlepoint but not for any knitting. This tool looks like it would certainly improve them!
How cute! The dog keeps eating the pom poms off hats so I need repair help
Dying to learn to make pom poms with this tool!
My pom poms tend to be looseish and floppy and often don’t seem to live up to the hat, quite. I just wrap yarn around cardboard, then cut. I would make SO many more pom poms with a good tool! Very excited and know my 10 year old daughter will be, too!
I’ve been pom-pomed (my new word for wowed)!!!!
Yes! I was on the drill team in school, and remember fluffing those pom poms. Yarn ones are so much cozier, yet mine were always imperfect. This tool looks fabulous!
I make hats just so I can wear pom poms. I have a loome tool, but don’t know how to use it!
Pom-pom making is the ultimate procrastination. You can make one and not feel too guilty about the time invested and you feel like youve achieved something tangible while writting a school paper. Pom-poms are a win-win.
I’m thrilled to learn if this resource for making the fluffy pom poms I’ve been coveting. I also enjoyed hearing about your career trajectory. Let the fun begin
What a cool story! Congratulations on your success! I made several Pom Poms for hats this past year with a tool that wasn’t so easy to use. I’m looking forward to the Loome as your Pom poms look so nice!
I think we should all make giant pom poms, then cheer and jump all over the place everyday before we settle down to knit.
I once made about 150 pom poms for bag charms for wedding favors. I was covered in yarn fuzz for weeks 🙂
OMG this tool is so cool! I just discovered making tassels and I’m
Adding them to everything
Me too, I am a lover of pom-poms! Especially brightly-coloured ones. As a child, I used to make them with cardboard circles , which was tedious, and then those those little blue plastic semi-circles that clipped together. Your tool looks perfect for me, can’t wait to try it out
I have never made a pom pom before but would love to learn how. I’ve been making lots of hats lately, and they look like a bright beautiful but of color at the top would make them shine. This pom pom tool looks totally awesome!
This tool looks less bulky than most I have tried, and I have tried many. I started making Pom poms too many years ago with cardboard. This looks like a much needed tool.
I don’t have many things from my childhood (that’s a long sad story), however, I do have a pom-pom maker. It was my first craft! I made pom-pom critters for everyone I new. The plastic pieces are warped and some are missing. But I hang on to it.
I have never made a pom-pom although I have wanted to. I guess you could call me the pom-pom shy! I would love to learn how to make pom-poms that are dense and multicolored, and single-colored, etc! Last year was the first year I ever put anything at all on the top of a hat – and it was those fake fur pom-poms… making my own from my extensive stash and leftovers would be much better.
I need to learn how to make a Pom Pom!
I love making a pom pom for the hats I knit!
I love Pom Poms and this tool would certainly help me make mine look much prettier!! The old cardboard circle method is a challenge to achieve perfection…
I don’t think I’ve made a pom pom since I was a Brownie scout (in the ’70s!) but I’m ready to rejoin the fold!
Pom Poms – something I love to be annoyed by. I see them on a project and groan because immediate visions of pieces of cardboard and trying to get the correct size loom (pun intended) in my mind. Help me enjoy making pom poms. They are so cute and so frustrating.
I’ve made many a pom pom but my favorite pom pom thing is a sheep that’s completely covered in tiny pom poms.
I don’t think that I’ve ever made an actual Pom Pom. It would be fun to learn how.
Love the look of pompoms made with bulky yarn!
I have made Pom poms, but they didn’t always look perfect. This book and tools look like they would help me with the Pom Pom making skills I lack!
Pom Poms everywhere! you can never have too many!! what a beautiful book.
I’ve never been good at Pom-poms so I kind of stopped making them. I love them though! This looks like it would be really fun to try.
My pom poms look like weather-tossed hobos. I would love some help; thanks in advance.
Never made a pom pom. Waved them at football games.
I’m new to making pompoms!
My pom poms need improvement. I’d put the book and tool to good use.
I have three cats and have learned that you can never have too many pom-poms!
I make pom-poms with one of those plastic thingy’s with the all the arms. I have six of them in a gradient of sizes. But they don’t look as dense as these. I love the idea of updating the medieval lucet.
It’s been years since I made a Pom-Pom using half circles of cardboard. I’m eager to try the Loome.
