Dear Kay,
San Diego is fantastically bright and sunshiney. It burns! It burns! My body is in shock from the vitamin D poisoning.
The flight to San Diego for the National Needlearts Association trade show gave me ample opportunity to practice my cross-crafting skills. It was a four-hour stitchfest, featuring one old sweater and a lot of embroidery floss.

The only rules I set up were 1) leave the ends loose so you can yank out anything that doesn’t look right and 2) be diagonal.
This went really, really fast, and I got into a massive groove. I don’t think I’m going to stop until I run out of embroidery floss.

Both flight attendants commented on my project. I think they were short on oxygen or just punking me, but they seemed to be really into this thing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody do that before,” one said.
“I know!” I said. “I’ve never done it before either! I’m out of my mind!”
When I asked if she was crafty, she said, “No—well, I sew but I don’t sew. But you’re giving me ideas.” I didn’t really ask what those ideas might be, but I suspect one of them was likely “Reminder to self: Don’t sew stuff onto sweaters like that woman in 18A.”
In Marriott home decor news, thank you for making my home away from home seriously reminiscent of my home at home. Kermit and Eliot as throw pillows?!? THANK YOU for saving me from the task of taxidermying my cats when the time comes.

I don’t think there is a cat more cushionlike than Eliot.

A Persian cat with no shedding? It’s like a dream come true.
For those who wonder how Kay Gardiner could possibly create pillows featuring my cats, and wonder we do . . . The Spoonflower Handbook explains how to get from photo of house cat to three-dimensional, lovingly stitched, Japanese-linen-backed pillow. Seriously, these are really, really lovely portable cat tribute throw cushions. I can’t stop simultaneously loving them and laughing.

Oversize baggage? I’ll say!
You two need a talk show. We need you to have a talk show. I am weeping with laughter. The Kermit pillow photo in hotel lighting–1000 meows.
Look at you two with your nearly matching crossbody bags! Hands must remain free to fondle the yarn.
Love to see you gals together!!! 🙂
Have fun, you two! does my heart good to see your smiles. I think I need a weekend with my gals.
I love the way the sweater is turning out. I was skeptical, but I think now I’m a believer. Cue The Monkees
All I can say is, More embroidery on that sweater! I love it!
You’re out of your mind! Thanks for making me laugh (again). Hope you and Kay have a great time at TNNA.
Have fun!
Yeah, you two look like you’re going to have a ball. The cats are fabulous—who knew?
Not sure what I was expecting, twee flowers maybe? Your confetti/argyle embroidery is indeed sparking many thoughts. Can’t wait to see where you end up. When you booked that hotel room did they ask if you were a cat person or a dog person? I bet those cat pillows aren’t in the dog friendly rooms, or not for long.
You two are so CUTE!
It’s all good! Have a ball!
MDK in San Diego – Wish I were there to see you two in action. Love the pillows!
Excuse me…..what pants are you wearing on that flight, madam??? They look remarkably Alabam Chanin-ish. Fabulous !
Ditto about the pants. More info please! They look awesome!
You two look mighty good for a couple of gals who just got off airplanes. And those pillows …. for real!?
Hey Ann – mebbe the pillows can help when blocking knitted goodness? You know, just like their real-life Kermit and Eliot…
Y’all are both adorable! Once again – so glad you’re back! Have fun at TNNA!
Also – you may have won me over to the idea of embroidering a sweater. I’ve got a store-bought black one I might try this on…..
I was skeptical about the embroidery thing too, but I will never doubt you again.
For a moment I thought the hotel had provided those cat pillows, and was going to ask what you had to do to get them to do that. :-). Enjoy SD, their January is much nicer than January pretty much anywhere else.
Welcome to my hometown! You missed the 4 previous days of not sun but rain, thunder, lightning, wind and the addition of a sump pump in the back yard. Great knitting weather! Enjoy TNNA.
I’m crushing on those cat pillows. Thanks for letting us in on your “pet” projects, including the embroidered sweater that I believe you considered letting pass out of your life. Recycle, recycle!
So great to see the two of you together in the same place at the same time (instead of virtually ya know)!!!!!!!!!!
You two look fab!!! And the cat pillows are fantastic. I hope Olive has one.
Ditto this! And I hope Carrie has an Olive pillow in her dorm room (I don’t know that a boy would do a throw pillow in his dorm, but maybe)! So cute!
You’re so cute! The pillows are so cute! Kay, you are so thoughtful! I hope that you have a great time at TNNA, and also have a chance to get some more sunshine!
Thanks for the postcard!!! Thinking of you both there having a great time! Thanks for taking the time to think of us, too!
Sweater is looking marvelous! Please keep us posted on its metamorphosis. You both look like you’re having fun!
When I clicked the link from my email and saw the picture of your sweater, I gasped. I was skeptical, but it’s all kinds of fabulous. Plus, you’ve given all of us permission and inspiration to just grab something and start sewing on it. Aren’t flight attendants dear? Bless their hearts as we say south of the M-D line. They seem to be so eagerly interested in my knitting whenever I fly. They must teach them that in flight attendant school. I’m looking forward to hearing about TNNA. Enjoy!
Love your blog. Really love the photo of the two of you. When I see how happy you look together, it makes me smile.
Love the photo of the two of you together! And those PANTS!!! The pillows look so real … wow. what a nice welcome to a hotel room.
… and btw? You aren’t in 18A. A is the window seat. You are in C.
You gals look great! Ready to take on the world and have fun doing it. Intrigued by the sweater quilting.
Ann is wearing Bluntstones! Do you like them? Are they comfortable? My daughter (18) is obsessed with them and loves her — she really got into them during the time she spent in Israel. She was trying to talk me into a pair and I was like “no — not sure” but then here they are!
And by Ann, I meant Kay. 🙂
Behind on my blog reading (obviously) but just had to say I love everything about this post! Can’t wait to raid my old sweaters and my head is absolutely swimming with the “pillow pet v2.0” gift possibilities!
Love the stitching! Love the kitties! Love the cute picture of you two!!