I’m thinking a real live Pom-Pom Party is in order! How much fun can we have with stashed leftover yarn, friends, food and wine!
I would love to make dense pom poms (for the first time)!
I always thought I was pompom challenged. Knit a hat this winter, which needed a pompom. Found out I was right, I am Pom Pom challenged. I need this tool LOL. Thanks for the chance at it!
Can’t wait to learn how to repair the pom pom on my hat that the dog ate…Now I can have an even nicer one…!
I have pom pom’d before but not well. I love poms and tools and the Loome needs to come help me!
Would love to win
I have made pom poems before with cardboard and store bought tools, and love a Pom Pom on a hat. I would like to learn to make Pom poems that have separated colors.
I didn’t know just how pom pom-deprived I was until I saw these multi-colored (is that a ladybug Pom pom??? Love it!) beauties! No more! Future hats, gloves, scarves will be sporting works of yarn Pom Pom art!
There’s nothing better than a pompom….well maybe a hot fudge sundae! Seriously this tool looks awesome.
I’m making earflap hats for the new babies who will be joining our family later this year. Those hats will definitely need pom poms!
I have pom pom envy. Mine always look so sad. Help!
I’ve done a hat or two with pom-poms, but never realized that there was a tool for it!
For the love of Pom Poms: my love affair began when my Aunt Betty made one for her adopted son. It was at least 5 inches in diameter, seriously. I of course, had to make a red one just like it.
Love pom poms
Never have I ever made such beautiful embellishments!
I’m a pom-pom shy kind of person…. haven’t made many because I’m not good at them and they always turn out wonky. I’d love to win this tool and try again – maybe you can convert me too!
It looks like I have been missing out on a massive world of pom pom magic! This book looks like it will be my passport. Can’t wait!!!
My pom poms are not pretty. I mean they are for a short time but after that they are just sad. This would be why I prefer not to make them!
Omg, my need of a foolproof pom-pom maker is enormous, you have no idea!!! I will for sure buy this if I’m not one of the lucky three (but of course with my luck, I will be )
I have made pom poms for my pom! And multicolor poms for my tree and door! Wouldn’t ld love to Loome more!
I have very strong opinions about poms for me…they must be big, they must be colourful, and they must be firmly attached. No floppy poms!!! Unfortunately, I’m not a gifted pom maker, and so often my hats remain pom-less!!
I remember spending hours making pompoms as a young child. My dad taught me. All you needed was yarn and cardboard. Those were the days! Great memories! Now there is a wonderful new tool , will have to get one and share it with a youngster!
I have only made a few pom poms but never was entirely pleased with my efforts. I think this tool would be a big help. Pom-poms are really popular now and I’d love to make some.
I made a little hat for my St. Francis statue on my front porch because it’s been so cold and his concrete ness doesn’t allow him to warm up. And besides, he looks so festive with a warm hat. All this is to say, wouldn’t a nice pom pom just really add! I’m imagining pom poms for all of our hats, the big meaty ones that really pom! I’m excited and I hope I win!!
Knitting for 27 years many pom poms later. Tassels yes. This yoke tool would love to try . A new book yes.
I’m horrible at making pom poms so I hardly ever use them even though I love them. Obviously I need this product!
My knitting group is hoping to have a yarn bomb this fall with a field of pom pom flowers. They are so fun!
I find pom pom making to be equal parta joy and frustration. I look forward to using the loome and kissing the frustration goodbye!
I usually avoid pom poms because I struggle making them look “finished” and I might have to try them again with this tool. 🙂
Not only do I want this innovation…..I NEED it! I’ve been trying to make Pom poms for my luggage and have failed terribly! I am ready for the Loome tool; ready for success!!
Made Pom poms for a pair of slippers using a fork! Would love to make a Pom Pom rug. This tool could make that a real possibility.
I’ve never made a pom pom for my hand knits before. I’ve made them out of acrylic for some crocheted hats I did a long time ago but they never stayed together for long. It makes sense that wool would work better.
My favorite pompoms were on the knitted slippers my grandmother made me. They held on even after the slippers had been mended beyond hope.
Etsy came to my rescue when I needed a pompon. But they look simple and fun to make. I’d love to give it a try
Oh my gosh, this young lady has created such a wonder tool . She has created something so simple and useful that will make so many people smile. People of all ages will be able to create not only the adorable but useful items with her tool. I can’t wait to get my hands on such a fun gadget.
I’m making a stuffed animal which is crying out for multicolored pom-poms. This would be the perfect way to create them. This tool is so much easier (and cooler) than the cardboard circles that I can never quite make right.
The first Pom Pom to cross my path happened when a great aunt visited and asked me what my favorite colors we’re. She began knitting and at the end of the afternoon I had a bright green hat with an enormous yellow Pom Pom in the middle. I loved it, of course.
What a great tool!! I’ve made only a few pop poms— for knitted hats and always are very proud of myself!
We made 60 Pom poms for my boss’s 60 th birthday….would have loved this tool,
Pom poms always add a fun touch to everything! From the large single on top of a hat, to a series of small ones at the edge of a swimsuit wrap
I’m utterly clueless on all things pom and tassel. Need a genius.
Have always been inconsistant with making pompoms. This tool would help with that.
I love pom poms, but never seem to make a good one. Someday would love to have a whole bunting full of pom poms.
I was about 4 years old and with Ma’s help had knit booties for my new little cousin in fine fingering. I had never noticed pom poms before, but with Ma’s help again, I made tiny pom poms to fasten to the end of the booties’ tie. I thought they were the coolest wee things I’d ever seen.
Oh, how I do love a nice pompon! Unfortunately, I tend to be a bit OTT when it comes to trimming it up. I tend to take off too much in an attempt to shape it up…
I love Pom Poms who doesn’t. It’s the finisher on any beautiful knitted project. Would love to win this book. Thank you MDK and Vilasinee.
I would love to win this book and tool and use them to develop a new skill. I tried making a Pom Pom in high school but the result was a disaster and I’ve never tried again.
When I was about 7 my dad bought me a Pompon kit from the Spears toy/game company when we were visiting Windsor ONT. There were instructions for combining your pompons to make little animals and 3 sizes of well-designed makers. Just the kind of fiddly thing I liked…
I have made Pom poms and they are so much fun! They look so cute on hats too 🙂
This year I’m knitting a hat for each family member as a winter holiday gift- complete with a pom pom. Also, thanks for the reminder that I was on the pom pom dance team for 3 years in high school so long ago.
My dog was eating my pompom scarf just this morning…..fate that this post came into my email….must make more pompoms….:)
Pompoms are simply fun and happy,,
Tried a bulky pompom: Complete fail. I love new tools and I covet a Loome!
Who knew that pom poms had such a pedigree? This would totally help me make the pom pom wreath I’ve been thinking about but too – uh – busy to make!
I made a hat out of scraps and didn’t have any yarn left for a pom pom. I couldn’t give it away so I donated it to the local shelter. The recipients got yo choose their hats. No one wanted the little pom pom less hat there either until there was no other hat to choose from. Always make a pom pom.
PomPoms just make everything more fun! Would love to try this tool. Goodness knows I have enough yarn to play with.
Pompoms can take a project from mundane to amazing!
I would love to try a Loome! I have used Clover Pom Pom makers and the old fashioned cardboard method but this looks like it would be fun to try! Also, I want to join the tassel bandwagon after watching some recent Kristy Glass.
I really need this tool! I knit a great hat this winter for my winter walks, but the Pom Pom I made was a dismal failure! Look like a great tool that I could go wild with! Pom Poms and tassels everywhere? Love it!
Last year I made over 400 pom poms! Art projects! I love pom poms unconditionally.
I have tried to make pom poms they never seem to come out well. I would love to win this and make these great pom poms.
I’ve been fascinated with pom poms since I saw a Christmas wreath made of tiny ones. So far I’ve made one pom pom — quite a way to go to my own beautiful wreath but, hey, I’ve got 9 months, right!?
I love a good Pom Pom!
Oh wow I would love to learn how to make a beautiful pompom
What lovely colour-bombs these Pom poms are! Thanks for introducing them.
Pom poms and tassels are a joy to make…there’s something very therapeutic in all the winding and the trimming!
My daughter and I were bitten by the pompom bug, always looking for new methods
Just bought a jacket with tiny little Pom poms at the hem…so cute! Thanks for letting us learn how to make them perfectly!
I made my first pom pom and was told to whack it on a table to fluff it out and make it more dense. Wham! It fell apart instantly! I had to laugh!
My dream is to buy a generic pullover, duplicate stitch a tree on it and decorate it with mini pom poms! That will be the best Christmas sweater!
I want to make a pom pom throw rug; the entire rug = poms!
I would love one of these loomed to share with my 4 grandgirls! They are in that prime age of soaking up anything artistic.
I have a big fluffy pompom on my newest winter hat and it is completely necessary to the integrity of the design. It’s beautiful and unique, eye-catching, and more fun to wear than any other hat I own.
Kniting with my granddaughters, especially when Pom poms are involved, is my idea of the perfect day! Even little brother can get onboard with a Pom Pom!
I love making small fun gifts for my children, nieces and nephews. Pom poms always make things more fun.
I HAVE made pom poms, but this tool looks like a better way to do the job! I have made for hats I have gifted, and left them as an option for the giftee, all have kept!
I love making Pom poms for hats and my grandchildren love them. And yes, I have had a few disintegrate!
I’ve made Pom poms and I don’t think I’ve had one need repair. (You put your right Pom in. You put your left Pom in. You do the hootchie coochie and you shake your poms around.)
Love pom poms! Made my first one at 6 with my grandmother who made a cardboard template out of a cereal box! Fan of the Loome tools.
I haven’t made a Pom Pom before! This definitely makes me want to try!
I love pompoms, but never quite know how to get them to stay solid.
Making Pom poms is a favorite activity to share with my granddaughters.
My pom-poms are usually skimpy and wonky. Hopefully this tool will fix that problem. Betty
My sisters frequently return hand knit hats to me for a Pom Pom refresh! Would love to try out a Loome 🙂
Who doesn’t love a good pom pom (or tassel)?!?! I have to admit that Vilasinee’s poms are a whole lot neater than mine, though. This tool would be great to step up my pom-pom game!
When I was a kid, we had a poodle named PomPom, who started my love of soft, fluffy orbs. I’m glad the ones I make don’t yap…
I have never made a pop-pom, but I think it’s time to give it a go!
I need the Loome! I am making a pom pom garland for a 6 year old. I’m running out of cardboard, but not stash!
I love pompoms but all the ones I have made are lopsided or floppy and not bouncy and round! I am paranoid that I will get them wrong and haven’t made them in a long time. I hope this book will help me fix my pompom issues as well as explore more in the fun world of pompoms and Loome. Looks like so much fun,!!
I am slowly coming over to the Pom side. It began with a tam. It turns out wool poms are sooooo much better looking than the acrylic things I remember from 1977. It turns out crochet is the same way.
I have tried several ways to make pom poms and tassels and they always looked unfinished. They have even fallen off hats and then unravel only to be repaired to fall off again. The Loome Party:20 proves that they can be made to look professional and hopefully stay intact. Even if I don’t win the book, I will buy it. Why wouldn’t everyone who needs a pom pom to make their project cheery.
I absolutely love Pom poms. The bigger the better
I am a huge Pom-Pom fan!! I use them in place of bows on packages (because I rarely have bows but always have scraps of yarn). I make them for my cats, too, but would love more fun ideas!
I love making pom poms, but it’s time consuming. I sew through the middle of mine to keep all the lovely yarn in it’s place.
I’m obsessed with making large pompoms for hats! Even my 12 year old son loves a nice dense pompom!
Pom Poms rule. They make a child’s hat fun and an adult’s hat sing!
My trainer wears his Patriots pompom hat in the gym every morning. Every time I see it I want to make a pompom. The last ones I made were for some slippers. It is not easy to make them match in size and density.
I have indeed seen a pom pom I did NOT love, many of my attempts at pom pom making could have been entered into alien lifeform category. Ovoid, multi-armed, arachnoid these are just a few of the names that come to mind when thinking of my pom poms.
But, yes a well shaped, plump pom pom is a thing of immense joy. I think they are smile makers. I would love to learn and be able to consistently make smile making pom poms.
There is no such thing as too many smiles.
My pom poms are kind of scraggly and pathetic looking. I need to learn how to do it right!
I LUV pom-poms.
I made pompom hats for my nieces and sister last year for Christmas and they were a huge hit!
My grandmother cred got a boast when I taught my 10 year old granddaughter how to use my Loome. Now she is stringing Pompoms all over her room.
I love making pompoms with my hand Spun!
A friend added pom poms to the ends of a shawl and I thought it was a great idea. I love the idea of making Pom poms and tassels. I need this tool!
I have always been Pom-Pom deprived! I wanted to have perfect poms on my ice skates but could never achieve them. Mine were pathetic and anemic. So, alas, I skated with no poms at all rather than endure the shame of floppy looking ones. At last I can hold my head high with the help of Loome Party! I enjoy reading Snippets every Saturday morning.
I have done various crafts since I was a child. One of my early memories is a kit, gifted to me, with which I made yarn pom poms and glued feathers on to make birds (flamingo, swan, peacock.)
PomPoms **HATE** me!
I’d love to try this new pompon maker! I have the circle maker and avoid it as much as possible….
I can’t wait ro learn how to make pom poms!
I’ve always made my Pom poms “by hand”. I recently ordered the tool, so they would look like they were supposed to. What a difference the right tool makes!
What a wonderful interview!
Dog hats with pom-poms. What could be more joyous!?
Ooooh, a pom-pom book?!? Awesome! Pom-poms are the ultimate happyizers! One can’t help but feel happier after making a pom-pom. I highly recommend Martha Stewart’s tip of making them big and then trimming away about half the floof. Makes them soooo cushy!
My pom poms always fall apart! I’m off to find Vilasinee’s videos about the Loome to see if it might help.
My favorite pom pom was a loose big pom on the top of a blue/white Norwegian knit hat I got in Geiranger in the 1980s. I still go to that hat whenever I need something wooly on my head. Poms are just happy things!
My kids(boys!) have loved making pompoms but I have been a terrible teacher. We have lots of strands of yarn all over the house as a result! I need professional help!
I Love Pom poms Or joy makers whichever name suits you. The love of Pom poms began as a child using the cardboard circles and continues!
I love Pom poms. They are on almost every hat I make. My next project will be a door wreath.
I adore the combination of pom-poms and tassels in knitting! My husband of almost 38 years has been my partner in all my creative endeavors since I met him over 40 years ago. And he is my official maker of those items.
He learned all kinds of creative skills,as a boy, from his expert seamstress mother. He had 3 sisters and a father that was gone most of the time as a fighter pilot in the Air Force. His mom kept the kids busy teaching the children to sew and all manner of crafts.
When I met him, he was an aerospace engineer major at the University of Virginia. At well over six feet tall and playing football he divulged none of his “crafting” background.
After getting married I decided to learn to sew and was struggling and ready to give up. That’s when he revealed to me the full depth of his knowledge and I relinquished the sewing to him as it just wasn’t my thing.
Throughout the years he made most of my maternity clothes and many clothes for our, now 32 year old, son. Until our son was was 4, I hand smocked the clothes and he made them in to outfits. Of course, our son is not happy to be reminded he wore knicker outfits and button on shorts like he was a prince, but he sure looked cute every Sunday for church!
Throughout the years I have cross stitched, tole painted, made jewelry, hand stamped, scrap booked and gardened to floral arrange. He has been at my side and has always done some task that helps me with my craft of choice. He has encouraged me to purchase every supply I desire and driven me to classes, shows and market places always attending along with me to gain more knowledge or just to carry my bags.
Now I’ve found knitting, something my Grandma showed me at 4, that I have just discovered again 4 years ago. It feels like I’ve found my forever craft and my true creative love. So now my husband winds and weighs yarn, sews project bags and makes me stitch markers, blocks all my finished projects and still attends classes and show with me.
Last week at a yarn festival I found him holding court with a table full of ladies discussing different designers. He’s even good at that, as he knows his Stephen West from Bristol Ivy designs. How lucky am I?!
As soon as I saw this book all I could think of was gifting it to him as I can’t wait to see what his, now retired, engineering brain can do with this elevated bit of Pom-pom knowledge! I have a feeling you might see me at an upcoming festival rocking some pretty amazing accents on my shawls!
I received a pom-poms necklace as a gift – love it! It keeps me snug and looks stylish too.
I love pompoms! I used to make animals with them with them. We used cardboard – this is much more sophisticated! The book looks really fun!
I love hats with pompous! Just found out that waxed thread is better for tying off your poms rather than the same yarn. Food for thought.
Who knew that the basic cardboard circle could be improved so dramatically? I can’t wait to try a Loome!
I made a pom pom fast and fair
I threw it high into the air
A bird flew by and picked it up
Into its nest it will tuck
I have a set of vintage Pom-Pom tools that were my mother’s; lately I’ve been making big, loose poems by hand (ala Chloe Kim hat). I would love to have a new Pom-Pom tool!
I love pompoms – so cheerful. This gadget looks so cool and intriguing, and it does more than pompoms – wow!
I would make lots more Pom Poms if I had this Loome Tool! I have made my share of not-so-pretty Pom poms!
Fun! Thanks for the video. Just made a Pom Pom last night but am going to trim it up more using these techniques!
I am in the process of making pom pom bunnies for my granddaughters for Easter. My pom poms are not as beautiful yours. Mine are shaggy because I’m afraid to trim them down as much as you do but after watching you using the circle as a guide, I’m going to try it. Think your tool looks easier to use than the Clover ones I use now. I hope I’m picked out of the drawing but if not I’ll surely buy them because I love gadgets too.
some friends hosted a pom-pom making party in December, complete with pomegranate martinis and pomegranate appetizers. more than a dozen women sat around drinking, laughing, and sharing their stashes to make fabulous pom-poms just in time for holiday gifting. I immediately went out an bought a Loome tool!
I’m pretty sure Pom poms make everything better.
I’ve always wanted the cutest pom-Pom garland.
I love Pom poms and anything I can put a tassel on I will.
I love the Loome. My 8 year old is thrilled with it and we could both use more ideas on how to use it!
I see pompoms everywhere!
I knitted my 4 year old twin nephews pom pom toques for Christmas and watching them shake their heads around with them on was pure joy.
I have made the occasional pom pom but rarely with any success. This tool looks like a winner.
I LOVE stories of creative people turning their passion into their profession! Wealth management…ZZZZZZZZZ (I am in the banking business, I can relate!) or making Pom-poms……….those fuzzy balls of fun win with me every time!! Xoxo
Any excuse for a pompom. I’ve been making them forever.
I can distinctly remember losing a pom pom on a store bought hat and it make that hat a little less. Now I’m knitting my own hat out of gorgeous Luft yarn and it will need a well made pom pom!
My childhood pom-poms were always uneven, and sometimes fell apart, causing me to abandon pom-poms for my adulthood. In my dotage, however, there may be room for a few pom-poms!
Baby hats need pompoms, and I’m always knitting baby hats.
Pom poms are one of the great small pleasures. I love to make them large and small and am working on a garland right now. The loome tools are so much fun to use.
My granddaughter is crazy about Pom poms and has bitten me with the same bug!! can’t wait to spread the joy!
I think a proper pompom is just about the most cheerful thing in the world!
I love my loome
My grands are in love with pom-poms………I’ll bet we could have a great time with this tool.
I love pom poms! I have a dream of making lots of little pom pom animals, but alas, I REALLY suck at making the poms dense enough. Maybe this would help.
I love, just love pom-poms! As a female in an almost all male household, I think it’s important to have More Cute Things around me. Like Pom-Poms!
Knitting in a coffee shop & noticed a woman making good pom-poms – she was the one attracting a crowd!
I make pom poms with cardboard circles, lame but effective.
Love Pom poms! They make great bows for presents.
I so need help with Pom Pom and tassels. I have tried all the gizmos. All. I will hopefully win, but anyway try to find one of these. Thanks for the discovery!
Love learning about the Loome tool . I have to admit even though I am 50 I love putting pom poms in my hats, they are fun and the tool would make life easier and more efficient than cardboard
I love Pom poms! My girls and I will need a copy of the book!
My 6 year old son came to the yarn store with me and asked me to knit him a hat and attach a soft alpaca red pom pom. Happily done!
My home made Pom poms have always looked anemic. I hope the Loome can help me!
I bought one of the Loome Pom Pom tools at Vogue Live in NYC!
A green pom-pom makes any hat look cheery.
I even decorated Christmas presents with Pom poms last year…but mine were pretty amateur with no
Tool! Imagine what I could do with the real gadget!!!
This is exciting! I discovered the lucet at a weekend demo at a historical site near me last yea. I still haven’t mastered it…I think a Loome tool may be the way forward! Very cool.
I love pom pom’s but mine are never consistent :(. They just add so much to projects!
I love a pretty pom-pom!
So cool! My first pet was a bird, and I named him Pom-Pom, so I have loved pom-poms for a very, very long time. I loved the article for the description of how the tool was developed and refined over time. I would love trying to make pom-poms a new way, because my pom-poms are not good. My bird, Pom-Pom, however, was lovely in every way.
I made a pom pom garland this winter, love it!
Ok, I could do pom poms, but instruction would help.
I remember making pom poms with my mom when I was little but I think we just wound the yarn around our fingers…
I have made some pom-poms but they never look “equal” all around – want to make a great looking pom-poms!
What a fabulous tool! My first experience of Pom Poms was as a primary school student (in New Zealand that is up to the age of 10/11), using two circles of thickish cardboard with a circle cut out of the middle (donuts of the same size) one on top of the other. The wool was wound around and around, changing colours at a whim until the hole was ‘choke a block’ (full of the windings). The scissors were then slipped between the outer edge of the card and the snipped around. Yarn could then be wound between the card and tied off. It was so much fun but your method looks much more efficient and long lasting! I’m re-entering knitting after many years away, and would love to own your Loome.
I responded once before but had an epiphany I had to share. I have wondered for years why I could successfully makes pompoms as a child but not as an adult. Was that some magical quality I had lost? No. As a child I made tassels that were attached to things like bookmarks. Maybe there is hope for me, yet! Thanks!
I’d love to use a tool that makes such perfect poms. Poms make the world go ’round!!
Teaching crochet to elementary school-age kids led to Pom Pom making of all kinds. Some really cute emoji and snowmen were made!
I learned to make pompoms when I was very young, using a playing card as my only tool – that and round-pointed scissors, which made for very uneven edges. I’m ready for something better.
My mom always told stories about her childhood friend “Pom Pom Sutzsmeltzfeld”, and she was also a Pom Pom terrorist—she attached them (“ball fringe”) to everything—curtains, pants, lampshades. Nothing was safe. It took me years to get over my Pom-graphobia, but when I started knitting, I fell in love with Pom Poms. The brighter, the better. It does run in the blood.
just finished knitting the landlord a hat. finished it off with the cutest pom pom! not as cute as the pom poms up above, but she will love it!
This is so fun! Last year I packed up a kit of odds and ends of my yarn stash and gave it to my granddaughter for her 8th birthday to ready her to begin her life as a knitter. She is a crafty girl (clearly a genetic trait) and over time she has loved what I have knit for her… I wanted her to have the supplies waiting for her when she wanted to begin. She isn’t really ready to knit yet, but the yarn tempted her and she surprised us all with pom-poms she made as bookmarks for everyone she could think of for Christmas! We have been making pom-poms with credit cards to wrap around. This year she gets a Loome for her birthday from her grandma!
Pompoms are not my thing. They seem to undo themselves and then become straggly before ceasing to exist. But these pompoms seem to be made in a different way. And the ones that look like concentric circles are really interesting. And tassels – I like tassels!
After reading this article, I’m going to give pompoms another try!
I LOVE Pom-Poms, pom poms, pom pons, pom-pons, or whatevery you want to call them! I love using any of the plastic tools that have the swing arms since they really do save me lots of trimming action. Therefore, more of the yarn stays in that lovely ball of fluffiness!
It would be lovely to be able to make pom poms without the hassle of cutting cardboard templates first.
This is a perfect addition to a Makers Space for our library! I can see teens and adults having a blast making pompoms and tassels and other cute projects with the Loome! And yes, I need one for me.
I’ve made pom-poms that look like pom-poms using a piece of cardboard, but they weren’t good enough to inspire pom-pom-making as a regular activity. My tassel attempts have always left me sincerely contemplating the merits of beading. I would love to have my mind changed. 🙂
Your article has brought back memories of childhood and a love if anything with a Pom Pom on it – end of scarf, a hat. It’s right up there with tassels.
I’ve got a Loome toole and just used it to make a pom-pom, ie giant tail, for an Easter bunny holiday tree topper 🙂
Love those bright cheerful pompoms!
I was in the pom-pom squad in high school